The Set Up

(Marina's POV)

Clarence and his kids invited us to join them in there family tradition of Carnovolo. I never heard of it, but they really wanted us to join.

I was bringing cupcakes for dessert. "Keys, keys, keys, I got keys, keys, keys. Keys, keys, keys, I got keys.", KVN sings, juggling our dimensional keys.

"KVN, put down the frickin' keys and let's go.", Gary demands. "Why are we doing this? We don't have time for it. Quinn could be dying, and we still have three dimensional keys to find.", I asked Nightfall, as everyone was walking to join Ash, Fox, and Clarence in the Galley for the dinner.

"I told them we didn't have time for this, and they got pissed.", Nightfall said, holding a present. "I'm just honored to be invited. I made my first greeting card. Here, take a look.", Hue said, handing his card over to Gary, who was carrying Diet Lemon Lime Dart Juice.

"What the hell does that even say?", Gary asks Hue. "I don't know. I can't write. Do you want to sign it?", Hue offers.

"No, I don't want to sign it. There's no room. I mean, it's front and back with just gibberish.", Gary states. "Not just gibberish touching gibberish.", Hue corrects.

"Hey, I'll sign it!", KVN exclaimed and he took the card, spelling his own name wrong. "I'm showing my face and ghosting.", Little Cato states.

I looked down at him. "Hey, if we have to suffer with this, so do you.", I told him.

As we arrived at the Galley, the door opened to decorations and Clarence in a cape. "Happy Carnovolo!", Clarence greets us.

He took the drink from Gary and examined it. "Diet Lemon Lime Dart Juice? Throw it in the sacred fire.", Clarence told Fox, handing the bottle to him.

"Okay. Now I'm gonna leave and not say bye to anybody.", Little Cato says. I quickly hand the cupcakes over to Ash and grab Little Cato's arm gently and guide him to the table.

The others join us. "Before we eat, first we lavish praise on each other. It's tradition.", Clarence instructed us.

KVN then went first. "I lavish praise on Mooncake! The best pal a deep-space insanity-avoidance companion can have.", KVN announces.

Mooncake soon hugged him. I then went next.

"I lavish praise on Little Cato, the best son a parent could ever ask for.", I said. Little Cato hugged me and started purring.

"I love you, mom.", Little Cato said. My eyes soon widened, that is the first time he has ever called me that.

I was speechless. I hugged him back, stroking his head.

"I love you, too.", I told him. Ava then went next.

"My turn. I lavish praise on you, Hue.", Ava announces. "Me? It's been a long time coming.", Hue says, flattered.

"I find you adorable, and don't let that go to your motherboard.", Ava finishes. "This is what I've been waiting for, so why do I feel so empty?", Hue asks himself.

Next was Ash, and Clarence looked to her expectingly. "My turn. I lavish praise on Nightfall.", Ashe said.

Nightfall was touched, but Clarence was outraged. "What the freak, Ash?! Anyone else you'd like to lavish with praise, Ashy, because of his delectable delightfulness?", Clarence asked, getting on the table.

"Uh, sure. You're my dad, which is cool, I guess.", Ash halfheartedly states. "I don't know what this is. Is this normal Carnovolo stuff, or is Clarence just losing his mind?", Gary asks me.

I just shrug in response. Fox was up next.

"Ooh. My turn. I lavish praise...", Fox was thinking long and hard and Clarence climbed onto him. "Yes, my boy?", Clarence pushes.

"On KVN. You're the best talking microwave I've ever had.", Fox finishes. "KVN is popular! Hooray!", KVN cheers.

"Okay. Time to get those keys.", Gary said, standing up. Clarence then finally snapped.

"Well, this is ridiculous. Carnovolo is a holiday I invented for my own glorification! And you're bringing me diet juice drinks, a cheapo homemade greeting card, crappy cupcakes, and now we're getting stingy on the lavishment?!", Clarence growled. "It's not about what they brought, Dad. They're family.", Ash told him.

"They are?", Gary asks. "We are?", I asks, too.

