Chapter 2 - The Plan

~A few days later~

The person in the cell next to me has started to talk more and now I have a friend. I have never had a friend before so it was nice. The purple coloured surfaces were starting to become annoying so it was nice to have a distraction. Soon enough we had started to time when the guards would walk by so we knew when to be quiet so they wouldn't notice us. I was glad they hadn't sent us to the gladiator ring yet, I've been becoming worried about if my friend can fight the gladiators or die trying. I hear the rhythmic pattern of two guards walking by on patrol. Sitting back down away from the window, I watch as the guards pass by before going back over to the window. 

"So now that their gone, I never actually got your name?" I mention. I had completely forgotten about introductions until now and was starting to regret it.

"Oh yeah, it's Pidge" they say, making it seem obvious that they forgot about it. I was glad I wasn't the only one who was forgetful.

"Nice to meet you Pidge, call me Phoe (pronounced F-ee)" I say, hoping they would come up with something else to talk about. I have social anxiety but I wasn't about to let that stop me from making a friend for the first time.

"What's that on you back?" Pidge asks. I turn my head to notice a small, blue ball of fluf sitting on the back of my neck. I let out a small laugh and pick it up, cupping it in my hands.

"This is my friend, Noodles" I state, smiling at the confused expression on their face. Then, Noodles pops up from it's little ball, staring at Pidge with their grey eyes.

"So I was thinking, we need to get out of here" Pidge says, throwing me off gaurd. I stare at them, trying to make sure that they were being serious.

"How? Won't they kill us?" I ask, shocked the thought even crossed her mind.

"Not if we time it just right. I've been studying the guards rotations so we can use that to slip out, unnoticed" they say, enthusiastically. I look around, trying to find some reason for me not to leave.

"Fine, I'll come with you, when is this going down?" I ask, letting them win.

"How about tomorrow? Then we can use the rest of today to plan it" they say. I agree, hoping that I won't be regretting this decision. We spend the rest of the day planning, only pausing when a set of guards walk by. By nightfall (or what I think is nightfall) we have the entire plan ready to go.

The next day, everything is on the line. I gather up my few things, a pencil, notepad, and a small dagger I hid within the pages, and wait for Pidge. Soon enough, I hear the doors to the cell next to me open. About ten seconds later, my cell door opens as well. I see Pidge, with Noodle on their shoulder, waiting for me. I quickly follow behind them, hoping that none of our neighbours ratted us out. We arrive right at the hanger with a big green lion, surrounded by a forcefeild of the same colour. Pidge knocks on the forcefeild and it opens up, allowing both of us to enter into the mouth. Just as it closes, alarms start to go off and guards rush into the room. I panic but Pidge seems to know what they're doing and turns to face them. They quickly shoot a laser beam, creating a exit for us in the process, and we leave. Relief and joy quickly take over and I start to nervously laugh, a lot.

"Are you ok?" Pidge asks, seeming worried.

"Ok? I'm way better than Ok! I've finally left the place and it can go jump into a black hole for all I care!" I state, happly.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading this second part, I don't know when I can update again but I will try to in the near future

