If They Worked In An Office

Tori: full Taylor Swift Ours Music Video fantasy - bored in the office watching old videos of her and her love, waiting for the day when she can take off and meet the only person who takes her mind off dull work when they come back home. They don't work in the military or anything like ot is in the video though - they just work at, like, the Orange Julius on the other side of town. They aren't close enough to see each other in breaks.

Robbie: would complain about it to anyone that listens, but never say anything to the boss because he'd be too afraid of the big scary higher-ups. When they come up to him, he just sips his water and walks quickly back to his desk, never looking back. One day the boss calls Robbie in to look over some paperwork, unaware that earlier at break the boy was slagging them off by the water cooler, and he almost turns to jelly. His entire face goes bright red, and all the noises that come out of his mouth are timid squeaks, like a mouse that's been trapped in a cage.

Cat: on her breaks would cartwheel around the desks and pester everyone to join in. Only Robbie takes her up on the offer, but unfortunately he doesn't know how to cartwheel and ends up falling on his ass. But Cat fusses over him when it happens, so in the end everyone's happy.

André: campaigns for fun office stuff like Taco Tuesdays and Non-Uniform Fridays. Because he's so charismatic his plans always get the go-ahead, and André soon becomes the MVP of the office. He also adds a company picnic where everyone comes along with whoever they want and dress up like countryfolk, and André and the gang get together and perform country and western and folk music all day. If you ever want to take an office job, make sure you take the office job where André works.

Beck: the only one who legitimately enjoys his job. Sure, he would love working on a set more, but Beck is the type of person to make lemons out of lemonade, the type to make the best out of things. And let me tell you, in a dull and unimaginative office, everybody hates that. Imagine - everyone's at their desks grumbling about their deadlines and there goes Beck, sauntering along without a care in the world, whistling a jaunty tune with an old-fashioned cap on his head which he tips at everyone as they pass him. Would you like someone who does that if they're the only person doing it while everyone else is stuck in their own personal hell? I don't think so.

Jade: hates her job with the fire of a thousand suns. Wants out, refuses to speak to anybody apart from bitching about everything, tries everything to get fired. And by everything, I mean everything - she comes in every day in no suit or uniform, just a hoodie and shorts that aren't regulation; she makes sure to complain and gossip about the boss when they're in earshot. She barely does any work as an act of protest, she just sits at her desk playing Minesweeper all day. And you know you have nothing better to do if you're playing Minesweeper. Still, nevertheless she has not been fired - a shock to everybody because, as André is to MVP, Jade is to disgruntled LVP.
