Chapter 18

Catra's P.O.V.
' 'Bang'

I took a deep breath and let it out with a sly smile forming on my lips and straightening my shoulders as I walked in.

"Ahhhhh!" Hordak yelled, throwing a pillar at me. Of course I ducked, I mean it would have been stupid not to.

"Well, good morning to you too." I replied, getting up and wiping my right shoulder off. Hordak turns around and grunts at me.

"What?" I asked, returning my sly smile, "no hello or I need you to do something?"

"I need you to go somewhere for me, Force Captain." Hordak replied coldly.

"See it wasn't so hard now." I spoke back. I sat on top of his desk and examined his notes. I notice that they were different from what I knew. Beasts with purple like fur were roaming around the Crimson Waste. It totally sounds crazy, but being beaten by a group of teenagers was whole other type of crazy.

"I need you to retrieve these creatures for me and bring them here, understand Force Captain Catra?" Hordak replied, not looking down at me.

"Of course, Hordak." I replied, getting up from his desk and walking out of the room. Boy, this is going to fun.

——————-  Time Skip  ————————

I stood on the hot sand, watching my history repeat itself. Scorpia decided to come along which I was kind of glad for two reasons, one is that I have extra muscle in case these creatures start to fight back and the second reason is that it was nice to have some company.

Of course, emitting this to Scorpia would create disaster for my reputation, so I kept this quiet. We walked inside the tent where the civilization was hiding in.

It was funny to see them scurry away when they saw my presence. Some of them that didn't flee, were just glaring at me. I mean, it's not like I care.

We stopped at the bar table and sat down a stool away from a person who wore a cloak. I peaked over at the person with the cloak and notice their skin color was a shade of purple. Scratch that, more like purple fur instead.

I faced forward and smiled to myself. Found you.

The cloak person took another sip of it's drink and placed it on the table again.

"You know," I began, while everyone went quiet. "For someone who has purple fur, you sure don't blend in well."

I didn't know if my comment would anger it or make it depressed. All I know is that, it got up and left without a word. And that was my cue to leave too.

Once Scorpia and I left, everyone else in the tent went back to enjoying their ridiculous meals and conversations.

We followed the creature back to it's hiding place and notice that there were hundreds of them. At first I was surprised but then it changed into a understanding. No wonder Hordak needed them, they could change the tide in the war against the rebellion once and for all.

I then spotted our cloaked figure walking into the middle of the population and decided why not make a scene.

"Scorpia go around and make sure nobody leaves. If they do, paralyze them. Understood?" I asked Scorpia.

"Yes Catra." She replied with a smile and giving me a salute. I rolled my eyes and focused on the creatures down below. It's time then.

Scorpia made her way behind the population and guarded the exit. I decided it was time to make my move now.

"You know it's rude to not answer someone who was talking to you, right?" I spoke out, walking in the middle of the crowd with a hand on my whip and a sly smirk.

"State you business, creature." The cloaked figure asked.

"I should say the same thing to you." I replied. I stopped three feet away from the creature and placed my hand on my hip.

"Lord Hordak wants to make you and your people soldiers for the horde." I replied, not caring anymore.

"Is that a joke?" The cloaked figure asked, anger creeping into it's voice.

"Did it sound like I was joking?" I replied, sarcastically.

"Enough! Face me creature and meet your end!" The cloaked figure roared. I couldn't help but smile at this. Man, how stupid do they think I am?

The cloaked figure charged at me and failed when it landed face first into the sand. I managed to jump over it and land without a sweat. This was to much fun.

I grabbed my whip and wrapped it's neck with it. A held a tight grip on it.

"Had enough?" I asked, sarcastically again.

"Y-yes." The cloaked figure choked out. I couldn't help but smile at this as well.

"Good." I said quietly. "Now listen up, Lord Hordak wants to meet you and you are coming with me, understand!" I spoke loudly. Everyone was watching me quietly, waiting for my next move.

"What if some of us don't want too?" Someone asked.

"Then you die!" I replied not holding back. "Shall we start with this one?!" I asked, as I tighten my grip on the whip. Everyone gasped and shouted 'no' at me.

I decided to release the cloaked figure and rewrapped my whip, placing it on my belt again.

"What is your name, creature?" The cloaked figure asked.

"Catra. And yours?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Sendak." Sendak replies.

"Well Sendak, welcome to the Horde." I replied with a sly smirk.'

Hey everyone, I know it's late but I have a good reason for it. You see I was in the March for Life and yes I'm ProLife, but hey, it was my choice. So I hope you like this chapter and bye then.
