The News

Noodle, Russel, and 2D all stood stunned by the information they just received.

"Ohhh, Soo who's the father?" 2D asked still staring wide-eyed.

"Well,its...Murdoc's." Paula said looking down from him.

"No, No, No she meant it might be Murdoc's" Murdoc added.

2D didn't want to hear anymore, he started walking towards the lift, looking heart broken by the news he just heard. Noodle noticed and went after him, wondering why he looked so down.

"2D-san wait up!" she yelled trying to catch up to him. He stopped at the lift door, and pushed the button to open the door. Noodle managed to catch up to him, out of breath.

"Oh, hey Noods". Hearing the hurt in his voice made Noodle kinda of mad.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you back there." she said entering the lift with him as he pressed the button for the car park.

"Its alrigh' love". He said, grabbing her soft warm hand and leading her to his room.

When they were inside the room, 2D shut the door, locking it. "Are you okay 2D?" she asked worried, walking over to his bed, sitting down.

He walked over to her, laying down on the other side of her. "I'm fine love".

"You don't look it." The axe princess said, moving closer to the singer.

2D sat up and cupped her face, giving her a small smile. "I'm fine Noodle cupp, I promise."

Noodle smiled and moved in closer, gently pressing aganist his lips. 2D smiled against her lips and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her down ontop of him. He pulled away from her, pushing her bangs out of her face so he could see her gorgeous green eyes.

"I love you Noods."

She pecked his lips, still ontop of him. "I love you too, 2D-san".

He pulled her into another more passionate kiss, slowly bringing his hands down to to the ends of her shirt. Interrupting their kiss to pull her shirt over her head, he threw it onto the floor, bringing his hands back to her waist, holding her warm smooth flesh, made him crave more of her. 2D gently started nipping on Noodle's bottom lip, begging for access.

Allowing his tongue into her mouth, he explored her inside, searching for her tongue to wrestle with again. The couple enjoyed themselves in a very pleasureful afternoon, hearing soft and tiny moans from Noodle and grunts from the singer as they reached each others orgasms.

Noodle smiled laying next to her lover smiling brightly as he held her close to his chest, bringing the covers over their naked bodies. Noodle nuzzeled her head against the singer's soft chest.

2D started massaging her sweaty purple hair. "Ya' hungry love?".

"Umm...I guess I could go for some food." she said with a blush.

He giggled at the blush that started to appear on her face. She got up to retrieve her clothes when she notice 2D was staring at her. Her blush grew bigger. "Don't look." she said shyly with a giggle. He got up grabbed his boxers from the floor and went towards her, catching her in a hug. "Ya' know you don't have to be shy love, to me your always gon'na beautiful to me, no matter wot'" He whispered to her, sending a shiver down her spine.

She smiled and let go of him pecking his cheek. 2D smiled and walked towards the bathroom in his room. Noodle picked up the rest of her clothes and put them back on.

After what seemed like hours, 2D finaly came out of his bathroom fully dressed and ready. Noodle was already waiting by the door when he came over and opened it for her to walk out. When they were both out the door he closed it, Noodle grabbed 2D's hand and giggled. There was just something about him that made the axe princess feel all funny and weak in the knees, she loved this feeling though she never wanted it to go away but, there was only one problem.

"2D should we tell Murdoc-san and Russel-san about us?" she asked as they walked into the lift.

"If ya' want to let them in on it love." he said smiling at his axe princess.

"I think they should know." She said gripping his hand a little tighter.

"alrigh' then love." he said as they exited the lift and walked to the kitchen.

"Soo, what do you want to ea-" Noodle stopped as they walked into the kitchen and saw Murdoc and Paula siting at the table.

"Why are you still here?" She asked Paula with a glare, tighting her grip on 2D's hand.

"Well since the lil' girl must know, I'm gonna start living here!" Paula shot back a glare.
