rules to altean magic (intro)

okay so if you didn't read the description (which you totally should have), i'll simplify it for you

i hated seeing the wasted potential of the amazing voice acting and animation of seasons 4-8 of voltron on a story that i just stopped liking


my entitled, sarcastic, snarky ass thought it would be a good idea to rewrite it all

by myself.

also this will have a lot of swearing in author's notes and intro since i'm unfiltered and there's nothing stopping me

alright now for credits to inspiration

this video (for helping me realize how crappy season 8 was)- 

and also any video pretty much explaining how voltron flopped lol

that's it

oh yeah and avatar the last airbender

and i kept the documentary episode because i loved it and thought it was adorable, but i like shitting on allurance since it was total ass (in my opinion) so i switched the main relationship focus to klance (which is much more beloved, also hence the tag, "klance if you squint", since i didn't make the relationship the main focus of the rewrite *ahem ao3 writers who rewrite season 8's ending, this message was directed at you-*)

pls don't enjoy


so here are the rules to altean magic, because it feels like some overpowered ability written by a 7 year old making warrior cats or animal jam fanfiction.

(i was guilty of that last one)

-you can revive people, but they lose major elements of their personality, such as lance flirting, keith... well keith never really had a fully developed actually decent personality so he doesn't count, hunk's love for food and people, pidge's smartness or whatever, allura and shiro's great leadership skills- i could go on. you essentially just revive them as a reanimated corpse with fragmented memories of the former body. think qiqi from genshin impact. also, if you're the one doing the reviving, you suffer the same effect.

-you can't enter people's minds unless influenced by an outside entity

-if you heal someone, the most you can do is close their wounds and stretch out their skin even more, they still feel the pain. lol

-other basic abilities, such as operating the castle of lions or using a teludav are still available, but alteans go through a recovery state 

-no altean marking transferring thing since that's just... weird

-no "saving realities" thing, since again, major power struggle

yeah that's it

oh yeah and

-altean alchemy is not power-based, it's alchemy but was discovered by alteans and is easier to use by alteans

and oriande doesn't exist, because i thought the concept of it was just weird. instead, to discover the "secrets" of altean alchemy, you go to school.

enough dawdling, let's get to the goddamn rewrite already

you're still seeing this? well, spoiler alert, allura doesn't die and neither does lotor. i liked both of their characters (even though i totally rewrote allura since she felt like a support character) and thought they deserved better.

also shiro isn't reduced to a support in this one, instead he... actually i shouldn't spoil that for you.

