Sixteen | Leadership

"When did we agree on this? Because I don't remember agreeing!" Alex shouted looking at the people around the table. They had just told her about Allie, none of them had expected for it to go well, but none of them thought that she would scream at them. Yet, there she stood in front of them. Sam shrunk into his chair, the fire behind the girl's eyes was enough to give him nightmares for the rest of his life. Grizz wanted to just throw her lavender tea at her to make her calm down. If there was one thing you did not want to see, it was Alexandrea Bex angry.

"We need a leader who people will listen to," Will tried to reason with the red faced girl. She just turned her head to him slowly. It was like she was a robot, ready to kill them all. They knew how much she cared for Allie, and that she would do anything to protect her. Allie could hear it from upstairs and wanted to laugh. She had expected all of it. As did Grizz, but seeing it was still horrifying. 

"Literally anyone other than her. ME! If you had asked, I would have done it,"

"We know!" Sylver shouted, causing her to be quiet. She coiled back slightly like a puppy who had been told off. She pouted, but he continued. "But we just witnessed you having one of the worst flashbacks we have ever seen. We know you could have done it. But, some of us didn't think it was the right time," He stood up waking over to Alex, holding his arms out. Most of them expected her to nod her head and curl into his arms. But, she turned around and stormed up the stairs, knocking on Allie's door. Her body still shaking from the anger.

"Who is it?"


"Come in," She swung the door open, sighing. Allie tried not to laugh at the pouty face Alex was making. 

"You know you don't have to do this right. If you want I'll do it. You don't need this on your plate if you can't handle it right now," Allie smiled at her, patting the area next to her, and Alexandrea sat down beside her. Allie wrapped her arms around her, giving her a small squeeze. Both of the girls needing the support. 

"Thank you Al, but I can do this," Alex ran her finger's through Allie's blond hair. She knew she wouldn't be able to convince the other girl not to do it. Everyone else had made her mind up for her. Yet, she couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for this. If she had been a little stronger, maybe they would have turned to her instead of Allie.

"Fine, but I am declaring me your right hand woman. I will always be there when you need me," Alex declared giving Allie another squeeze. The blond laughed, shaking her head. Allie couldn't express how thankful she was for Alexandrea. She was the only one who understood how it felt, the only one who put Allie's deteriorating self before her own mental and physical health. In that moment, the bond the two had created grew stronger. Feeling more like siblings than ever before.

"Is that how that works?" Allie asked, looking at Alexandrea with furrow brows. The girl just responded with,

"It is now,"


Everyone sat in the church, waiting. Alex sat next to Sylver, holding his hand. She rested her head on his shoulder, while he drew different patterns on her hand. "I'm sorry for shouting at you," She curled into him further, smoothing out the floral skirt she had on. She focused on the feeling of the cold leather jacket against her skin. 

"It's okay. I was the one over reacting," Alex responding looking up at him. Sylver shook his head, placing his fore head against her's. She smiled, her eyes flicking to his lips.

"You were just looking out for your friend, one of the many things I love about you," Alex gave him a small peck on the lips before laying her head on his shoulder again. Sylver blushed, but lay his head on top of her's. He tried to forget the warmth of his cheeks, but the look from Sam gave away that him trying to cover it up, was making it worst. Alexandrea shot up, hearing the sound of the doors open to reveal Allie. Allie walked down the middle, keeping her head down.

"Um, in the name of my sister, I'm... taking over the responsibility of keeping us all safe. Um..." Allie looked over to Alex who smiled at her, nodding to tell her that she was doing well. Allie gave her a timid smile back to thank her. But both of them understood the risk of what Allie was doing. The fact that she could be announcing this and making eye contact with the killer in the room. "Of reinstating and enforcing the rules that she established. All things that have made this place work. Is there anyone who objects?" Alex looked around, hoping that no one would put their hands up. Allie was already on edge. For all she knew, someone could have a vendetta against Allie and her family. Someone could try and hurt her best friend.

"Thank god," Sylver muttered under his breath, he pecked the top of her head and she curled unto him again. 

"Okay. New work lists will be posted this afternoon. Alexandrea is my right hand woman and any immediate concern can go through the Guard to her, then to me. Um, starting immediately, I'm going to be confiscating all guns. Every last one. We're gonna find who killed her," Alex and Sylver stood up to follow Allie out of the church. Everything was quiet. Everyone was still on edge, no one knowing how to respond, or how to act. The person who was the threat, was sat in that room, mocking them. Probably thinking that they wouldn't find them. But Alex and Sylver knew that none of them would stop until the person was no longer a threat to the society.


"I know you're going to hate me for asking this, but are you okay. And tell me the truth," Alexandrea said to Allie, both of them sat with one of Alexandrea's tea blends. Lemon and Rosemary. The girl had been making tea blends since she was four, her sister being the one to teach her. She could vaguely remember the first cup she made falling onto the floor and smashing. It was hilarious. Her and her sister had a small garden of different herbs, flowers and fruit.

