1 day before

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Coach: Training for today is canceled. I have urgent things to do. Please rest well and do your best for tomorrow! \(^o^)/

"So, what is your plan this evening?" He typed a short reply and kept his phone inside his pocket before looking at the guy in front of him.

"I'm going back and sleep." He replied to his friend and continued eating his bread. His friend let out a small sigh upon hearing the answer.

"Oh come on. It's not like we always have free time like this. I must say, 'Once in a lifetime'. Let's do something fun." His friend tried to persuade him but he remained silent.

"Where are you going this evening?" His turn to ask his friend who was drinking his chocolate milk.

"I'm planning to go to school next to the big street." A crease formed on his forehead. "Isn't it girls school?" he continued after his friend nodded to his answer "Do you have anyone to meet?"

His friend put his drink on the table and looked at him. "No. But I want to find my soulmate there. I believe she must be any one of them." His friend grinned. "Come and join me. I bet yours is also among them."

"Crazy. I shall pass your idea. Besides, aren't male students prohibited to stand near the front gate after their school hours? I'm not going to dig my own grave if I ever get caught." He straightened his upper body. Of course, he knew 'well' about that particular rule from that famous girl's school a few blocks away from theirs.

"Trust me. We won't get caught. I promise you, we will only stay there for a while and then we can go back. Please..." His friend pleaded him but he chose to ignore and about to stand up from their table when his friend moved to his side and placed his left arms around his shoulder.

"Oh come on Watanabe. Please..." He looked at his friend's puppy eyes. This is what he hated the most. Saying 'no' to his only best friend is always his last option especially when that particular friend knew his weakness which is his puppy eyes.

He sighed and removed his friend's arm from his shoulder. "As long as we're not getting caught by their teachers." Then he stood up from the chair and walked away towards his classroom.

"I love you Rikkun!" his friend squeal with excitement and rushed his steps to the tall guy.

"Woah. They are so beautiful. Why the girls in our school are different from them? Life is so unfair." His friend spoke a little bit loud while his eyes maintained on the main gate where the female students walked out of the big school.

"You're so loud. How long are we going to stay here? My legs are getting numb." While his friend busy looking at the girls, he was more aware of the surrounding in case they bumped into someone from the school.

Both of them were standing in front of the school wall which located at the small alley next to the school. Although the wall is a bit high, thanks to their heights, they were able to tiptoe to give them access to view inside the school area.

After a few minutes, his friend also started to feel the pain on his toes and he stopped from looking at the girls. But before he turned to his friend who was still guarding them by looking at the surrounding, his eyes caught a beautiful girl with a long silky hair and maroon backpack walked towards the gate.

"Hey. I think I've found my soulmate. I'm going to act as if I just passed by and accidentally bump her. I will get going now. See you later!" Then his friend disappeared from his view before he got to reply.

"Watanabe Risa."

He was about to shout to his friend when he heard his name had been called by a female voice behind him. He knew that voice well.

Slowly, he turned his body to the person who was standing with a grumpy face. Damn.

"What are you doing here? I thought you have your training?" His mother asked him with a stern voice. From her tone, he knew that he was in trouble at that moment. He gulped.


"You're grounded for the whole week. No training or any activities in the evening till night. NO EXCUSES!" His mother cut his words before he could even explain himself.

Nice Shida. What a traitor. He let out a heavy sigh before following his mother steps from behind.


To: Miss Nagahama Neru

"Official Offer Letter to High School Entrance With Scholarship"

She slipped the letter on the table to the person in front of her. Her parents looked at her before slowly took the letter and open the seal together.

She smiled when she saw happy tears came out from her mother and her father let out a relief sighed.

"Congratulations, Neru! I am so proud of you. After one year passed, your waiting is worth." Her dad said. She grinned at her father's word.

"I know. Thank you for your non-stop prayers. I was surprised to receive the letter this morning." Neru said in a soft tone.

Her mother smiled widely at her youngest daughter. She knew how her daughter struggles to pass the examination to enter that particular elite school with scholarship in the middle of the city in that country.

"Mama, Papa," Neru called her parents who gave her a questioning look.

"Yes?" They said in unison.

"Is it okay for me to go there? It's very far from Nagasaki. Who will take care of you here?" Neru said.

Her parents stayed silent for a moment before her mother took her hands in hers.

"Neru, if this is for your future, we are more than happy to see you further your study. We will be fine here. We can take care of ourselves. Our relatives are nearby so it won't be any problem. Furthermore, there are flights that we can take from here to Tokyo if we wanted to visit you." Her mother gave her a warm smile.

"True. But it is up to you. We won't force you to do something you don't like. I believe you are big enough to decide your life." Her father said and put his right hand on top of the mother and daughter's hands.

"Whatever it takes, we will always be there for you." She smiled upon hearing the warm words from her father.

She was afraid if this happiness will only last for short times. She will be alone once she accepts the offer as she will travel to the place where she is unfamiliar with. Most of her relatives were from Nagasaki as well, thus, she needs to learn survival skills there. But that was not a problem for her since she had been taught to be survival since she was a kid.

Not only that, once she agreed to transfer, she had to leave her friends who were with her since elementary school and also her new friends whom she had been together with since the first day of her high school. They were precious for her and she knew she will badly miss them when they separated although she knew technology will help them to keep in touch with each other.

"Have your friends being informed by this?" Her mother cut her thoughts.

She pursed her lips and shook her head lightly. "No. I will tell them by tomorrow." She said in low voice.

"Okay. When is the last date to reply to the letter?" Her mother asked.

"Next Monday." Her mother nodded to her response. She felt nervous remembering the date she needed to give her answer on the offer.

"Okay. Just think of it thoroughly and tell us once you have decided." Her mother sent her a warm smile before stood up and went to the kitchen to check the cake that she baked while ago.

"Remember Neru. Please don't take this as a burden but think of your future. I put my trust in you." Her fathers turned to speak up and gave her a calm smile and walked to the small garden outside their house.

She let out a heavy sigh and looked at the letter in front of her with a heavy heart and messed mind.


a/n: Hello. It's me again! Haha, I guess I can never get enough with the pairing. Lol. To tell you, this is the story that I've been working on since last year. But with this lazy ass of mine, the story is never been published. But here I decided to post one since I don't want the ship to be forgotten. See you for the next chap! Thank you for reading.

-i'm out-

Draft: August 27, 2019
