"Begging for my cum like the slut that you are."

(We are getting right into it because its almost 3:00 AM and I wanna give you guys a chapter.. it might be sloppy because I'm sleepy.)

"F— fuck.. please, please go faster.. please.. you've been doing this for hours now.."

You said in a soft and slightly desperate manner as you looked up at Wacka, he's been getting you to your point and then slowing down for almost two hours now.

"Maybe then you should wait before getting all slutty for me, hm?"

He said sadistically as he started slowing down, eventually even pulling out.. you thought that it was over and was getting ready to get up just to let yourself get to the point, but then Wacka shoved your face into the pillow and started slamming into you over and over again.

(I feel strange writing this)

"A— ah~!"

You moaned as he fucked your wet pussy, he gave a soft and slightly sadistic chuckle as as he caressed your cheek, he caressed it mockingly.. as if he was teasing you for feeling pleasure.

Wacka tsk'd at you and huskily chuckled before he started to speak.

"Come on.. we just got started, there's no reason to moan so loudly right now.."

He whispered into your ear as he started to speed up his movements.

Wacka was enjoying every moment of this, chuckling as he gripped your hips and harshly whispered into your ear.

“Look me in the eyes, Y/N, don’t look away, don’t close your eyes… look me in the fucking eyes…”

He whispered as he leaned closed to your face and started to teasingly slow down his thrusts.

You looked at him with your eyes filled with tears of pleasure, it was slightly over-stimulating to experience this.. but it felt so good..

Wacka chuckled as he kissed the tears on your face and sped up his movements once more.

“That’s it.. keep looking at me. Look right.. into these eyes and don’t blink, that’s a good girl…”

He whispered, he slowly chuckled as he stared at you.

"Wacka~ Wacka, p— please.."

You whimpered as you looked up at him, Wacka chuckled and tilted his head.

"Please what? Tell me what you want, slut."

He said coldly as he stopped his movements.. God, why did he like stopping so much..?

"P— please go faster.. please make me feel good~! Don't stop.. use me as you please, I'm begging you.."

You whimpered as you looked up at him, slightly wriggling out of sexual frustration and neediness as you stared at him.

(We might cut this short because I feel sleepy and I'm going somewhere tomorrow.)

"That's a good girl.. begging for my cum like the slut that you are."

He said coldly, he sped up his movements so much to the point that the bed gave a slight crack before he finally came inside of you.

Aftercare fluff chapter might come soon! I hope that you liked this even though it was really short!
