19 | The Request

Life in Dvaraka was...nice.

Yes, Arjun did miss his brothers a lot, but staying with his wife and son was a joy, indeed. Subhadra remained unchanged over the years, however, her playful nature was somewhat more mellowed down now.

Arjun wouldn't blame her, she had raised a child on her own, all these years.


"And whose fault is that?" A tiny voice in his head asked him. "It is your fault. You could have stopped the first game of dice, and the second as well. But you did not. Now, suffer."

Arjun sighed, shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts.

The best thing about Dvaraka was of course, his dearest friend, Krishna. Krishna too, had remained unchanged, laughing and making others laugh throughout the day. It wasn't like Arjun had missed his friend and cousin much, Krishna had visited him almost every month during the exile.

Arjun was very grateful for everything Krishna had done for him, especially how he had essentially raised Abhimanyu. 

It was quite evident how fond both Krishna and Balarama were of their nephew, and the young lad was devoted to them as well. 

Abhimanyu had grown, from the last time Arjun had seen him. Gods, he was so tall now, his head almost reaching till Arjun's nose. Abhimanyu would grow taller than him one day, Arjun realized tearfully. While leaving Indraprastha, Abhimanyu had barely reached till his waist.

And he would be married now. Married.

Arjun was unsure about whether Abhimanyu would even accept the marriage proposal, but he had done so, without even a single word of protest. Yes, Arjun felt somewhat guilty for forcing Abhimanyu into marriage. He could refuse, yes...but it would sour their relations with Matsya very badly.

Virat, despite being very amiable, wouldn't take his dear daughter being rejected twice kindly. And his wife, the Maharani, was more prideful than her husband was. 

And Uttara, sweet, gentle Uttara...

She would be very sad. He knew the girl well. She would end up thinking that she was rejected since she wasn't good looking, or that there was some fault in her, probably blaming her delicate physical condition for all of it.

Abhimanyu had saved them from many problems by agreeing, indeed.

Before Subhadra could rage at him for arranging Abhimanyu's marriage without consulting anyone, Arjun had quickly informed her of the other...option they had. 

She had stared at him, with an open mouth, quite confused. And then she had embraced him, kissing his face all over. Arjun was somewhat overwhelmed by the sudden change in her mood.

"Oh my, you are such a sweetheart." Subhadra had said. "Most men wouldn't refuse, but you did."

That night took a lovely turn for him.

The door opened, jerking him out of his thoughts. His wife walked in, her tied in a bun, wearing a garment in the loveliest shade of blue he had ever seen. She sat right next to him, wrapping her fingers around his bicep. 

"What is it?" Arjun asked her, sitting up with the support of his elbow. He resisted the urge to kiss Subhadra, focusing on what she had to say instead. 

"My brother has declared that he will grant any wish to the person who he sees first at dawn, tomorrow." She informed him. 

"Ah, has he said so?"

"Of course he has. Abhimanyu is saying that Duryodhan intends to use this opportunity to ask for Bhrata's support in the war." Subhadra continued, worriedly. 

"Where did Abhimanyu hear this?" Arjun asked. Had Duryodhan let this slip in front of Abhimanyu, somehow?

"Duryodhan told his daughter, who told Abhimanyu." 


"You aren't taking this seriously at all." Subhadra complained, grabbing his shoulders. "Bhrata Balarama has a soft corner for Duryodhan. If Bhrata Krishna supports him, then...we don't know what will happen.  Imagine if Bhrata Krishna stood with the enemy, and you have to fight against him."


Arjun would rather die than raise his weapon against his dear Madhav. 

"Gandhara Raj knows that you or your brothers won't fight against my brother." Subhadra continued. "They will use this opportunity to cripple our side permanently. We can't afford to let him succeed." 

Indeed, they could not.

"I would meet Madhav at dawn, tomorrow." Arjun assured her. "He will be with our side."

Subhadra leaned in, covering his lips with hers.


She helped him dress, as Abhimanyu paced worriedly behind the two of them.

"How long will it take?!" He cried out, wringing his hands. "The sun will rise any moment now!"

"Patience is a virtue, Abhi." Subhadra said calmly, as she took her time draping the angavastra on Arjun's shoulder. "One that you ought to learn."

"Pitashree, I respect you and my uncles a lot, but if Mamashree joins their side, then I won't participate in this damn war!" Abhimanyu declared, in frustration.

Arjun found himself agreeing with his son. 

"There, you are done!" Subhadra announced, smoothing his hair. "Now go!"

Arjun nodded, moving towards the door, only to pause and look back.

"Where did you say he was, Abhi?"

"In the gardens in Rukmini Mami's palace."

Arjun reached the location soon. It was the most divine of gardens, and there he  was. 

Krishna was resting on a couch, his eyes closed. He looked innocent, far young than he was. It felt as if he would be dirtied by the slightest of touches, his skin wounded.

Arjun felt as if his friend wasn't human, for the umpteenth time.

And the beautiful scene was spoiled by Duryodhan, sitting near Krishna's head, his smug smile widening as he saw Arjun. He looked joyful, since there was no place left for Arjun to sit.

He was wrong, for there was Arjun's rightful place, still empty; at Krishna's feet.

Arjun sat down, staring at his ethereal friend. Silence descended, as neither of them disturbed Krishna. The first rays of dawn hit the garden, showering light on all the flowers, as birds began chirping.

Krishna's eyes fluttered open, as he sat up and stretched, yawning. He blinked rapidly, and rubbed his eyes. His gaze fell on Arjun, and his eyes began sparkling, petal-like lips forming a smile. He let out an elated cry.

"Parth?! How lovely of you to visit me!!" Krishna exclaimed. "I have seen you, now my entire day will go nicely. And why are you sitting there, come here!"

"Bhrata Duryodhan is here as well, Madhav." Arjun pointed out, dryly.

Duryodhan straightened when his name was mentioned, as Krishna turned to see him.

"Ah, Bhrata Duryodhan! Lovely morning, isn't it? Both of us have seen dear Parth the first thing today!" Krishna said cheerfully. "You were sitting on top of my head, so I couldn't see you, my apologies."

"I was sitting near your head, Vasudeva." Duryodhan corrected him, through gritted teeth, as Krishna flashed another charming smile.

"Now, Parth. What can I do for you?"

"But I arrived first!" roared Duryodhan. "I never knew that you would go back on your promise, Vasudeva!"

"Well, my promise was that I would grant any wish of the person who I  see first. I saw Parth first, not you." Krishna pointed out, cheekily.

"It is fine, Madhav. Let him ask first." Arjun interrupted, not wanting any more problems.

"No. I saw you first, and I shall follow my promise." Krishna said, agreeing to the arrangement. "However, before the two of you ask anything, let me make two things clear. One, I won't pick up arms in this war, and two, me and my army won't fight from the same side. You can pick only one of us. Now, who do you want?"

He wouldn't pick arms?!

"I am a harmless, simple man, who will be in the battlefield alone and weaponless." added Krishna, softly, his eyes flitting between the both of them.

Arjun knew what he wanted. 

"So...who do you choose, Parth?" He asked, his voice gentle and aloof.

"There isn't a choice for me, Madhav. I can only request you, to join our side." For what am I, without you? 

A sense of triumph spread on Duryodhan's face, as Krishna smiled, as if he already knew what Arjun would choose.

"And I will gladly accept your request, my dear Parth."
