A child's personality, a child's face is all created based on something. It's influenced by a major factor. The parents, the guardians. A child is a reflection of the parents. Some would look at another and go 'oh their parents must have raised them badly' or 'I pity their parents.' They don't consider asking why they turned out a certain way, and when they do, they get it wrong. They think that a child is a copy of a parent, that they'll follow in the path of them.

 That's where they're wrong. Because sometimes the child turns out exactly like the parent, the same mannerisms, same voice, same looks, but they are undeniably different.

Hanako may look somewhat like her parents, and her mannerisms may be somewhat the same, such as how Hanako only really knows how to deal with a problem with violence; it was how she was raised. 

And only recently has Hanako thought about how alike her and her father look. She was a carbon copy of him, except she was female. The only part of her mother that Hanako had in her was the modification of her quirk.

Hanako's father's quirk was tarantula, and he could produce venom that could kill an average human along with the rest of Hanako's abilities. Though, her mother's quirk was the ability to heal. This caused the venom part of Hanako's quirk to not exist, the healing part cancelling it out.

It was why she was considered such a failure.

She couldn't be their weapon, so her parents made themselves the perfect weapon. This 'weapon' would be one that was soon to be tested against the person they deemed worthless. 

Only time will tell if the villains win or the heroes win.


Hanako hadn't quite been on board with the idea of going to the school pool as a class activity, but then she realised the true possibilities of what could happen, and all of a sudden, she was on board.

Much like when the class went to the mall, Hanako spent the time before outside with her friends; almost getting heatstroke at that. Hanako really should've been looking to get a job throughout all of this, but a part of her told her not to, and that it wasn't her responsibility. But it was her responsibility, it had been for at least three years now. Though now, she'd been having so much fun and free time! 

Don't even get me started on the sleep she got.

So maybe she'd just try and sneak under the radar, and while she's at it, she might just live a little.

She arrived at the pool at school and changed into the school swimming costume before terrorizing the girl's volleyball game by jumping into the pool and dragging the ball underneath the water.

She still hadn't returned from acting like she did with her neighbourhood friends, that being rough. Hanako did not care that her hair was soaking wet whatsoever, but it seemed like most of the other girls had taken a conscious effort to avoid that.

"Yamikumo! You finally arrived, what took you so long?" Uraraka asked as Hanako brushed her hair out of her face.

"I just got caught up with some friends and got a bit distracted, sorry." Hanako laughed as she joined in the game. It had been so long since Hanako had gone swimming, it wasn't a thing she could really do in the summer; unless you count finding random lakes and jumping in them.

Hanako wasn't really a volleyball person, she was more of a soccer person, but compromising was something she'd learnt to do a lot in her life.

The longer the girls played the more Hanako laughed at the pain in the boys' faces as they trained. Hanako had to laugh at whoever decided that training was a good idea. It was also rather interesting to see Bakugo's anger levels rise with every given minute.

After a good thirty minutes, Hanako decided to get out of the pool and steal a drink from the boys. What? She was thirsty! Her hair dripped a trial of water droplets along with her wet foot prints as she walked over to the cooler.

"Ah Yamikumo! Do you want a drink?" Iida offered, no longer mortal enemy it seemed; Bakugo had definitely earned that title.

"Yes please." Hanako answered, Iida passing her a can of fizzy orange juice. Hanako opened the can and began to drink before Bakugo decided to have a word.

"Hey! That was the last drink, Spidey!" Bakugo growled out, his brow furrowed in anger. Hanako continued to drink the soda whilst looking at Bakugo with an uninterested look.

"You snooze you lose." Hanako replied, chugging the whole drink out of pure spite.

"You bitch!" Bakugo exclaimed before lunging at Hanako who proceeded to run away whilst laughing.

Bakugo was in hot pursuit of Hanako who was running around the pool whilst  laughing extremely hard, almost to the point of not being able to breathe. Bakugo wasn't really that angry at Hanako, he just like her, sometimes craved absolute chaos, and if that meant running around a pool with a high chance of falling over, he would do it.

Now, the thing these two idiots failed to take into account was physics. Both of them were still wet from being in the pool, and therefore running would be highly unadvised. So when Bakugo managed to catch up to Hanako and attempt to push her in the pool, he failed to consider that he too would have a slight chance to fall in the pool

They both fell in the pool whilst trying to slap each other.

And that's how the day would continue. Bakugo attempting murder on Hanako and Hanako just laughing uncontrollably.

(The inferno was coming, because as they say, this is the calm before the storm)


The humming of a bus engine was one of the least prominent noises, the loud chatter of class 1A being the loudest thing. Hanako, much like her class mates, was torturing the boy next to her who had just seemed to have enough of Hanako's.... Hanako. Hanako had made Bakugo a bracelet which say 'Arsonist' on it with the cheap bracelet making kit she bought a few days ago.

Bakugo had just stayed still for the most part of the ride, probably trying to forget his existence as Hanako rambled on and on about random things. It was a very nice day, one of the only calm days they'd seem  tohave had recently.

