Valentine's Day

It was February 14th, and Matthew awkwardly avoided his wife's gaze, staring at the air conditioning vent in the floor. He was sitting in their nice comfy chair, dressed up in a nice suit and tie. He was showered and combed his hair just the way he wanted it.

Stephanie, in the meanwhile, had showered a while back, curled her hair, put on her new necklace and earrings, and put on her sparkly dress she'd just gotten the day before. She had adopted a kneeling position on her husband's left side. She was staring up at him, almost begging for a kiss. When he looked away from her she pouted and rubbed his arm.

The man rolled his eyes and turned down to look wife. He sighed and leaned in closer and closer until his lips were docked on hers. They just sat like that for a few minutes, happily kissing each other.

Stephanie broke the kiss after a while. "Well?" she asked. She rested the top of her head to his forehead and looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," Matthew bluffed.

Stephanie couldn't help but to get a bit excited. Every Valentine's Day Matthew took her out to eat. He'd told her to dress up, but she didn't know where she was going this time. "Not even a hint," she begged.

"Nope," refused Matthew, patting her arm. He handed her the car keys. "How about you get the car started?"

Stephanie grabbed the keys. He'd just given her a clue to where they were heading. It was far enough away to warrant driving. "Sure," she agreed, standing up. "I just need to grab my coat."

Matthew pulled out his wallet and looked at the air that laid inside. It wasn't right to lead her on like this. "Stephanie," he called, standing up and walking after her. "Wait."

Stephanie stopped, coat half-on, half-off. "Yes?"

"Listen, I-" Matthew was stopped by a light. All the lights actually. The lights in their house flickered, and then shut off. "Well timed," he said to the now off lights.

Stephanie moved over and peeked out the window. "Looks like a city-wide power outage," she relayed. "Looks like we won't be going to that place after all."

"We might," demurred Matthew. "C'mon." He reached out his hand and directed her outside. The night was a warm one and they walked, arm and arm, down to the oceanside. It wasn't a long walk, but Stephanie was still happy she wore her flats and not high heels.

The couple just stood and looked out across the water. "So, Stephanie," he consoled.

"Yes Matthew," she responded, in more of a joking manner.

"I didn't get anywhere for dinner tonight," he confessed. "I spent any of the money that I would've had for the meal on your dress."

Stephanie looked down, a bit disappointed. "That's okay," she reassured. "I mean, we can break tradition every once and awhile. Things are bound and determined to look up at some point. I mean, you didn't get me a white rose at the beginning of this set of days." Stephanie leaned into her husband. "The gifts are nice, but I love you, okay?"

Matthew sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I love you too." They sat there, doing nothing happily for a few minutes.

Within the city car alarms sounded, people were running, others were cowering in their homes waiting for the power to come back on, some were just sitting around with candles, some were being robbed, and even other people were finding it was a great excuse for a family game night. Yet, within the darkness this couple just stood. The darkness obscured their view of the beach and waves, but that didn't matter.

Matthew's eyes were pierced by a light behind him. "Hey Stephanie," he called, shaking her lightly. "It's a food truck. I know it isn't a five star restaurant, but would like to get something to eat?"

"Sure," she happily agreed. "Maybe I'll pay and this can be my Valentine to you."

"Sounds like a plan," reinforced Matthew, hoping she didn't realize he didn't have any cash. "Just don't get something dribbly."

Saying not to do something is smart, but in the end, somehow, both people forgot that they weren't supposed to get something that could fall down. After they bought their food from the food truck, they wandered off and began eating. The streetlights came on, but no the house lights.

Thusly, neath the ring of a streetlamp, the Patricks leaned on the lamppost. Matthew teased her by chewing very loudly and getting next to her ear. Stephanie cringed and pushed him as he took his next bite, making a bit of chicken roll down his cheek.

"Here," said Stephanie, laughing. "I'll get that for you."

Matthew didn't have enough time to say, "what?" before his wife was kissing his neck. He sighed and just let her kiss away. It felt good. Stephanie ate the chicken and just kissed him over and over again. She sucked on his jaw and when she departed, there was a small mark.

"Well," he joked, "I'm going to get really teased tomorrow at school. I'll just have to return the favor when I get home."

"Oh Matthew," cautioned Stephanie. "I have so many more where that came from."

"Well then we're gonna have a very active night tonight."

They giggled and headed home, arms linked together.

We end, not with a couple making out on a park bench, but with two burrito wrappers in a garbage can. You see, it was what was on those wrappers that matters. The food truck was lucky enough to have their wrappers with little Valentine's themed messages. Stephanie's wrapper read, "Find someone to care with. To spend the little moments, the big moments with, and someone to love with. Once you find them, never let go."

Matthew's read: "Do something kind. Then do something kind again. Know that it's worth it. Be kind and love all, for only then will kindness and love will find you."
