21: To protect

"Do you always wear a mask?"

You stare at the man that approaches you but that is all you do, sending him a silent stare, hoping he can take the hint to leave.

But some mortals are just plain stupid.

"Ah, so you don't speak either?" He asks and when you don't reply, the man scoffs. "Is something wrong with your face? Is that why you hide? Or is it because you think too highly of yourself and believe the rest of us doesn't deserve to see your face? Which is it?" The lack of response makes him a little upset. "Fine, I'll see it for myself."

The second he tries to lay a hand on you, you grab his wrist to stop him before he can and the man grunts in pain at your harsh grip. "Whether I wear a mask or not should not concern you, sir," you tell him through gritted teeth.

You hate men who think they are everything just because of their status. You hate men who think they rule the world and can do whatever they want to others and he is no exception.

"Think twice about trying to touch me again."

With that warning, you drop his hand and turn your body to walk away from him. But you don't get too far before you feel something against your face and the mask loosens around you yet just as you hold your mask back up before it can fall and try to kick the man away in reflex, someone else is there to hold the man back before he can do anything any further.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her."

Your eyes widens a little at the possessive tone of Jimin's, deep and low as he glares at the rude man while holding his hand just as you had done but tighter.

It isn't just his anger that surprises you but the fact that he's doing it out in the open where Miran also stands, clearly watching. You can see her brows furrowed, a glint of jealousy in her eyes yet you don't care about her feelings.

The man is quick to apologize as he realizes it is Park Jimin now addressing him but Jimin doesn't let go.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to her," he beckons.

"I-I'm sorry miss," he's quick to say and the moment Jimin lets him go, he sprints away.

Miran tries to walk up to her boyfriend but Jimin only turns to you as if he hadn't seen Miran at all.

"Are you alright?"

His voice is filled with concern and you contemplate between answering him or letting him go with Miran stepped up behind him, also watching you with a piercing gaze.

He loves her so why should he concern himself with you? You are only a bodyguard to him after all.

So you don't reply and turn around to run away, hands still clasped around your face to keep your mask from falling off.


But even as Miran calls to him, he begins running off to you instead, leaving her hurt but in that moment, all Jimin can think about is you.

Kai saw your face because you allowed him to and you broke down in front of him. The Y/N he's known so far doesn't show her vulnerable emotions whatsoever, she doesn't feel sadness. All he's ever seen are the giggles and laughter, jokes and stories you'd go on and on about when you can after getting used to them, and the professional stance you hold in the presence of others.

You don't show your other emotions. No anger, no tears, nothing else.

So when Kai told him you broke down in front of the little boy, he knew for sure that something wasn't right and that he wants to fix it for some reason.

He doesn't even truly understand why he ignored Miran to run after you but he knows that for now, he has to make sure you're alright.


"Mr. Park." You stop running after you face a corner that is small and leads to a dead end, somewhere you know hides away from the security cameras. "Please turn around," you ask of him and he's quick to understand, turning around in respect for you.

You fix the mask that had slipped due to the hand of the rude man and turn around again to face Jimin's back. But you don't call to him just yet, allowing yourself to admire his back because it is the only time you can watch him without him questioning anything.

It hurts, your heart hurts and you're unsure why you're becoming more and more sensitive these days but you try not to burst out in tears again. It's a relief he ran after you though, a relief that he left Miran for you.

You smile knowing the fact.

"I'm done," you tell him and he turns around again. The distance is small but you don't take a step back and neither does he. The silence is deafening for a moment until you break it. "Thank you."

Jimin nods with a small smile. "I know you can handle yourself but at moments when you are a little vulnerable, let someone else protect you, hm?" He says. "Can I protect you?"

The words sounds familiar and you await what he has to say next.

"When you can't protect yourself, I will protect you."

It's the same words he told you back in the Underworld, when he hid you in a room and held you up against the wall and told you that losing a battle does not make you any less worthy to him. You remember every moment clearly yet there he stands, unknowing to the fact that he's said those exact words to you before.

And for that, your throat starts to feel clamped so you only nod, afraid that if you speak, he will find out you are on the verge of tears.

So you're thankful he doesn't see it and chuckles a little while ruffling your head. "You're our bodyguard, Y/N-ssi, but that doesn't mean you're invincible. After all, you are still human." Still human. No Goddess. "I've gotta get back."

He doesn't say Miran's name but you know that's where he will be returning to. When he turns his heels and begins striding away, you don't say a word, still so, so afraid you'll break.

So you wait a moment until you allow the tears to fall and crouch to the floor, knees bent as you hold them in your arms.

Crying softly.

Unbeknownst to you, Jimin isn't far away so he hears the little cries and his feet stops him from walking any further.

The soft cries breaks his heart in little pieces he has no idea the reason for. But it hurts, hurts like how the Underworld is supposed to feel. As if there is still a missing piece despite him thinking a few years ago that Miran was their missing piece.

But was she?