Aizawa had seemingly given up on keeping his class quiet, though was it really his first time doing so? The bus was currently driving on an extremely mountainous area, the road being much too thin for comfort. Though on the other hand, the view was comforting, the blanket of abundant trees for miles over the cliff edge creating a layer of green as far as the eye can see.

One thing Bakugo had found hard to fathom was not only how Hanako was so laid back, but how (annoyingly) the girl had grown on him. In a way, she was like Kirishima. She always had something to say, though unlike Kirishima, those things she did have to say weren't always nice.

And Bakugo could respect that because they were genuinely funny. They were insults, and could possibly fall under the category of bullying, but they were funny. And if Bakugo had to pretend to not be listening to every dumb thing Hanako says just to get some humour, he'd do it again.

He may or may not have kept the bracelet.

The bus pulled over at a rest area, that in reality was a little overhand on the edge of a cliff. There was a blank car there too, only being noticed by the students as they exited the bus.

"Finally I needed off that bus!" Kaminari stretched, his back cracking at one point.

"This isn't much of a rest area." Kirishima annotated.

"Yeah and where's class B?" Jiro questioned.

"You don't think we stopped here just for you to stretch your legs do you?" Aizawa said. Hanako really hoped the man was kidding, she really wasn't about to go along with what ever master plan the man had in his head.

"Heya Eraser." A feminine voice said, resonating from the black car.

"Long time no see." Aizawa responded, bowing.

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow!" One lady began.

"Perfectly cute and cat like girls!"

"You can call us the.... Wild Wild Pussy Cats!" They both said striking a pose. Though that wasn't what had Hanako's attention, it was the small boy who had black hair that was being covered by a red hat with two golden horns.

"These are the pros you'll be working with in the summer training camp." Aizawa-sensei revealed.

"They're a four person team who specialise in mountain rescues! The pussy cats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! This marks there twelfth year working as a- " Midoryia's rambling spree was cut off when one of the ladies put a hand over Midoriya's face, inevitably stopping the boy from talking.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off! I' m eighteen at heart!" The lady said. Her blue cat costume was rather..... interesting to say the least. Hanako was sure that the lady's work was great, and she wasn't one to judge, not at all. But the skirt was simply not effective.

"We own this whole stretch of land over here, everything you can see! The summer camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain." A lady said, everyone found out her name was Mandalay, and Mandalay was pointing into the very distance.

Hanako began to slowly retreat backwards towards the bus, there was no way that they would make them run there, right? Right?


Because that led to everyone being thrown off of the clay cliff, and landing rather inelegantly on the hard rock floor. "Good news, since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to! You've got three full hours to get to the facility that is, if you can make it through the beasts forest." Mandalay announced, shouting from where the students once were.

Though a deep thud emitting from deep within the forest was enough to let the students know that this, was really just the start.

(Yet the inferno was still yet to come, and it reality it was right around the corner)


Hanako was being literally dragged by Bakugo, him having a vice grip on one of her arms as her body lay limp. She was conscious, but she barely felt like blinking; that was a bit dramatic, she was fine, but had a splinter in her foot from the forest and did not feel like walking. Everyone was tired, in pain, and they realised that sleep will never be enough if it is their minds that are tired. And by the end of the training camp, it would be more than their minds that were tired.

"You said it was only gonna be three hours!" Sero complained, many others nodding along with him.

"I guess we timed it on how long it'd take us, sorry." Mandalay apologised rather back-handily.

"You guys were especially great especially the four of you!" Pixie-Bob said pointing to Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. "It seems like you've had quite the bit of experience! I call dibs on these kittens I'll groom them myself!" Pixie-Bob said, pouncing at Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo . The four boys waved their arms around wildly as the blue cat began to pounce on them. Though during all of this, Bakugo did end up dropping Hanako. The girl herself was fine, yet she decided that moving was a very old fashion way of living. 

Everyone was just watching the interaction of a fully grown adult fawn over some 15/16 year old boys. Midoriya began to speak, though Pixie-Bob placed her hand over the poor boy's mouth, and she began to speak instead. "Choose your words wisely boy"

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier, who's that kid, what's he doing here?" Midoriya asked all be it muffled, while pointing at the small boy.

"Oh this little guy, he's my cousins' son, he just lives with us now don't be shy, Kota, say hi to everyone, you're going to be around them for the next week." Mandalay answered.

Midoriya went up to the boy and introduced himself, though it seemed that the younger boy wasn't very interested, and ultimately ended up punching Midoriya where the sun doesn't shine.

"Last I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes!" Kota huffed.

"Wannabe? How old are you kid?!" Iida inquired, a slight disbelief lacing his tone.

"That brat's got spunk." Bakugo said smiling, a rarity it seemed.

"He's like a mini version of you." Todoroki said in his usual monotone voice, and that was unnecessarily funny to Hanako who, whilst laying on the floor, began to laugh.

"What are you talking about!? You need to shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell!" Bakugo retorted, his once slightly happy mood now turned sour.

"Yeah sure." Todoroki said, unfazed.