"I'm okay, I'm just scared. I'm sure there were people who wanted to object, they just felt awkward doing it," Alexandrea grabbed Allies hand, smiling at her. Allie grabbed her hand back, taking a small sip of the tea in front of her,

"You are going to be amazing, Allie. And you don't have to be afraid. You have me," Alexandrea joked, causing both of them to laugh. However, the laughter ended when they heard the door open. Campbell and Luke walked in. Alexandrea stood to the right of Allie. In her head saying ' wow I really am the right hand woman' and then cringed at herself, causing Campbell to look at her confused. 

"Hey, Allie. I found this on him, he was looking for you," Campbell began to put his hands down, but was quickly told to keep them up. Alex tried not to laugh, watching him get flustered. She knew how much Allie distrusted her cousin. And she couldn't help but have a slight distrust too. He wasn't exactly prince charming trying to do good by everyone.

"Yeah, yeah. I came here to turn it in. You're right. These are going to fuck us up," Ale wanted to trust him, and she was happy he came forward and gave up at least one gun. She couldn't help but think that he might have more. It seemed too easy for him to give it up. 

"Give it to me," Allie said, stepping forwards. Alex kept her eyes on Campbell. Not because she was scared of what he would do, but the gun in Luke's hand. She was still scared that she would be triggered by the mere sight of it. She wanted to think she was stronger than that, yet it felt like her foundation was turning to sand.  Campbell looked at her, concern in his eyes, and she gave him a thankful smile. He smiled back, wanting to genuinely ask her how she was. He had heard about her flashbacks and panic attacks. "That looks familiar,"

"it's yours now. That's the rule, right? And it's... That's all I came here to do,"

"Then go." Alex flinched at Allie's harsh tone. She felt bad, he was seemingly doing something good. He couldn't just be a monster, right? She had been friends with him growing up. They were tied at the hip and she had seen the kindest part of a person. In the nature or nurture debate - he had to be nurture. He hadn't been born a monster. She felt like maybe it was her fault, because she pushed him away.

"I'll walk you out," Alex said, motioning to the door. Alex walked behind him as he left. They walked into the street before stopping. Alex pulled him into a hug. He froze for a moment, she had caught him by surprise. He wrapped his arms around her back, enjoying it. He hadn't had a hug from her since that day. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that,"

"Are you still having nightmares?" Alexandrea just nodded her head, looking down. She was embarrassed. Here she felt alright. But that was because she was taking each moment as it arrived. She analysed every second and everything, just to maintain control. "So do I. Then when I found out my cousin was killed by one... They cause a lot of harm to innocent people,"

"I'm sorry I pushed you away. I shouldn't have, and I'm sorry," Campbell shook his head and gave her a squeeze. He understood why she did it. He was angry at her, at least he wanted to be. Holding a grudge against Alexandrea Bex was nearly impossible.

"You don't have to be sorry. You went through a lot, and all of us have different ways of dealing with trauma. I'm just happy you're okay," Alex smiled, before pulling away. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye. Campbell watched as she walked away. She was a good person, always had been. He saw her as the opposite of him. Full of feeling, kind, honest, caring. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. But he was scared he would hurt her. 


"Do you have any guns? I feel stupid asking, but..." Alex pointed to the top draw in the living room draws. Grizz walked over opening it up. He froze as he looked at it. The indent of the B on the side starling him. It was the only gun the family had ever had. It was the gun she had used. "They gave it you back?"

"I begged. Said it was the only thing left of her that I had. I threw away the bullets so I wouldn't be tempted," Grizz flinched at the last part. He had always worried about her when she began pushing people away. Alex looked as he pulled it out. She hadn't looked at it in a long time. I had been in that top draw, mocking her with the back memories associated with it. "Grizz,"

"Yeah?" He turned his head to look at her, his heart dropping as he saw the worry in her face. As worried as she was, she felt euphoric. She was getting rid of one of the main reminders of the hell she had been through.

"Can you get rid of it. For good. I don't ever want to see it again,"

"Are you sure?" Alex nodded her head, look down again and taking a shaky breath. 

"I don't need it anymore. It has darkness latched onto it like a plague. I only want to remember the good. The laughter, smiles. Not that day. I'm going in her room later, see if there's anything I can get that has good memories," Grizz put the gun down walking over and wrapping her in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Cat," She laughed at the nickname he had given her.

"I still don't get why you call me that,"

"Am I the only one who remembers the guy you slapped. You left a scar on his face," both of them began laughing at the memory. The guy had bullied her relentlessly, she got tired of it and slapped him. When he looked up he had a cut across his cheek. Their family moved out the next year, and Sylver's family moved in. "He deserved it though,"

"Honestly, best thing I have ever done. I love you, Grizz,"

"I love you too, Alex,"

"Now, Sam..."

"No A, we are not talking about this,"

"But you two would be so cute!" both of them laughed, their closeness shining through with every word. The amount they cared for each other and the way they loved each other showing the strength in their relationship.


I really want to start writing more moments between Grzz and ALe! When I started planning this the two of them were meant to be tied at the hip to one another. So I promise I will bless you with more scenes between them.

See you next week

Paige xx