"Yeah, why don't you lavish some praises, Pop Pop? Dump a hot steamin' load of lavish all over Gary's face.", Fox insisted. "No, that doesn't sound... No.", Gary tries to object, but Clarence doesn't listen.

"Oh, alright. Uh, primate! I find you to be-", Clarence starts, struggling quite a bit. He was now even sweating.

"No, that's plenty.", Gary said, trying to stop him. "Primate, you are quite the-", Clarence continues.

Gary then cut him off, again. "I'll take the 'quite the...'", Gary said.

"Gary, I find you to be-", Clarence continued. This time, Ash cut him off.

"I'll finish. Gary, you're warmhearted and kind of great.", Ash said. That seemed to be the last straw for Clarence.

"Well, I've had enough!! Ash, Fox, you ungrateful mice! Remember the guy who saved you, gave you a home, filled your carcass stocking, and taught you how to bake inorganic, kindness-free toffee? That was me! All me!! Am I not deserving of praise? Well, fine! Then I bid you both a dark Carnovolo, a dark car Oh-oh!", Clarence exclaimed, trying to leave. But, he walked into the door, which opened immediately after and then closed on him.

Clarence managed to free himself and we were left alone. "Don't listen to your Dad. I'm sure he's just not used to sharing the praise.", I reassured the kids.

"Yeah, maybe your right.", Ash said. I then smiled at them.

"Why don't we get started? I'm sure he'll join us once he sees how much fun we are having.", I suggested. Everyone nodded and we dug in.

After a while, Clarence called us through the system. "All of you, come to the bridge right away.", Clarence told us.

"Can't. We're in the middle of Carnovolo dinner. Which, by the way, I just found out they have a yam course. At least, I think these are yams. This... This is a marshmallow on top, right?", Gary asked. Ash and Fox both looked at each other and the 'yams' with concern.

"Get up here!", Clarence demands. I set down my silverware and said, "Clarence, we are trying to enjoy a nice meal together! So, unless this involves a dimensional key-"

He then cuts me off. "I've located a dimensional key.", Clarence said.

"Oh. Alright then. We'll be right there.", I said, as we all got up and went to the bridge. "Before we start, I want to apologize for my behavior. You see, it's been me, Fox, and Ash for so long, but I really am happy that you're all here.", Clarence said.

Gary didn't care and he was eating the stuff from before. "What is this? Is this whipped cream?", Gary asked.

"Good news. An associate of mine by the name of Horace Vercox has contacted me concerning a rare artifact he believes might be a dimensional key. I've arranged a little meet with him on the Darga Space Port.", Clarence explains. "Star Travel calls Darga Space Port a "four-star family space station filled with charming shops, cafés, and free jazz on Tuesdays between 11:00 and 11:05.", Hue comments.

A thought then came to mind. This may be the perfect opportunity to go and take care of what I need to.

This seems to be a fairly easy opportunity, so I may just take this. I was brought out of my thought by Clarence continuing his speech.

"Horace will be at the Drilling Factory in District 69.", Clarence explains. "Ah, yes, of course. A mining camp. Man, that key must've been buried deep.", Gary comments.

I walked over to Clarence. "I never thought I would be saying this. But, Clarence, thank you.", I said, holding out my hand for him to shake.

But, he just swallowed it instead. "Oh! Clarence, how 'bout you don't swallow my hand?", I requested, disgusted.

I pulled my hand out of his mouth and shook off the saliva. "Ava, lock in course to Darga Space Port.", Gary ordered.

He sat in the Captain's chair and Clarence leapt into his lap. "Spooling engines.", Ava informed us.

"Lightfold!", Clarence orders. We lightfolded and were now in front of Darga Space Port.

"You've arrived at Darga Space Port, where all things are possible.", Ava announces. We gathered up our guns in preparation for the meet up.

"Oh, wow! Guns! Okay. It's 11:02. If we hurry, we can still catch some free jazz. 11:02:01. 11:02:02. 11:02-", KVN says. Hue, who is wearing an adorable kitty backpack, turns to us.

