Overwhelming love part 3

Naruto stared at Kiba's serious expression for a minute, before his lips began quivering and he dropped to the floor, hugging his knees. Kiba sat down beside him and touched his shoulder "Is he always controlling?" He gently asked.

"I don't know, I never noticed before. I usually just...do what he wants me to do" Naruto revealed. "I find it so much easier to just give in to what he wants, because that way we wouldn't have to fight"

"That's not healthy Naruto" Kiba said. "It's not right for one person to have all the control in the relationship, it's not healthy for only one person to be in control of their lover's every move and decision"

"But Sasuke said it's for my own good" Naruto defended

"That's bullshit!" Kiba spat, causing Naruto to flinch. "I'm sorry" he apologized. "But your boyfriend's being an obsessive control freak, you need to let him know that you're your own person and that you won't stand for his obsessive issues anymore. And if he can't understand that, tell him you'll leave him"

"Leave Sasuke?" Naruto looked alarmed. "I- I can't leave Sasuke! I love him, and he loves me, I can't just--..we can't-..I" he stammered over his words, swear gathering across his forehead. "Hey, hey calm Dow shh.." Kiba cupped his cheeks and looked him in the eyes

"Deep breaths Naruto, deep breaths" he instructed.

Naruto inhaled and exhaled, following Kiba's soothing voice.

"I'm not saying you break up with him. I'm just telling you to...get away from him for a few days, go on vacation, take a break from him" he saw the anxiousness in Naruto's eyes and felt more worried for his blond friend. "A break...from Sasuke?" Naruto echoed

"You deserve a break from that control freak" Kiba muttered.


Suddenly his phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw that it was Sasuke calling him.

"Naruto?" Kiba asked worriedly

Naruto held the still ringing phone tightly. Before turning it off and shoving it back in his pocket "If Sasuke has something to say he can just text me about it, I'll reply to him later" Naruto said

Kiba smiled, and messed up Naruto's hair. "Hey! Kibaaa" Naruto whines.


Sasuke scowled when Naruto didn't pick up the phone.

Naruto ALWAYS answered him. And if he missed a call, he was always quick to send him an apology text explaining why he couldn't answer.

Irritated, he tapped his finger on the desk and glared daggers at his phone, as he waited for his boyfriend to text or call him back.


The rest of day went quite smoothly for Naruto without Sasuke bombarding him with calls. He was able to focus on his students without any interruptions. However there was still the lingering thoughts of how Sasuke would react to him when he gets home

Kiba would send him texts of encouragement  for the remainder of the day, which Naruto appreciated a lot.

It was a big relief to Naruto, and he felt like he wasn't constantly being watched anymore.

Because that was how he felt whenever Sasuke would give him his 'check-up' calls. Asking what he's doing, where he was, who he's with, if Kiba or Gaara was anywhere near him. It was so DRAINING and suffocating

By the end of the day, Naruto bade his students good bye and agreed to have a few drinks with his co-workers.

"It's been a while since you last drank with us Naruto" Gaara said when Naruto told him he was going with them.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've been, preoccupied" Naruto excused awkwardly.

Their get-together ended up much more fun than the blond thought it would be. He was able to let loose and have a good time with his fellow teachers, he shared laughs and stories with the other teachers, and felt more relaxed than he's been in weeks

The entire evening however, his phone kept ringing and ringing in his pocket. And each time, he's tempted to answer

"Excuse me, I need to take this" he said, finally giving in and answering

He headed to the pub's rest room


"Where the fuck are you?" Sasuke growled from the other side.

"I'm out" Naruto said cryptically


"At a pub, I'm just having a few drinks Sasuke you don't need to worry" Naruto said with a sigh. "Are you with anyone?" Sasuke interrogated. "No" Naruto lied

"You better not be lying to me Naruto!"

"I'm not! why won't you believe me? What's gotten into you? You didn't used to be this way, no you're controlling and overwhelming!" Naruto angrily shouted. "I'll be home soon anyway, so calm the fuck down Sasuke!" He hung up before Sasuke could have another word in

He went back to his friends and gathered his belongings

"Naruto?" Kiba asked.

"Sorry guys, I need to go home now" Naruto said regretfully. "I'll call you a cab" Kiba offered. "No I'll be fine, I'll see you on Monday" without another word, Naruto left the pub


Sasuke was pacing around the living room anxiously, his eyes darting to the clock every five minutes. "Where is he?!" He muttered angrily. He wasn't even sure what was the reason he was so angry anymore. He just was

At the sound of the door opening, he hurried over to greet his blond.

Naruto looked upset, and wouldn't even face him. "Naruto" he started but the blond ignored him, opting to head upstairs without a word to him.

Sasuke scowled and followed his boyfriend to their room

"Naruto!" He hissed, just as Naruto slammed the door to his face. "Naruto open the door! What's your problem?" He slammed his hand against the door. "Naruto open the damned door!" He shouted.

