Bingos and Babies - 17

Bingo's POV

Most of my life I have questioned what makes me different from anyone else. I knew that what separates me from others was not my appearance, but more of something that formed when I was about thirteen years old. For the past three years, I have been questioning myself about what I want in life, and I'm not talking about my future school, my future occupation, or any of that.


Lila: Hey Bingo, do you mind if I talk to you?

Bingo: Yeah of course Lila. What is it?

Lila: Well, do you have any plans over the weekend?

Bingo: I do on Sunday.

Lila: Well, on Saturday, do you want to maybe go out with me?

Bingo: W- wow, Lila. I actually never expected you to ask that.

Lila: Really? You didn't notice?

Bingo: Yeah. To be honest Lilly, I never really saw you as anything more than a friend.

Lila: *sad* O-oh. We-

Bingo: But seeing how you built up the courage to ask me, I can clearly see that you do like me. I'll go out with you.

Lila: Really?

Bingo: Yeah I will.

Lila: *hugs her* Thanks Bingo.

Bingo: *hugs back* No problem Lila.

Lila: See you then *leaves*

When she asked me out, I was speechless because there were no real romantic feelings that I had for her, but I didn't want our friendship to be awkward so I agreed just to see how we'd like it. Little did I know, that would have been one of the best decisions I made. We went on a date to an asian restaurant and finished with a walk in the park as we watched the sunset. Once our date ends, she takes me back to my house and we stop on my front porch.

Bingo: Well Lila. Can I be honest with you?

Lila: Sure.

Bingo: Tonight, I wasn't really expecting much, but... I had fun.

Lila: Yeah?... Me too... So?

Bingo: Hm?

Lila: Do you think you can give us a chance?

Bingo: Well... I did have a lot of fun tonight, and I really do like you.

Lila: Yeah?

Bingo: So... yes!

Lila: *playfully* Yay! *kisses her cheek and starts to leave* Bye Bingo!

I wave good-bye as I start feeling something that I never felt before. Her giving me a kiss on the cheek is just something that felt like pure bliss. I start thinking to myself and questioning if I want a girl or a boy in the future.


I just remember this morning, I was just messing around in my room on my phone, doing whatever. I remember about a week before this day, I hung out with Lila and she seemed pretty upset about something. I heard my mum call me downstairs. I come downstairs and I see my mum in the kitchen, sorting through our mail.

Bingo: Did you call me mum?

Chilly: Yes, I did. You have a letter in the mail.

Bingo: Oh, do I?... *sees the name* It's from Lila!

Chilly: Lila? Hm. I haven't seen her in quite a while.

Bingo: Yeah, neither have I. The last time I saw her, she seemed pretty upset.

Chilly: Upset? Like, upset with you?

Bingo: No, more like something going on in her life that has nothing to do with me.

Chilly: Aren't you two together? Why didn't you try asking her what's wrong?

Bingo: Trust my mum, I tried. But my messages with her haven't been going through.

Chilly: Well then read the letter, she probably talks about it.

I start reading the letter.

"Dear Bingo,

I'm sorry for everything. The ignoring, the downiness, I just don't even know what to think of myself. Sorry for not telling you sooner, but my family and I are moving to Perth, permanently. This is why I was so down the last time I saw you. Both of our lives are going to be changing, and I didn't have the courage to discuss this problem with you. But now I know not saying anything was a big mistake. Now if you try to message me, your messages will fail because I blocked you. Yes Bingo, I'm that scared to talk about it. But really I have to thank you for everything. You opened my eyes to alternative interests that I have loved. If it weren't for you, I would not be the person I am now. Trust me, I'm not upset with you at all, you don't deserve any of this to happen. But I want to support you to move forward in life and keep going because you are the strongest, bravest, most loving girl I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You have really changed my life for the better, and I just want to encourage you to keep doing that. I will forever love you and don't you ever forget that.


All of my emotions came flooding through my head. I start off feeling sad and confused, but then I start feeling angry at her because I don't think her reasoning is a good excuse to block me and not give me any sort of connection to her. But no matter how I looked at it, I was still going to end with a smile on my face because of her words at the end.


Rusty's POV

My and Indy's college days are starting but we're deciding to make a risky decision and wait until the baby comes to go to our classes in person. The reason why this is a risky choice is because our classes start almost the exact day of the baby's due date and we still have to wait at least three months for him to be able to fly on a commercial airline, and I know that will just be fantastic for everybody else if he starts whining. Not only this, we also have to get him a passport which is also a process. The day before the due date comes by Sunday. Indy and her mum come to a hard agreement to let me stay with them in their house so that I can help Indy whenever I can. I wake up and I see that it is six in the morning, the perfect time to check on Indy because she barely sleeps any more. I walk into her room and I see her snacking on a big bag of trail mix. I stare at her confused, but I try to hide the look from her.

Rusty: How is my baby doing?

Indy: *a little cranky* I don't know, why don't you ask it?!

Rusty: *sweetly* I was talking about you. *kisses her cheek*

Indy: Shut up Rusty.

Rusty: Well ok then. *walks away*

Indy: Where are you going?!

