~Part 1~

Helo Guyz...

Here i am back with First part of this..

I hope u all will also like this story and give ur feedback on this story also...

Scene Start ,

Laksh call Sanskar to meet him as he want to talk something important with him...

First Sanskar rejected his call but later he picked his call and many trial Sanskar accepted to meet Laksh as he also want to clarify his Point Of View...

After sometime,

We can see Sanskar was sitting on a bench thinking something deeply when a car stop near him and a boy in his age of 25 came put from the car...

He remove his goggle and and with attitude move towards Sanskar...
His face shows only Anger...

And with Angry Expression he walk towards Sanskar...

Sanskar :- Laksh...
(Utter Sanskar)

Laksh :- No need to say anything Sanskar...
How could u do this with me...
(Said holding Sanskar collar)
U r just like a brother to me...
I respected u so much...
But what u did???
U tell ur friend to beat me...
Why Sanskar Why???
(Said angrily)

Sanskar :- Lucky ! u r mistaken me...
I never did this...
Even in my wildest dream i never thought to beat u...
U r my brother na U Always Said Na That "U Trust Me"...
What happen Now???
Y dont u trust me...
(Said with tears)

Laksh :- Yesh i always said that i trust u...
but what u did ha u beaten me up by police...
U know what na its not ur Mistake...
Be-Imani Tu Tere Khoon Maye Hai...
Jesi Maa Wesa Beta...

Sanskar :- LAKSHhhhhhhh...
(Shouted on him and slap him hard)

I can tolerate everything but cant able to tolerate any bad words for my Family...
How dare u say that words...
How dare u???

With this both start Fighting with each other like a mad person's...

While on the other side,

At MM AdRi truth come out and both SwaRagini were calling their husband's but their phone was UnReachAble making them Restless...

Soon Police Also Come And Take Both Adrash and Pari with them...

Half Day Passed ,

Half day pass like this Dp,Ram,Shekhar trio went Police Station to File a Missing Report and After This They All Went To Find SanLak but nothing Happen...

More 2 hourspassed but still their is no clue of SanLak...
No one no where they are...

Both SwaRagini were in Bad condition and crying Badly...

Sujata and Ap they both are Praying for their Children Safety...


Uttara shouted looking towards Stairs and Found Sanskar in coming with Injured Face...

Blood is ozing from his nose and with the support of stairs railing he is descending down...

Sanskar was about to Fall when Two arms Hold him tightly he look towards the Person and fresh tears comes out from his eyes...


Utter Sanskar with Little Smile On His Face...
He look upwards and Found His Mother standing With tears in her eyes


He said with his weak voice but Flashes of Recent Talk with Laksh come infront of his eyes causing changing his facial expression...

Swara who is observing His Facial Expression first become confused but some reality hit her that He Is Injured She start moving towards him...
Before she reach Ragini come between them...

Ragini :- Where Is Laksh Ji???
Sanskar Ji Tell Ba where is My Laksh Ji...
He went To Meet with U Na...
Kya Kia Apny Boliye Na...
(Said holding his collar)

Sujata :- Aey Ragini Pagal Ho Gai Hai Kia???
R u blind???
Cant u see his injuries???😑
(Said Amgrily and shouted on her)

Ap :- Sujata Aram Se !
She is just him about Her Husband..
Why he is not saying anything...
Tell Me Sanskar Where Is Laksh....
He is with U Na...
Kia Hua Tum Dono K Darmiya???

Sanskar :- I dont know Badi Maa where is he...
He went from there before me...
And I thought he reach Home...

Ragini :- What U Mean U Dont Know...
He is with na...
Kia Kya Apny un k sath???
Swara Why U R Silent Ask Ur Husband Where Is My Husband...
What He Did With Him???
Where he left Him???
Ask Na Swara???
(come towards Swara and Shake Her)

Swara First Look towards Ragini and Then Sanskar...

As soon as their eyes meet tears start flowing from their eyes showing their Love , Their LongingNess , Their HelpLessNess...

They feel like Time Stop here itself...
Only they both are present and with the help of their Eyes they both are conveying everthing Anwers Of Every Questions...

But come out from their voice listening Ragini Voice which is doing nothing but provoking Swara to question her Husband which in reality she Dont want to do this...

And How Can She Question him When She Know That He Can never do anything wrong...

Ragini :- Swara I Am Folding My Hands infront of U please ur ask Husband where is my Laksh Ji...
Please Swara Please...
(Said with tears and break down in her arms)

And this is what Ragini Want to make Her Sister Weak with her tears which she is shedding infront of herand begging for her Husband...

The hope which Develop in Sanskar eyes that This This Time His Swara Support Him... This Time She Trust Him soon become vanished when he see her coming towards him without Any Emotions or she is try to make other feels that she has no emotions towards Him...

And only she care Her Sister who Always Betray Her But Still She Care For Her...

She approach towards him and with Strain face ask him...

"Where Is Laksh Sanskar???"

Screen Frozes On
Everyone Shocked Faces....

Mystery To Unfold...

Q/A ???

How Was The Epi???

What U Think Swara Trusted Her Husband???

Or They Will Again Separate Because Of Others???

What Happen To Laksh???

Is Really Sanskar Did Something To Him???

Or Sanskar Is Innocent???

What U Guyz Want Next???

U Know Futher...

Stay Tune...
Bye Bye...