"Don't wait up for us knuckleheads. Due to the heartiness of the partying, we may be home late.", He says, leaving with Mooncake for a guys night out. "Clarence, you coming to the Drilling Factory?", Gary asked him.

"No, I have two tickets to see my favorite singer, Venus Marston. She has eight mouths but sings with her dried-out eyes.", Clarence tells us. "Well, that's a big bag of suck. I'm gonna skip that.", Gary replies.

"I'd love to hear those dried-out eyes sing!", Fox tells his Dad. "Oh, well, lucky for you, I have an extra ticket waiting at will-call. Why don't you grab them for us?", Clarence tells his son.

"Father-son opera night? That's every little boy's dream! Yes! Yes! Yeah!", Fox cheers. He ran past me and I turned to the others. "Right, well you have fun with that. I have some business I need to take care of. Hey Gary, do you mind watching Little Cato for me?", I requested the blonde.

"Sure thing!", Gary called back to me. I then kneeled down to my son and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Listen, there's something I need to take care of. But, to make it up to you, I'm giving you two hundred dropniods to spend on whatever you want after you get the key.", I told him, handing him the money. "What are you doing?", Little Cato asked me.

I rubbed his shoulders, comfortingly. "I just need to take care of some unfinished business. I'll be back in a couple of hours. I promise.", I vowed, kissing his forehead, before heading over to my ship and taking off.

As I was lightfolding, a memory started to come back to me. One of my earliest.

(Flashback: 3rd POV)

A 192 year-old Marina (four in earth years) was running through the hall of the halls of the palace she calls home. She is being chased by 624 year-old Coleson (13 in earth years) in a game of tag.

The children were laughing. Marina looked back to smile at her brother.

But, when she did, she bumped into someone and fell down. Coleson ran to his sisters side and they looked up at the person.

It turned out be their mother, Queen Avirna. "What are you two doing? Don't you both have better things to do then running around? Make yourselves useful, and stop being such embarrassments.", Avirna demands, before walking away.

Tears gather into Marina's eyes and the young girl whimpered. Coleson hugged her tight to comfort his younger sister.

(Flashback Over: Marina's POV)

I was brought out of the memory when I arrived in front of my home planet, Venus 10. I then landed in the space port and exited my ship.

I ignored the whispers and the angry stares of the Aphrodimian citizens around me. I didn't let that get to me, however.

I just stood strong. I didn't know any other way.

(Flashback: 3rd POV)

"For the love of all that is holy, why can't you get anything right?!", King Malitlan yelled at a shaking 720 year-old (15 in earth years) Marina. She had messed up in her etiquette lessons and her father was furious.

He was a man who hated mistakes. "Stop shaking! You are a god damn princess. Act like it!", Malitlan continued.

He continued to discipline her for another hour. Once he dismissed her, Marina ran off to her brother's room.

She ran over to the 1,152 man and buried herself into his chest. "Marina, what's wrong?", Coleson asked her.

She sniffled and pulled away, showing him the bruises. Coleson then gasped.

"Dad did this, didn't he?", Coleson asked. She nodded her head and Coleson adjusted her so she was in his lap.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here. I won't let him hurt you.", Coleson comforts her. Marina snuggled deeper into his chest, trying to forget what had happened.

(Flashback Over: Marina's POV)

I storm past the guards and slam the doors to the throne room open. On the thrones, sat my parents.

"We need to talk!", I exclaimed to them. "Ugh. You come home after five years and the first thing you do is yell. We'll have to reteach you everything before finding you a new husband.", my mother states.

Father nods in agreement. "That is not happening.", I told them.

"What was that?!", my father demands. My heart began to pound, but I stayed strong.

"You heard me. I'm done with you two controlling my life. You two are cruel, heartless, and all around douchebags. And you guys offered me to a creep that is 3 times my age. What's wrong with you?! And then you go and put a bounty on me. You two are a couple of wise guys, but you made one big mistake: You messed with my son!", I exclaimed. My parents were unfazed and scoffed at what I said.

