Chapter 17


"Clary, are you sure this is a good idea?" My hand is tight in hers, so much so that it's starting to ache. She sighs beside me as we weave our way through the thick crowd of people on the sidewalk.

"You worry too much Valerie. We will be fine." I roll my eyes, pulling her to a stop. "Listen, Alec is going to be furious when he finds out that we snuck out."

My sister simply shrugs her shoulders, pulling me along again. "I know he will but I also know he will get over it."

Clary stops for a second, looking up at the big brick building we have stopped in front of. Glancing up, I notice it's the art building Clary got into.

Thinking about it now, she won't be able to go once this is all over even if she wanted to. Not with all the runes covering her body and the demons prowling the world. She'll have to give up her life for this one and based on the frown Clary is currently wearing, I know she thinks the same thing.

"If things were different, if life was normal, you would totally rock it in there." Clary's lips twitch in a soft smile. She gets ready to say something just for her phone to ring.

I have to cover my mouth to stifle a laugh that wants to escape when everyone around us looks at their phones, their brows furrowed in confusion.

"Why'd you run out? And what's the point of an Invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone?" Alec's deep voice sounds behind us as he catches up to us. He doesn't hesitate to grab my wrist, pulling me flush against his body and trapping me with his arms around my body. Glancing behind me, Alec's heated gaze is locked onto Clary and I can tell he's pissed.

She, however, ignores him. Fishing out her phone, she answers it before setting it to her ear. "Simon. Hey. I know I should have called you right back. I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"

The rest of the conversation goes into one ear and out the other as Alec turns me around, his hard brown eyes softening slightly as he stares at me. "Why'd you sneak out?"

"I didn't really have a choice. Clary dragged me out," I state. His eyes flash with anger as he glares at Clary again.

"Hey," I grab his face, turning his gaze back to me. "Nothing is going to happen to me."

"Yeah, now. I might not be so lucky in the future." I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Do you think I can't defend myself?"

His eyes widen as he realized what he said. "No... I mean, yes. I know you can defend yourself but I would feel a lot better knowing where you are at." 

His eyes glance over my face before he sighs, kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug. "I got worried when I couldn't find you in the institute."

I smile into his hug. I don't remember the last time a hug felt this good. Sure, the guys are always touching me; whether holding my hand or having me wrapped up under their arm, but there is something different about this hug.

I snuggle deeper into his embrace, smelling his addicting scent and I feel him relax against me. His heartbeat slows down as his breathing goes back to normal. Giving one last squeeze, he lets go before grabbing my hand.

"Hang up. That's it, we have to go. Right now." Alec demands, his gaze focused on Clary.

"No," she responds. "I'm on my way to the loft. There's something there that I think could help me find my mother."

A moment of silence meets us as Simon responds to Clary. I squeeze Alec's hand, giving him a reassuring smile when he glances down at me. "When have we ever been able to tell Clary not to do something."

The corner of his lips twitch in a soft smile, before his face twists in pain. "She still shouldn't be dragging you along. It's too dangerous."

"I have you, my handsome archer. I know you won't let anything happen to me." I smirk up at him, raising up and kissing his cheek satisfied with the slight blush that appears on his skin.

Finally, Clary hangs up her phone. She turns toward us, ushering us along. 

"Mundanes. Look at them. Running around like ants. Let's go." Alec states. I roll my eyes at him, pulling him along as I follow after Clary.

"Why do you always look so miserable?" Clary shoots behind her shoulder. My eyes narrow slightly at her, already not liking the direction this conversation is going. "I don't," he states narrowing his eyes at my older sister.

"You do," Clary responds.

"Well, maybe I wouldn't if you didn't always drag Valerie into danger." Clary rolls her eyes, waving him off. "She can handle herself. Besides, you and Jace won't let anything happen to her."

While it was supposed to be reassuring, I can still hear the undertone of jealousy when she says that. She still likes Jace and my gut twists. While we may be on good terms, I can't trust her not to pull more moves on Jace.

"That's not the point," Alec whispers. Whether Clary heard or not, I don't know because she doesn't respond for a few minutes.

"We have a real problem to solve guys, okay? I'm not trying to get anyone hurt, but I will do anything to get my mother back," Clary says, quickly looking over her shoulder at us. Even if it means someone else gets hurt is what she's implying even if she doesn't say it out loud. 

