Idk what to call this chapter

Bryce sees your eyes and asks if your ok

Bryce:are you ok Sydney?

Carlos:yeahs are you? your eyes are sort of red

Juwany:they're kinda puffy too

Sydney:yeah I'm fine I'm just tired

You look at Zach and he looks back at you so you look away very fast

Sydney:I'm sorry I'll be right back

You wipe your eyes and walk to the bathroom. Nick follows you and hears crying from the bathroom so he goes in it

(Btw you went into the family bathroom)

Nick:what's wrong?

Sydney:I'm sorry nick


Sydney:it wasn't meant to happen

Nick: what happened Sydney?

Sydney:I cheated on you

You started crying harder

Nick:with who?!


Nick:I can't believe you! Your such an ass hole and a whore!

Sydney:I'm sorry I didn't mean it

Nick:I can't believe that I took care of you and that I fucked you!

Sydney: nick...

Nick:I'm done, we're done, this is done

He walks out of the bathroom hella pissed and goes back to the others and sits down with them. You wipe your eyes and fast walk past them to the hotel room. When you get there you pack your things. You call your manager and tell her your not finishing the rest of the day so you book an earlier flight and wait for s little bit.

Sorry I'm skipping so much I just wanna get to the important things. So skip to back in Nevada and it's a new day so everyone is back from tour and you have school again.

It's 5:30 am on a Monday in mid May

You wake up and start to get out of bed. You walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on and then get in the shower, when your done with your shower you dry off and change into this

And do your hair like this

You go on your phone and look at some tweets before you go to school

Blesiv:@Real.Ona My love♥️

Nickbean:worthless piece of shit😕

Zachclayton:ion need her🖕🏻's a fake😤

You turn on your phone and look for your motorcycle keys, when you find them you grab your cheer jacket and walk out of your room. You let caleb Drive Tess to school so you walk out the door without saying anything, and get onto your motorcycle
