Chapter 10: Forever Fall


Me, Yang and Ruby are now heading to Forever Fall and I thought we were heading to Emerald Forest but Ruby just got it wrong it's because with all the Grimm happening already she easily was mistaken where we are going. Thanks to Yang who had her schedule on left pocket and told where the reallocation to go. On the way there we meet with the rest with Weiss and Blake who were waiting for us.

Weiss: "Where have you guys been?!", She said in annoyance.

Y/n: "Well that's the funny part, someone, here again, mistaken where we were supposed to go". I said looking at Ruby who is just giving off an innocent smile.

Weiss: "Well... Since you here now I can tell what we have to do."

Y/n: "Okay Weiss." I nodded

Weiss: "Ms. Goodwitch wants us to collect saps from these trees with this." She handed me and Ruby and Yang valve with a sharp edge behind the valve "She also said that we must have a partner before going as this place is infested with grimm."

Y/n: "Got it." I said with a thumbs up. I don't get it but I found this forest more suitable maybe is just me or my aura or maybe...

Ruby:" Hey Y/n you okay?"

Y/n: "Yeah I think?"

Ruby "Good because I was thinking that we could team up in this little project."

Y/n: "Sure why noo..."

Student: "URSA!!!!!!!"

We all turn our attention to one of the student running.

Y/n: "Well........ hehe we have problem sorry Rubes..." I immediately rush to where the student was running from.

Ruby: "(Mind) Darn it!"

As I got to the source of danger I already found Jaune standing bravely with a black in front Cardin which he offer his hand to him and lift him up.

Jaune: "Never hurt of my friends again."

Y/n: Mind "Wow I was expecting something better at least he tried." I then exit the scene without making any noises to avoid detection from those guys.

To be continue.....

Author Pov

"Let's just leave it here for now it's better this way or leave it short."
