letter nine

Dear internet friends and everyone between,

Can I just say that,
you all were true friends to me.
You were there to help me in so many ways.
I couldn't make friends in real life.
I'm not invalidating any of you.
Although we don't talk as much anymore.

You helped me,
open my eyes a little more.
Mended open cuts,
and brought a smile to my face.
I never met anyone like you.
So comforting,
and non judgmental.
I will never replace you in my life.

Though I will find others , cause we all move forward.
It's part of living a whole.
We are all different,
and yet the same in certain places.

I'm grateful for technology.
Although people might think we're brainwashed .
But most of the time we're bonding with someone.
To fill that empty void.
Of course,
it's fine to want to be alone.
There's nothing wrong with that.

I will end with a helpful tip.
No matter who you are.
There's someone who could be your friend.
Don't let the bad ,
bring you down.
Be yourself against all odds.
Paint yourself in any color you want.
There's no limit setting you back.
For emotions make you stronger,
and I hope you use it to your advantage .

the person who embraced their true themselves.
