Chapter 16: I Don't Care

Chapter 16: I don't care

Rose pov:

Logan haven't talk to me since a week ago. In singing class I have see him glacing at me but not a single word. I have to say I'm sad he haven't talk to me but ahh! Who cares.

Righ now I in my away to singing class. As I enter the room I hear the speaker say that the singing class had a free period meaning the class could go any were they wanted to. Since the class room was empty I decide to stay there. I took out a notebook and started drawing what ever came to my mind. 15 minuted later I finish my drawing and I saw that I draw logan!

I close my notebook ask myself why the hell did I draw him. Then I hear the classroom door open and there was logan.

Logan " oh, hi what you doing here by your selft?"

Me " non of your business"

Logan" I..i think we need to talk about us "

Me " there nothing to talk about cuz theres no us"

Logan " can you listen to me please"

I was about to say no but I make the mistake to look at him and saw those eyes.

So I say " fine talk"

Logan " well, I ask my father if it was possible for a vampire and werewolf to be mates and he say no but my werewolf and I are sure that even though you a vampire you are our mate so b wc really sure that you are I want to ask you if I can kiss tou?"

And before I could say anything logan lips were on mine. And it was the sweettest kiss. It feel so right and without realizing I put my hand around his neck pulling him close while he had his hand on my waste pulling me close to him. When we pull away I came to my senses.

Me " what the! You idiot." I was mad but no at him but myself for loving the kiss and for wanting to never stop.

Logan " are my mate! that kiss show that we are mates. And now that I know you my mate I won't leave you, YOU ARE MINe!"

He say the last part with a possesibe voice. Super sexy by the way. Shit what am I thinking!

Me " b..but I am vampire"

Logan " I don't care you mine and I want you and I will have you!"

" even if it kill you? " I ask a little excited.

Logan while smiling and his hand touch my cheek sweetly. " yes, even if it kill me. Even I have to go agains the world I don't care you mine, you my mate so I don't care!"


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Hope you like it