He continued this for ten minutes before eventually giving up. He settled for the couch in the living room instead

He'll talk to Naruto tomorrow


Sadly he wouldn't be getting his talk the next day. Because when he woke up his boyfriend was gone.

His boyfriend had the decency to leave him a note at least, telling him he went out for a walk and wouldn't be back for hours

Sasuke crumpled the paper in annoyance. It was obvious, Naruto was avoiding him


Three days passed, and still Naruto was avoiding him. Three days passed and he's still sleeping in the couch

Naruto would eat in their room and keep the door locked. He avoided Sasuke like the plague and seemed to wake up at an unreasonably early hour just to avoid seeing Sasuke in the morning.

With each passing day Sasuke grew angrier and more anxious.

Naruto was avoiding him, Naruto was angry and he didn't know why. And this made HIM angrier, and more frustrated.

So on the fourth day he decided enough was enough

He confronted Naruto, who was dressed up quite nicely, and was on his way to the door.

"You're going out again" Sasuke said, eyeing him up and down. "Where? Out with those two again?"

"I'm going out with my friends Sasuke" Naruto snapped. "You've been avoiding me for three fucking days Naruto, you've been ignoring me, haven't been talking to me, and you go out every night. What do you even do with those friends of yours? Do you cheat on me?! Is that what you've been doing? Have you grown tired of me that you decided to find a new one at a club somewhere?!" Sasuke screamed at Naruto, who took a step back in fear

But there was also noticeable anger in Naruto's eyes

"How could you say that?" Naruto asked. "Do you honestly think I'd cheat on you?"

"It sure looks like it" Sasuke scoffed

Naruto couldn't believe this. "I've been avoiding you because I NEEDED  a fucking break from you! You're too controlling, and needy, you're always calling me asking me where I am, who I'm with, what I'm doing, I could barely even focus on work because of you!" Naruto shouted

"You prevent me from going out with my friends, you're even controlling of what I wear! You've become too possessive to the point that I'm not even allowed to talk to Kiba and Gaara not even for work related reasons! And it's not JUST Kiba and Gaara, you practically banned me from talking to ANY of my co-workers! What kind of maniac would do that?! oh that's right, YOU DID! and like an IDIOT I did what you told me to do! I obeyed like a fucking dog!"

Naruto was on a roll now. The things he couldn't say to Sasuke before were now spilling out of him

"You control my every move, I'm not allowed to talk to certain people unless they're a family member! Hell at one point you gave me a fucking CURFEW SASUKE! I'm a grown man you shouldn't be controlling of my decisions in life! I should have a say in what I want! YOU SHOULDN'T CONTROL ME LIKE A PUPPET!"

Silence fell between them, Naruto's face was red in anger, and he was panting for breath. Sasuke's expression was...undecipherable. Naruto couldn't tell if he was angry or remorseful or what

"Well?" Naruto asked. "Say something!"

"I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry Naruto, I just...I didn't realize I was being too controlling. I didn't know I was suffocating you" he said, lowering his head so that his bangs covered his eyes

"I get jealous easily, for no good reason. I try not to be but I can't help it. And when I don't hear from you I just get so worried that I can't stop calling you. I'm jealous of Kiba because of how relaxed he makes you feel, he's calmer and the polar opposite of me...which made me see him as a threat" he admitted.

"I'm always worrying about you, I don't want you to be disrespected because of the way you dress. Stupidly, I don't realize your clothes are perfectly fine, I'm sorry Naruto. I'm really really sorry"

Naruto reached a hand and cupped Sasuke's cheek, he raised his head revealing a pitiful expression filled with regret.

"Sasuke, I love you. But you can be a bit much, you need to reduce your calls to once a day when I'm at work. You can still text me to check up on me or ask me how I'm doing" Naruto said kissing his cheek "But if I want to go out with my friends, let me. I'm a responsible adult, I'm not the same troubled teenager you first met. I can take care of myself"

He kissed Sasuke on the lips

"Stop picking on my clothes, and be neutral to Gaara and Kiba, their my best friends and they look out for me. Even if you can't bring yourself to say nice things to them, can you at least be polite?"

"I can do that" Sasuke sighed.

"And lastly" Naruto turned serious "Never EVER assume that I'm cheating on you, Or so help me Sasuke Uchiha I will kick your ass!"

Sasuke laughed and kissed his boyfriend

"I promise, It'll never happen again" he swore he'll change, he doesn't want to lose the love of his life, he'll change for the better

"Thank you" Naruto said hugging him. "So uhh, I really need to go, I'm late and my friends might storm over here and demand you let me go if I don't get there"

"Alright, you have fun"

Naruto looked at him with a small smile

"I trust you Naruto
