The Starflake Drawings Sheet No One Asked For!

Tadaaaa, the Starflake drawings sheet no one asked for!

I only did that because I wanted to. Also I wanted to give you a little info on how I draw and also to tell you that I can't draw humans very well. (easily pointed out by the randomly drawn author in the bottom left corner)

I wrote some stuff by computer mouse and ended up typing up the rest in Comic Sans, because 1) Why not? It's my favorite font! Don't hate me! and 2) It became really aggravating to try to write everything with my computer mouse.

Don't use that program if you want to draw professionally. That's just a Paint app that's been on the computer I'm using since I started using it. (Basically as long as I've been alive. Or something. The point is it's probably default and it's kinda bad. No offense to the developer of Paint.)

I'm searching for a better app I can use to draw digitally, but one of my best bets here is using the Scratch paint editor. That's how I created my Ninjago ITWC cover (which needs tweaking), but I can't do lineart with it.

I used to use MediBang Paint (mobile app) to draw digitally (including a cover for an unpublished fanfiction of mine; I'm so proud of it *wipes tear*), but I no longer own that device and now it's harder for me to find SOMETHING DIGITAL TO DRAW ON WITHOUT MY PARENTS YELLING AT ME FOR RANDOMLY DOWNLOADING APPLICATIONS.

Okay but all things aside, you finally know a bit more about me. (My drawing skills. An F+.)

Anyways, cya and peace out!

I don't think this counts as an "update" or anything related...

Just have some random drawings from yours truly :)

Edit: Tell me in the comments if you want a certain character you want me to draw. Otherwise I think I'll just pop random drawings on y'all because I'm taking a break from writing or something.

I'm currently working on the next chapter of FotF, so hang in there!
