Chapter 35

„Araya's parents are so excited about the wedding, they even suggested a date. It would be May 7th. It's a Saturday so that would be perfect." Team felt like his heart had stopped beating. Not only has there already been a date for the was also not any normal date...but..May 7th, Win's Birthday. „I don't think you have already any plans for that date since it's 3 months from now. Teerayu! Would you please answer me when I am talking to you?" his mother said, slightly unhappy about the silence coming from the other side of the phone.

Team tried to comprehend what his mother just said. Not only did she want the wedding to be held in 3 months..The date was also..May 7th. Win's birthday. Of course, neither his mother nor Arayas parents do know that, but..does destiny really hate him that much, Team thought. "What is your problem with May 7th? You have no school or anything else on Saturday, have you?" his mother asked. "No, but.." "I know it's a few months until May, but..there are so many things to prepare for the wedding. For example, where do Araya and you want to get married? What color should the flowers have? What kind of cake do you want? What about the buffet?.." Team did not want to hear anything about the wedding anymore. He did not care about the time or place, the food they will serve..or the music they will play..He just wanted it to be over, but..3 months. 3 months from now he would be a married man. Married to Araya, a girl..he does not love.

After what felt like hours his mother finally ended the call. Team was exhausted. He fell onto his bed and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. But now, since the call with his mother ended and he had time to think, he thought about Win. Tears started running down his cheeks. "Hia could die. Hia could die without knowing.." He was crying so hard. He couldn't stop. He didn't want to stop. He wanted to cry. "What if he dies?! What if he dies..without knowing..?! Hia..please..don't leave me! I need you! Please, don't leave me.."

Team cried himself to sleep. When he got woken up by the sound of his phone ringing. Someone was calling him. Team grabbed his phone and took a look at the display. It was Pharm, who was calling him. "Pharm..? I..I really don't want to talk right now" Team said with a tired voice. Tired from all the crying he did the previous night. "Team? Can we come by?" he asked softly. "Please" Team answered with a crying voice. Soon after Manaow, Pharm and Team were sitting on his bed. Both were holding him, while Team was crying. "I don't understand?! How could that happen? I.." Pharm and Manaow were looking at each other. Neither of them knew what to say. Suddenly the door opened and Dean came in. "What is HE doing here?" Manaow asked angrily. "He asked me..if it was ok to visit you, Team" Pharm said. "Not after what he said to Team!" Manaow said furiously. "If I were you..!" "Please..Manaow..stop it" Team interrupted her with a calm voice. "It is not Dean's fault. He has all the right to be angry with me. He is Win's best friend after all. Being angry with me is practically his job." Dean nodded and took a seat beside Pharm. "

"How is his family?" Team asked, almost whispering, not looking at Dean. "His parents are..they are worried, but they wouldn't show it, especially his dad. But..his brothers..View calls me almost every day. He is often crying on the phone, but Wan and Samiya trying to comfort him. It's not easy for the three either." Team's heart hurt when he heard Samiya's name. Of course, Win's girlfriend must be devastated. She must really love him, he thought. "Poor Samiya. In her condition, she should have as little stress as possible. The stress could be dangerous for her and the baby" Dean said. "The..the baby?" Team could not believe what he just heard. Win and Samiya are having a baby?! "Yes. She is pregnant. Win told me..soon before he had the accident. He was so happy and excited for them. But..since the accident, Wan is worried about Samiya's condition. Every little sign of stress could be dangerous for the baby. This is just not fair. Win was so excited when she told him. And now..he may.." Dean tried to hold back his tears. He did not want to cry in front of anybody, especially not Team. Win would kill him if he would cry in front of Team because it would make the boy feel even worse. "I..I am sorry. I should really go now" Dean said while trying to prevent himself from crying. "I will bring you" Pharm suggested and both left.

"P..P'Win is going to be.. Team? Are you.." Team couldn't say a word. Win and Samiya are going to be parents. The love of his life was about to start a family. He was about to build a new life with his girlfriend and his child. A life he has no space in. But..what if he..what about the baby? It needs his father. And if there was one thing Team was sure of, then the fact, that Win would be the best father a child could wish for. Hot tears were running down his face, while he was starring at the sky. "Hia, please. You have to wake up. Please. Your family needs you, your child needs you..I need you."