"Your son? You mean that humanoid fleabag? You really have ruined yourself out there. Nevertheless, we must move past this. Now, get out of those rags and come down looking like a proper young lady for once. We will decide on your punishment after that.", my father stated. I realize yelling wasn't going to much at the moment, so I spoke in a calmer voice.

"No, I am over 864. Which means you two no longer have control over me.", I state. Their eyes soon widened at that.

My mother than spoke. "How dare you speak to us that way! We are your parents!", my mother shouted out.

"Are you? Because you two have done nothing, but act like abusive prison guards my entire life. The closet thing I have ever had to a parent was Coleson.", I spat at them. My father spoke up again.

"Well, he's not here anymore! We are the only family you have left!", my father shouted at me. But, I stayed strong.

"That's bull. They say you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. Well, I say screw that! Family is there for each other, to pick you up when you fall down, and to help you overcome the odds. We aren't just a Team Squad, we're a family! And I won't let you hurt them ever again!", I shout at them. "Watch your mouth! If you keep this up, I will take away your inheritance to the throne!", my father spat at me.

"Well then, here's get news for you.", I started, taking out my crown. I toss it to the base of their thrones.

"I, Marina Lynn Venus, herby relinquish my right to the throne!", I declared. I then turned around and began stomping out the door.

"Marina! Get back here! Marina!", my father exclaimed. But, the door slammed shut.

I kept walking out of the castle. Once I reached the outside, I began celebrating.

"Yes! Oh god yes! It feels amazing to finally say that aloud! Hahaha! I'm free!", I cheered. I continued for a minute, before calming down and walking off to the second place I wanted to go here.

"I'm here, so I may as well visit Coleson.", I told myself.

(Flashback: 3rd POV)

We are in a bar and in that bar. Everyone in the bar gathered around the stage as a man was preparing to sing.

That man was Coleson. He was in a disguise however.

He wore a black wig over his pink hair and red contacts over his purple irises. And to ensure that no one recognizes him, he was performing under the stage name.

The Radio Demon. Marina was seen in the crowd.

She had a brown wing on and was wearing much concealer to make her perfectly pink complexion was pale like a homosapian. The crowd cheered as Coleson started singing.

You can break down my lights and my doors

But I won't let you back in no more, no more

I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Five nights it shouldn't seem so long

But it takes forever when you go all about it wrong

These halls are lined with blood I can't have on my hands

These walls they seem to call my name

But I refuse to be another puppet in your game

Your eyes are dead inside but tonight I leave alive

You can break down my lights and my doors

But I won't let you back in no more, no more

I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Tie me up

Put me into a suit

But I'll never ever be like you no

I know what happened here and you can't erase your past

Done what I can to try to hide

But even you can tell who I really am inside

Its not my job to watch you

I'm leaving here tonight

But maybe one day you will find humanity

Until then don't you dare say that we are the same

You can break down my lights and my doors

But I won't let you back in no more, no more

I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Tie me up

Put me into a suit

But I'll never ever be like you no

I know what happened here and you can't erase your past

And I, crave the light of day

Cause I've been keeping you away

It's driving me insane

It's driving me insane

You can break down my lights and my doors

But I won't let you back in no more, no more

I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again

Tie me up

Put me into a suit

But I'll never ever be like you no

I know what happened here and you can't erase your past


The crowd went wild and I ran up and hugged my brother tight. "That was amazing! Thank you for taking me here!", I thanked him.

Coleson hugged me back and laughed lightly. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Angel Dust. I love you too much.", Coleson told me.

I smiled up at him and said, "I love you too, Radio Demon!"

[Two Weeks Later...]

Marina was combing her hair when suddenly her doors burst open. She gasped when she saw who it was.

"Coleson!", Marina exclaimed. He staggered towards her slightly before tumbling to the ground.

She finally noticed the sizable hole in his abdomen. "Coleson!", Marina cried out, running to his side.

She picked up his head and he looked into her eyes. "Marina? Thank goodness I found you. I don't have much time.", Coleson coughed out.

Marina had tears gathering into her eyes. "I don't understand, what happened?", Marina asked him.

