
Chapter 141: Elder Li's secret

Chapter 141: Elder Li's secret Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Head Commander Shadowgale stood in the doorway staring at the pair in front of the bronze mirror and felt there was something off about the entire scene. Still, he couldn't place his finger on the specifics. Supreme Commander's brushed his nephew's hair before? Is he really treating His Majesty as his son to raise now?

"It's finished," Lou Zigui backed away as he told Ning Xiaoyao, who looked at her reflection in the mirror before her face split into a grin.

"Am I as handsome enough to rend the Heavens now?" she asked them.

Lou Zigui turned to Shadowgale, who instantly dropped his head. I didn't hear a thing!

"Handsome!" Ning Xiaoyao mentally gave her reflection a 'like' as she headed for the doors. On the way out, she told Lou Zigui and Shadowgale, "Come on, let's head over to the Grand Preceptor's estate and watch them cremate the old madame."

"......." said Lou Zigui. What did I just hear her say? Cremation? That wasn't my imagination, right?! Right??!!!

Shadowgale had completely disregarded Ning Xiaoyao's words, since he didn't understand half of what she said anyways. He'd long learned to simply follow along His Majesty's whims instead. By the time Lou Zigui had recovered his senses, Ning Xiaoyao had already left the rooms like a gust of wind.

"I'll be taking you home soon," Ning Xiaoyao said as she stood in the courtyard with A'Mo the ant on her collar. "I was originally planning for Black Tubby and the rest to take you back, but now there's no need."

A'Mo used his feelers to poke at Ning Xiaoyao's face. "Xiaoyao, is everything okay now?" He was still feeling lightheaded since he couldn't clearly see what all the humans were doing.

"It's fine now," Ning Xiaoyao patted her sleeves and added, "I've brought along an entire bag of sugar beans. When I bring you home, A'Mo, you and your family can all have a taste."

Hearing that there'd be an entire bag of sugar beans for him and his family thrilled A'Mo to no end. He hastened to say, "Okay, okay. Thank you, Xiaoyao."

"Haha, you're welcome," Ning Xiaoyao laughed happily.

Big Boss Black jumped onto Ning Xiaoyao's shoulders and stared at A'Mo, before speaking in an affected voice, "You should've reported the news earlier. You only came after things had started happening; weren't you afraid of seeing Xiaoyao's corpse instead?"

Ning Xiaoyao rapped her knuckles on Big Boss Black's head. "Do you really have to curse me like that?!"

A'Mo said, "I was already going very, very fast!"

Big Boss Black said, "Couldn't you have found a cat to pass on the message in your place? This cat knew it! All you wanted was sugar beans from Xiaoyao!"

"That's not true!" A'Mo wailed, his feelers moving wildly. "It's not like I know any of you cats!"

"A'Mo's right," Ning Xiaoyao stood on A'Mo's side to look down on Big Boss Black. "Do you think it's easy to find a cat?"

"That's right," A'Mo humphed.

"......." said Lou Zigui, who'd finally caught up with the trio. He could see a tiny ant on Ning Xiaoyao's collar. So much for talking to cats, but now she's chatting up ants, too?

"Your Majesty?" Shadowgale asked. He'd followed Lou Zigui out of the palace rooms.

Ning Xiaoyao only said two words: "Let's go."

"Shadowthunder and Shadowbolt will stay behind at the palace," Lou Zigui told the Dragon Guards. "No more disturbances will be allowed."

"Oh, then Second Thunder and Fourth Lightning can go ahead and stay home," Ning Xiaoyao waved her hand, readily accepting the good advice without thinking twice about it. Although Shadowthunder and Shadowbolt knew that this wasn't His Majesty's original idea, they had no choice but to obey. Orders were orders, after all.

Ning Xiaoyao was about to depart the palace when another mama arrived from the empress dowager's palace with a timid air. "Esteemed Empress Dowager ordered this servant to see Your Majesty."

Ning Xiaoyao said, "That I already know. If the empress dowager hadn't shouted for you to come, you wouldn't want to see me, either."

Upon hearing that, the mama started crying for His Majesty to spare her life.

"Enough already," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Why would I kill people for no reason? Speak, what's gone wrong with Esteemed Empress Dowager now?"

The mama replied, "Your Majesty, after hearing of Old Madame Xie's death, Esteemed Empress Dowager was so grieved that she fainted away. The Imperial Physician Courtyard has already been sent..."

"She fainted again, huh?" Ning Xiaoyao cut her off. "All day and night, she's nothing if not sad and fainting all over the place. Does Esteemed Empress Dowager have that many emotions to spare?"

The mama looked back at Ning Xiaoyao, not knowing what to say. Lou Zigui rested a hand against his forehead before he softly murmured to Ning Xiaoyao, "Just ask her what business she has."

"Oh, that's right," Ning Xiaoyao faced the mama. "Just what does the empress dowager want now?"

The mama said, "Esteemed Empress Dowager wishes to offer her condolences at the Grand Preceptor's estate."