Rusty: Somewhere where I probably won't get insulted.

Indy: You mean out there?... With my mum?

Rusty: ... On second thought, I'll stay here.

Indy: Yeah that's what I thoOOhhh!

Rusty: Oh, come on. I'm not that bad.

Indy: No Rusty. I think this might be it.

Rusty: It?

Indy: Yes it. It's happening!

Rusty: What's happening?

Indy: *grabs his shirt around his collar* The baby is coming you fucking idiot!

Rusty: But it's not due for another day!

Indy: Oh well then, why don't you tell him that! *grabs his head and holds it close to her belly aggressively* Tell him Rusty! Tell him that he's early and tell me what he says in response!

Rusty: Ok, I get it. Come on. *opens the door*

We get in my van in a hurry and I speed my way to the hospital. I start darting down the freeway and Indy starts freaking out.

Indy: Slow down Rust!

Rusty: Who told you that? The baby?! We're in a hurry, so I'm treating it like one!

We make it to the hospital and when she gets taken away by the nurses, I wait in the waiting room and text Mackenzie.

Rusty🏏: Hey man, it's happening.

Kenz⬛⬜: What's "it"?

Rusty🏏: The baby. He's coming. Can you please come by?

Kenz⬛⬜: Yeah. I'll be right there.

Rusty🏏: Thanks man, and be sure to tell Bluey to come by too.

I wait impatiently in the waiting room until I see both Mackenzie and Bluey barge into the room.

Rusty: There you guys are.

Bluey: Sorry we were late, but this guy just can't drive like it's a big deal.

Mackenzie: Sorry, but I didn't want to get in a wreck.

Bluey: I'm sorry, can you tell the baby that?!

Rusty: That's what I said when driving Indy.

Nurse: Ok can the father please follow me in here? The delivery is going to start soon.

Rusty: Ok. I'll go.

Nurse: Ok. Follow me.

We walk into the room with Indy lying on her back.

Indy: Oh, there you are Rust. *looks around* Where's my mum?

Rusty: I just called her, she's on her way right now. And so are my mum and brother.

Indy: Ok.

Doctor: *walks into the room like he's the main character, pulling on his glove, making a snap and shit* Let's deliver us a baby.

I hold Indy's hand through the whole thing, and I feel my whole life flash before my eyes, but really I did. I think about all that has happened the whole time I have known Indy. From the times when we didn't get along at age six, to the day when I asked her out when we were twelve and eleven, all of these events lead to this, us having our first child, and I have never loved her more than I do now. Through my thoughts, I see the doctor pop out from behind the bed and slowly pull out a beautiful baby boy. I feel every good emotion flow through my body. I see the doctor hand the baby to Indy as she starts tearing up.

Doctor: Here you go. Congrats ma'am.

Indy: *takes the crying pup* He's so beautiful.

We keep waiting and the baby stops crying.

Nurse: Ok. We will now let visitors in, so if you have anyone to invite in here, feel free.

Indy: Hey Rust. Do you mind inviting Bluey and Mackenzie in here?

Rusty: Sounds good. I will. *opens the door outside and sees Bluey and Mackenzie talking to Rusty's mum and Digger*

Digger: Hey Rusty. How's it going in there?

Rusty: Well, we have someone we want you to meet.

Everyone comes in and sees Quinn being cradled in Indy's arms.

Rusty: We'd like to introduce you to Quinn Seth Kelpie-Hound.

Rusty's Mum: Aww. Seth, like his granddad. *tearing up*

Digger: Wow. That's not a mouthful at all.

Rusty: Well we don't know what to do with the last name because Indy and I aren't married.

Indy: Well we kind of have to now, and just so you know, I will be taking the last name Kelpie.

Rusty: *lightly blushes* Oh, ok then. So Quinn Seth Kelpie?

Indy: Sounds perfect.

Nurse: Now would the dad like to hold him?

Rusty: Yes please.

The nurse carefully takes Quinn and hands him to me. I gently hold him.

Rusty: Hey there buddy. *whispers to him* Just so you know, I was the one who gave you the name.

Rusty's Mum: Just you?

Indy: Yeah, he got greedy.

Rusty: Just because all of the names that you were giving were all so absurd.

Bluey: What did she suggest?

Rusty: She suggested Austin.

Mackenzie: That's actually a good name.

Rusty: Spelled "A-U-S-T-I-G-H-N".

Bluey: *facepalms* Oh Indy, what were you thinking? *laughing* I was considering naming MY baby Austin in the future, but you just ruined that name for me.

Mackenzie: *lightly blushes*

Quinn: *starts baby laughing*

Rusty: *laughing* Even Quinn agrees. *playfully* Yeah Quinn, she's bad at naming.

Indy: Ok fine, but I'm naming the next one.

Rusty: That is IF there is another one.

(Kibirius: Sorry for how short this chapter was. This was another chapter that was finished less than half an hour before it was posted. There are only three more chapters left in this book, but just keep in mind that there will be more books that will be a continuation of this book. But they probably won't start until about June, so we'll see how that goes. Thanks for reading.) 