Following Clary, I can quickly tell we are on the way to our shortcut, probably meeting Simon if I had to guess. My guess is correct because as we round the corner, Simon comes into view.

"Hey, you." Clary is quick to run up to Simon, throwing her arms around the Lewis man. He's quick to recuperate her action, a small smile gracing his features. "Thanks for being here."

They finally separate and Simon shoots me a soft smile and a wave. I smile and wave back at him. "You don't need to do this alone. It's not who we are."

"Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" Clary looks worried. I step out of Alec's hold, walking up to my sister and best friend. "Are you okay, Simon?"

He smiles gently at me. "Yeah, it's just a cold. Not the end of the world." 

"The world's been ending for a thousand years. Ah, you get used to it. Now, we need to move." Alec states, grabbing a hold of my hand again. "Why did he come again?" I hear Simon say.

"Because of Valerie, now come on," Clary responds, walking ahead of Alec and me. "Mom's loft is just across the alley."

"All right, we have to be careful. There are eyes all over this place and everyone in the Shadow World's looking for you two." Simon glances behind him at us, his eyes locked with Alec's. "I mean, I guarantee you, no one's gonna find this shortcut."

"I used to take it back in middle school to see them. You might know the Shadow World, but trust me... I know Brooklyn. Come on." I watch in astonishment as Simon jumps over a wall. I could never remember a time when we didn't have to help Simon over that wall, even when he grew up.

Glancing over at Clary, I can tell she's surprised by how her eyes are bulging out of her sockets.

We continue further down the alleyway. We get to a ladder leading up the roof of our apartment. Simon wastes no time jumping up and grabbing the third rung effectively hulling himself up the ladder before landing on our roof, in one smooth motion.

I'm shell-shocked, to say the least. Never have I seen Simon so athletic. Clary seems more shocked than I am, but she quickly shakes her head before climbing up the ladder. I climb up after her while Alec follows after me.

"You've gotten a lot better at this," Simon states, helping Clary onto the roof. "I was just gonna say the same thing about you."

I hop onto the roof, turning around to help Alec. He smiles gratefully at me. "Climbing a fire escape excites mundane. I'll never understand these people."

I shoot him a playful glare but he ignores it, glancing around the rooftop. My lips purse as hundred of runes appear before us. "Whoa. I don't remember it like this."

"These are runes and wards of protection cast by a warlock," Alec says, walking over to a faded one. "Dot," I whisper, walking over to Clary.

"Some of these have been here for years." My heart warms at the news. "The only difference is now I can actually see them." 

I trace one of the runes on the roof, amazed at how this simple rune could protect Clary and me for all our lives. I will never understand how they give us our powers.

"Yo, Clary. What are all these tags?" Simon's voice brings me out of my thoughts. Glancing over at the said man, he's staring intently at a rune. My eyebrows furrow slightly. He can see them?

"You can see the runes?" Alec questions my thoughts. Simon nods. "Kinda hard to miss."

"For a Shadowhunter. They should be invisible to most mundane. When did you get the Sight?" Alec asks. Simon shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. But whoever drew these should take some lessons from Clary. Their, uh, work is pretty sloppy."

I shoot Simon a playful glare but he just ignores me, his gaze focused on a heart with his and Clary's initials. I smile slightly at the memory of it. "This is from when Clary and I were engaged to be married."

Alec raises an eyebrow at the duo, taking his place next to me. He slips his hand in mine, pulling me close to his body. "You were engaged? I'm almost certain I don't wanna hear this story-"

"We were eight years old." The look on Alec's face has me stifling a laugh. He shoots me a glare, however, there is no malice behind it if the small smirk tugging on the corner of his lips were any indication.

"That was a whole other world ago," Clary sighs, stopping Simon before he spills his fake engagement story. My sister walks up to the door, trying the handle only to find it's locked.

"There's only one flaw in your plan here, Simon," Clary states, gesturing to the locked door. "Here, let me try."

Clary back out of the way as Simon grabs the lock, breaking it from the door and pushing it open. My eyes widen when he does this, my hand subconsciously tightening around Alec's hand.

Simon holds the door open for Clary. "After you."

Clary walks into her room, her eyes failing to leave Simon. I can already see the gears in her head turning as she accesses her best friend, trying to figure out how he suddenly got his strength.

I follow in after Clary. Simon smiles kindly down at me before holding Alec back while simultaneously knocking our hands away from each other. "Ohh. After me."

