The Tailor

Luka's POV

I was back in my tailor shop once more. But then I remembered a certain someone. Gallerian Marlon. I had remembered something. I loved him still. But he was in love with that Green-Haired girl. I realized that I had a bump on my stomach. Wait, what? What did that mean? 

I think I had...a child now. Or two! They were twins. How is this possible? But who was the father? I'm guessing that it was Gallerian. Because it was! But where was he now? I saw him pass by my tailor shop but didn't glance at me at all.

I saw that he was  with a girl. She didn't look familiar. I wanted to tell him that he was a father. But maybe it was way too much. I mean I felt something odd in me. Right when Gallerian was out of my sight someone grabbed me from behind.

It was a lady in a black cloak and had a red and white mask with short green hair. She whispered something into my ear.

"I bless you with, envy."

Soon enough she disappeared as she whispered cold and harsh words into my ear. I ignored it and grabbed my huge scissors cutting.

I remembered that Gallerian had a past wife named Bancita Conchita. She wore a red kimono and a silk red gown. I was not very good at gowns but I can make the red kimono. So I started to cut and sew to make a kimono. Then Gallerian passed by me.

Once again he didn't glance at me and he was with a girl. I felt an envious feeling in me. That girl had a yellow hairpin in her hair. So I left the shop to go to the hairpin store and buy it. Soon I placed it inside my hair to maybe make Gallerian Marlon notice me so I could tell him the news.

I began to make the red kimono once more as I got back from the hairpin store. It was missing something. A sash. Once more Galelrian Marlon passed by my shop. With a different girl. This time she wore a greens sash. So that's what I made.

I reached in the cabinet for green fabric and began sewing it onto the kimono. Finally my work was finished. But soon enough I felt an odd feeling in my stomach. I dropped my scissors and lost my balance. Oh my goodness. I was giving birth!

Gumi's POV

Yes I was Satan. And now the girl Kayo Sudou was giving birth to twins. Maybe this was my chance to get into the real world and not as the form as the devil. Hm which one of these failed sinners should be my twin? I grabbed the wrist of Margarita Blankenheim and we came out of hell in a different form.

Luka's POV

After that hellish process there I saw two children in my arms. The first and older one I named Margarita. The second and younger one I named Nemesis. I cleaned the blood off of their arms and swaddled them in teal and green fabric. I carried the two children in my arms as I put on the kimono and went outside of the tailor shop. Soon enough I had found Gallerian. Who had soon quickly noticed me.

"Who are you?" Gallerian asked.

"I'm Kayo!" I said and smiled.

"You had children?" Gallerian asked. I nodded.

"Your the father," I said and continued to smile at him.

Gallerian's eyes widened. He picked up the one wrapped in teal green fabric. She was cooing and smiling at the sight of Gallerian. She even lifted up her little hand to touch Gallerian's face.

"I remember her. What did you name her?"

"Margarita Blankenheim Sudou."

Gallerian's eyes widened once more and he smiled at Margarita and cooed at her.

"I have one more question, how much money do you make?" Gallerian asked.

"I am very wealthy for my Tailoring Job," I said and Gallerian's eyes shone up like Christmas Lights.

"You know I bought something and I was waiting to give it to the right person."

Gallerian had pulled out a small velvet box and opened it showing a ring.

"Kayo Sudou, will you marry me?"

I almost felt all the envy come out of my body. I nodded and said yes as he placed the ring on my ring fingers. I had a family now. But I still felt envious. Those women he were with are far more prettier than me. So as I walked alone to a shop downstairs, I met with a witch.

"Hello what would you like?"

"I want to switch my bodies with a far more beautiful person."

I stared at my dull, black hair in the mirror. The witch smiled at me and found a lady in coral pink hair. Soon she said some sort of spell and when I looked in the mirror. I was a beautiful lady with long coral pink hair. I looked perfect. So I went back to the house in the forest where my family was at. 

I was now happy with my life. As envy left me. I bought a blue octopus for Nemesis and she named it Zin-San. But when it got bigger she released it into the ocean. Nemesis never knew what her father looked like, since he was always in the court and would only come back at night when Maragrita was wide awake and Nemesis was sleeping.

One day something happened. Margarita and Nemesis were much older now. And they were at the shore so Nemesis could visit her Zin-San. He came out of the water. But Maragrita was nowhere to be found. 


Margarita was drowning in the water. I couldn't help her since I didn't know how to swim. But Nemesis tried but the tentacles of a blue octopus grabbed Margarita drowning her into the ocean as red blood came out of the water.

"Zin-San!" Nemesis yelled at her fully-grown octopus.

My eyes filled with tears. Margarita was dead. I wanted to kill Zin-San but Nemesis loved that octopus even after that incident. Soon Gallerian was back home and he saw a mop of teal hair bobbing out of the ocean. He soon became angry.

"M-Margarita's dead!" I said.

Gallerian was an unreasonable man. He went inside our house and into the large safe where I kept my share of money. Instead he took it all and drove off with my money. Great. Now Nemesis and I were broke. But she had a lover. Who was wealthy too. But they were not married yet.

I was so envious right now as my envy returned. The girls that Gallerian were with are still far more pretty than me. I went inside the tailor shop and looked at my large sharpened scissors. Slowly I cut myself. When the black corners of my eyes filled everything I saw with darkness. I soon woke up in an orange flame pit that felt like the bottom of hell. It was. Because I spotted Sateriasis and Bancita along with Rilliane and Allen. 

"You failed."

A voice said as I was blinded by the orange flames. I couldn't die because this was already my afterlife. So forever I would be suffering in the fiery pits of hell.
