Buffering Zone

You sighed in relief as you took a seat on your bed just after taking such refreshing bath. You even had time to meditate in there for a bit. Crossing your arms, you thought back about what you should do about Gumi. To be fair, if you were her you would have the same reaction if you met a very, very old friend. Just that never happened to you before, so you wouldn't really understand how it actually felt like.

Snapping your laptop open, you began your research.

What should I do if other girls clings too much to my boyfriend?

Punch her! Kick her! Cook and burn her and feed it to the pigs!

"S-seriously? Well, I wanted to do that as well but..other method please," you whispered.

Do the same to his boyfriend!

"As if I could do that! Besides she wouldn't cling too much if she have one!"

Get to know her. Only then you know how to defeat her.

"Ah.." Getting to know her was something you would never think about doing. "I see, that makes sense."


All you could think about was your next move on getting to know Gumi. You didn't even listened in to any of the lesson as you were busy jotting down notes on how it would turned out later on. Yuuma who was confused by your sudden, absolute fire that was burning inside your eyes. He was worried mainly about the process, rather than the outcome but he remained silent since he had things he had to settle down as well.

It was lunch break at last and you gripped your hand for the perfect plan that would be executed in just a few mere seconds when Gumiya entered the class-

"W-wait, Gumiya?" you asked, turning around to see it was Gumiya instead of his sister. "E-eh? Wh-where is Gumi? She should be here by now."

"W-well, she caught a cold," he replied. "She kept on sneezing last night and came down with a cold this morning."

You sweat dropped. "C-crap..W-was it me?"

Yuuma began to giggle beside you who knew exactly what you were planning to do today. It was embarrassing enough that it failed today and you didn't have to have someone to laugh that out for you. You knocked his head over with your gripped fist.

"Y-Yuuma, y-you shut up!"

He was holding his head in pain but that didn't stop himself from laughing. He patted your head in return despite what you just did to him.

"Or else she'd be dead today," he replied. "It's a good thing she's absent, though. Well, just cool down, y/n.." he whispered. "I'll always be here..so don't rush things too fast or you'll damage yourself."

You blushed a bit and slapped his head once more. "Idiot, who said you can spout those cringy things?"

His eyes turned watery due to the another sudden impact. "I-it's true though!" he whined. "I love y/n that's why!" he shouted, stunning everyone else in class, including Gumiya. His eyes widened by the sudden confession towards you, even though it was hardly a confession at this point.

You knocked his head again. "J-just shut up for a bit!"
