
What it's been almost a year since I started this? 


anyways I know it's been a while but recently I've been getting requests to finish this. but the people want




but when I originally wrote out the plan for this book It was meant to be a sad ending because I don't believe in plot armor /hj 

so I was thinking I could probably plan that out but still write the sad ending but they will both be their own chapters so it might be a bit till they finish cause I also want them to come out on the same day.

also finishing this requires me to have to go back and read all of this and fun fact it's really hard to read your own writing and not die a little bit inside.

but expect that all in like maybe two months? (I'm still in school and they decided finals get to be after winter break so that means I will have less free time and stuff)

-K1W1 (sorry it's been so long)
