edited chapter

Chapter 29: Displays of Violence

{D. K}

       "Yes, vampire Barbie?" Dakota answered her phone, blood coating her mouth as a twenty-something year old hottie sat on her couch allowing her to drink from him. She was preparing to compel him when he told her not to, that he liked it, so she didn't.

       "Dakota," Caroline started, clearing her throat before continuing. "Can I come over?"

       The brunette paused from her drink. "Why? We've never talked before."

       "I know, but I don't have anyone else, and I need someone to be one hundred percent honest no matter what."

        "What about doppelbitch and voodoo doll?"

        "Bonnie and Elena went to North Carolina to find out more about Bonnie's birth mom."

        Dakota sighed. "I'm at my house, front door's open."

        Caroline drove to Dakota's house, only knowing where it was because it had been vacant for years and kids from her high school used to come by and try to graffiti the place.

        When she pulled up the large house was covered in various flowers and a cherry blossom tree on the front yard. "Dakota?" Caroline called out, opening the front door. She was tempted to explore the house, a new surrounding and Caroline was always nosy.

        "Over here, I'm having lunch."

        "Where's Klaus?"

        Dakota rolled her eyes, licking the blood from her mouth. "Out causing trouble, being a dick, the usual."

"Trouble in paradise?" Caroline plopped down on the couch, the leather cool and comfortable.

"Says you, your hybrid boyfriend bit you. Fatal bites like that make me draw a line on heavy touching."

"Then how do you and Klaus—"

Dakota smirks. "Well, I'd only draw that line if the person I was with didn't have the cure to that fatal wound flowing through his veins."

"Has he bitten you?"

"No, he's really careful about biting with his fangs exposed." Dakota looked down at the human she was sitting on while she drank from him. "Where are my manners? You want a drink?"

        Caroline smiled uncomfortably, her eyes darting away from the blood leaking from the mans neck, willing herself from taking a drink. "No, I don't drink from the vein."

         "Why not?" Dakota curiously asked, biting her wrist and feeding the man so he could recover.

         Caroline sighed. "I don't want to kill him." After Dakota pulled her wrist from his mouth she guided him to the door, making him leave. "I came here to talk about Tyler being sired to Klaus. It's really putting a damper on our relationship."

         Dakota walked into her kitchen, washing her hands and drying them off with a napkin. "Not like you're helping much."

         "What's that supposed to mean?"

         Dakota walked back into the living room, sitting on her ottoman. "It means sire bonds are a bitch, and breaking it won't be happening any sooner if you keep yelling at him for being so loyal to Klaus. If you keep that up then he's just going to get angry at you because you have something against his master."

          The blonde seemed to deflate. "So, what do I do?"

          "Just so you know, I don't want to be your Elena replacement, Caroline. Don't make this a reoccurring thing."

          "Just tell me what I need to do. I need help. I don't want to lose him."

          Tears began falling down Caroline's face and Dakota sighed. "Well, first off you're going to have to accept that he's sired. You can hate it with every ounce of your being, but he needs your support through this."

         Caroline nods, wiping away tears. "Okay."

          "We'll find a way to fix it."

         "What happened?" Dakota ran into the abandoned house, speeding down to the basement where Damon and Klaus stood, hundreds of candles lit haphazardly around the room. "What's going on here?"

         "You're late." Klaus kept his eyes locked on Damon, a smirk on his face. "Damon here must have some connections because he's been hiding behind his witchy fiends. Pathetic really."

         The smug grin on Klaus' face was quickly snatched off when the witches used their magic to give him brain aneurysms over and over again. The quicker he healed, the more they have him sending him into a groaning mess on his knees. The candles around the room roared as the magic tickled the flames.

         "Stop!" Dakota yelled, running over to him. "If you don't stop, our deal is off and the first thing I'll do is end the Bennett bloodline."

        The witches response was immediate, and their torture stopped. What Dakota couldn't see was how the witches stood back with wide eyes, realizing how strong her feelings had become for the hybrid. She'd never threatened them before and it caught them off guard.

        "Thank you, love." Klaus finally standing to his feet, suddenly confident in himself. "Now, please show me my coffins."

        Two dusty coffins were shown resting side by side with one another, the third already at their home. "Where's the fourth?" Klaus locked eyes with Damon's sharp blue eyes. "This isn't funny, where is my coffin?"

        Damon grinned. "You see, Bonnie gave me a heads up. Sure, I didn't have enough time to get all of the coffins, but I picked up the one that seemed most valuable. I guess you could say I'm greedy."

        Klaus sneered at the raven haired vampire. "I'm going to tear you limb from limb, and only then, when your body is a writhing mass of blood and flesh will I rip your miserable heart from your chest."

        The oldest Salvatore didn't seem phased at the sound of the threat. "Sorry, same rules apply. Leverage and all. I know you want your family back, but something tells me you want what's in that coffin a lot more."

        When Damon left, Klaus followed after soon behind, calling up a hybrid to make sure the two coffins were taken to his home. "I see you found your family." The hybrid spoke, rolling the final coffin in by the other two. "Are you going to open them yet?"

        "Not quite. I have some business to attend to, Dakota stay here and guard the flock, will you?"

        Dakota's eyes narrowed as she watched her boyfriend begin walking out of the room. "What business?"

        Before he could answer, the hybrid behind her groaned in pain, his body falling to the floor. Behind him stood a man with the heart in his hands, blood dripping on the floor, not touching his expensive suit.

         Dakota gasped. "'lijah."

Here's a little gift, Happy New Years! This year I vow to take care of myself, ditch all the bullshit, be bold and tell my crush I like him, workout so I can get that sexy bod, and hopefully update more. Be safe my children, momma loves you.

Comment and like, I love reading what you have to say.