"Marina, you have to listen to me. You remember how we talked about running away and leaving all of this behind? Well that's what you have to do.", Coleson told her. "But, what about you?", Marina asked him.

He placed a hand on her cheek. "I won't be able to join you anymore.", Coleson said.

She started breaking down and he wiped away her tears. "Shh. It's okay. There's no where you can go where I won't always love you.", Coleson comforted her.

He took the keys to his ship out of his pocket and handed them to her. "Take my ship and get out of here Marina. Go as far as you possibly can. And Angel Dust, I love you.", Coleson said, finally going limp.

Marina broke down onto the chest of her now still brother.

(Flashback Over: Marina POV)

I looked down at the tombstone that read, 'Here lies Prince Coleson Charles Venus. Beloved brother.' This is where I buried him.

I couldn't leave him there so I dragged him to our favorite tree and buried him. I even carved the inscription on the rock.

"Hey Coleson. I did what you said. I ran away.", I started. I sighed before continuing.

"You won't believe what happened to me. I met a lot of great people. A girl I can relate to, a AI that now show to sass, a planet destroyer that gives the best face hugs, a older version of the girl I can relate to, an annoying yellow orb that just can't seem to die, a creepy yet super sweet girl with amazing powers, a six eyed drama king/queen, a girl who can see the future, and a blonde that puts all of the stereotypes to shame. But I love him. Oh, and you have a nephew. He's not mine! He is the son of a man I see as a brother figure. We sort of lost him, but we'll get him back. Look, even though I've met all of these people and had all sorts of adventures together, I want you know that not a day goes by that I don't remember you. I love you way too much for that.", I finished. I was now crying at this point.

Even though it's been five years, the pain is still fresh to me. But, I had to do this.

For myself and him. I sighed and wiped away my tears, standing back up.

"I better get going. I promised my son I would be back soon. I better not disappoint him.", I said. I then walk up and hug the rock as a farewell.

I then begin my trek back to my ship. When I got back to my ship, I received a message from Little Cato.

"Mom! Clarence set us up! He gave the keys to Sheryl and hurt Fox. We need you back at the ship as soon as possible!", Little Cato exclaimed in a panicked tone of voice and that got me to fly my ship at high speeds.

I got to The Crimson Light that was hanging out in the area around the Darga Space Port, waiting for me. I docked my ship and exited to find everyone, minus Fox, Clarence, and Gary waiting for me.

"What happened?", I asked, Little Cato ran up and hugged me. "Clarence betrayed us, he stole the keys and gave them to Gary's mom. He's gone, but Gary is pretty upset.", Nightfall told me.

I pulled away from the hug and ask, "Where is he?" After getting directions, I headed off to find the man I love.

I walk in to see him sitting and hugging his knees by the consul where the security controls for the key were. "I'm barely holding on. We lost the keys, all of them. I failed you. This must be what KVN feels like all the time.", Gary told me.

I then sat beside him. "You didn't fail me. You tried getting them back for me. That was insanely brave of you. And hey, we've been in worse spots before, we will figure this out.", I told Gary.

The others came in and Ava complemented Hue's new hat. "We all need a win. This is not just for Quinn. It's for Fox. It's for all of us.", Ash said.

KVN was, for some reason, eating her hair. We will definitely need to talk about this later.

"And if we fail?", Gary asked us. "We won't. And we're getting those dimensional keys all of them.", I comforted him.

I debated something before coming to a decision. "And if that doesn't cheer you up, how about this?", I said, kissing him.

Gary was shocked for a minute, but quickly shook it off and kissed me back. We pull away after a minute and he looks at me.

"Does that mean...", Gary trails off and I nod in response. He laughs and picks me up, spinning around.

I laugh with Gary. He puts me down and we hug each other.

We go to kiss again, but was interrupted by the sound of an animal grunting. We look to the side and see a pinkish purple dog alien creature with wings wearing a saddle.

Gary then says, "Oh! I knew we forgot something." I giggle and kiss his cheek.

He blushed and looks away. This was one of my better bad days.