I narrow my eyes at the Lewis man as he walks into the room. I huff under my breath and Alec chuckles, slinging his arm over my shoulder. "Don't let him get to you. He's still not better than me."

I roll my eyes but can't help the small smile that tugs at the corner of my lips. "Holy crap, Clary. Who torched your loft?" Simon asks.

Glancing around, my heart aches. charcoaled black furniture burned curtains, and stained floorboards are only a few things that are burned in the house. 

Wrapping my arms around my body, haunting memories flood back as I think about my late home that was burned when I was 6 years old. I might not remember much about that day, but I remember the feeling I felt knowing that my whole life was torched right before my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alec asks, walking over to me. I can see Simon ask Clary the same question as she looks at a picture of her father.

"Yeah, just bad memories," I whisper, hugging myself tighter. Alec wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a crushing hug. I rest my head on his chest as I sigh, trying to will the tears that so desperately want to fall, away.

"There's nothing left of me here," Clary whispers. Pain stabs at my heart from her exclusion of me, but I brush it off. This is as painful for her as it is for me.

"Of course, there isn't. Your mother was trying to erase any trace that you existed. So that you couldn't be tracked, she was protecting you." Alec tightens his hold on me. "She's not the only one who's protecting you now," he whispers, placing a chaste kiss on the top of my head.

"Let's see how well that worked," Clary deadpanned. I roll my eyes at my ungrateful sister. "You're alive aren't you?" I hiss.

Simon suddenly perches up from his position in the other room. "Hey, lovebirds. Stop canoodling and get your butts in here," Simon shouts. I frown as Alec releases me from his hold.

Slinging his arm around my waist, we make out way to Simon. "These floorboards... the sound different in these two spots." Hearing it now, I can tell he's onto something when he puts weight on both floorboards.

"Can't you hear it? There's something under here." Simon is quick to squat down. Pulling the floorboard up, he uncovers a giant hole in the floor. "Another score for Brooklyn."

"Hey, out of the way," Alec says, slightly shoving Simon out of the way. "You're welcome," Simone says rolling his eyes at my older mate.

Alec bends down and reaches in hand in the hole. He rummages around for a minute before he pulls out an intricate box filled with runes. "Is this the box you remember?"

Clary nods. "Yeah. She used to wait til she thought we were asleep and then take it out."

"Well, let's open it," Simon gushes. Clary carefully uncovers the top of the box. I step up beside her, peering into the box over her shoulder. 

"I don't know any of this." Inside the box is a bunch of trinkets. A pack of Dot's tarot cards. A photo of a man crossed out. A stele that looks eerily similar to mine. What looks like a loose piece of fabric.

However, what pulls my attention is a gold chain with a pair of wings as the pendant. I reach forward and grab it from the box, turning it over in my hand. It's beautiful.

Suddenly, glass shattering somewhere in the house pulls our attention from the box. Alec is quick to pull me to his side, his grip tight on my wrist as he grabs his bow from his back with his other hand.

"There's someone here. Get what you need. Do not move until I get back. We've been here too long," Alec states, starting to walk out. I grab onto his arm, pulling him back. "Let me come with you," I plead. The last thing I want is for my mate to be out there alone.

Alec is quick to shake his head. "No, stay with your sister." He leaves me quickly, bounding to the window and disappearing outside.

"Well, that's just great. Our only protector just jumped out of the window," Clary exclaims. I shoot her a glare, wishing she would shut up. Whoever is in the house might still be in here.

"Shh. Whoever is in the house might still be here," Simon says, voicing my thought. 

Suddenly, heavy footsteps sound behind us and we all whip around to see Alaric, Luke's partner, standing behind us pointing a gun in our direction.

My heart sinks as his lips curl back into a smirk and his gaze flickers between the three of us. "You are all three coming with me.

Out of nowhere, another guy grabs my arm, twisting it behind my back. I hiss in pain, shooting the man behind me my best death glare. He just chuckles which infuriates me even more.

"Oh, I like this one. She's feisty." The man says, walking me out of the building. "Let go of me," I say, twisting in his hold hoping I can escape.

"Just get them in the vehicle," Alaric says, looking around the area. "Let go. Seriously, Alaric," Clary says as she's forcefully pushed into the back of the cruiser. Simon is pushed in after her with me following behind him.

Once again, I've been kidnapped and I watch as Alec emerges from the brush, his eyes blazing with anger as we drive away, and I hope that he and Jace can find us.