It looked like Ning Xiaoyao's plans to sow discord hadn't worked well at all. Is the empress dowager planning to discuss more devious schemes with Grand Preceptor Xie again so soon? "She doesn't care about her son anymore?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

The mama kept her head bowed and didn't say a word in argument.

"Her body's long been unwell to begin with. What if she goes to the Grand Preceptor's estate and gets sad again, wouldn't her health just get worse?" Ning Xiaoyao attempted to look sincere as she could as she spoke. "Go on back and tell the empress dowager that I said I'm distressed for her sake, and that I want her to rest plenty at the empress dowager's palace. As for offering condolences, I can do it in her place."

"Y-Your Majesty?" The mama was flustered at Ning Xiaoyao's words.

"If the empress dowager asks you anything, just say it's because I care about her deeply," Ning Xiaoyao said. Of course, I'll give Esteemed Empress Dowager no end of cares to grieve about~

"........" said everyone else. It seemed like Esteemed Empress Dowager was due for another bout of fainting again after this.

"Why aren't you withdrawing yet?" Lou Zigui asked with a cold face when he saw the mama standing stubbornly by. "Just how many times does His Majesty have to repeat himself?"

The timid mama grew even more terrified at Lou Zigui's words. In the middle of her farewell, she half turned and lost her footing, falling into a heap on the ground. Ning Xiaoyao bent down to help her up, patting her shoulder to check on her status.

Mm, this mama's health has no major problems, either. "Go on back and have a good talk with Esteemed Empress Dowager. An upright person can't be unreasonable, isn't that right?"

The mama wanted to cry herself to death. Nobody in this family has any form of reason!

Ning Xiaoyao didn't even bother with considering Empress Dowager Xie's eventual reaction to her words. After leaving the palace and discovering that Elder Li would accompany her to the Grand Preceptor's estate, her mood had been somewhat soured. She wanted to tell him that it'd be best if he went home, but her courage wilted in the face of his serious, dignified look. It looked like he'd never smiled in his life.

"Go on, get in the carriage," Lou Zigui lightly pushed Ning Xiaoyao forward. Ning Xiaoyao settled into the emperor's exclusive carriage and waited until she heard the wheels rolling along the street before she clenched her fists. "Forget it," she said to Big Boss Black and A'Mo. "If I die, then I die!"

Big Boss Black asked, "Why would you die when you're off to see Old Madame Xie's corpse?"

A'Mo must have been a cultured ant, because he asked her, "Xiaoyao, are you talking about the custom of being buried alive with the dead?"

"What? Why would I be buried alive?" Ning Xiaoyao said as she clutched her head. "I'm talking about that old geezer Elder Li."

Big Boss Black swished his tail. Why does an emperor need to fear one of her subjects? This ninny, she's beyond help.

A'Mo moved his feelers as he thought and said, "Xiaoyao, I've heard my elder cousin say that Elder Li is a henpecked husband."

"What's a henpecked husband?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"Someone who's afraid of their wife," Big Boss Black explained rather unhappily.

"Mhm," A'Mo said. "All of my older cousins say that Elder Li's scared of his wife. If his wife tells him to sleep on the floor, he wouldn't dare to sleep in bed!""......" said Ning Xiaoyao. It seems like I've heard something I wasn't supposed to know again.

"Xiaoyao, you don't have to be scared of Elder Li," A'Mo encouraged her. "He's afraid of females. Aren't you one of them?"

Ning Xiaoyao sucked on her lips. Fearing one's wife and fearing women were two completely different things. But she figured it'd be hard to make A'Mo understand the differences. That'd be like trying to turn the little ant into a human himself. Still, Ning Xiaoyao thought as she rubbed her chin, Now I have one more goal in this world. I have to get on the good side of Elder Li's wife. I have to hug her thigh and become her close friend!

Ning Xiaoyao sat in her carriage and began to sketch out her plans to get on Elder Li's wife's good side. She wanted to accomplish her goal in the shortest time possible so that the wife would make sure Elder Li never appeared in front of her again. (Author: Wake up, you. No matter how much Lady Li dotes on you, she'll never let her husband lose his job!)

The emperor's carriage passed through the streets, which were still a mess from the recent disorder. However, all of the frightened, panicked people stilled when they saw His Majesty's carriage. If His Majesty's still alright, then the sky hasn't fallen on Yongning yet! The masses kneeled on the ground and wished Ning Xiaoyao 10,000 years of blessings from their positions on the ground. Lou Zigui glanced back from his horse to look at Elder Li, who was also riding on his own steed. This was the real reason you called Ning Xiaoyao out of the palace, isn't it?

Elder Li silently nodded his head as he viewed the scene. It looks like the people's hearts are still with His Majesty.

When the carriage and horses had just about reached their destination, Lou Zigui rode up to the carriage window and asked Ning Xiaoyao, "Your Majesty, we're almost at the Xie Clan's archway. Will the various officials need to dismount and pay their respects?"

"Don't dismount," Ning Xiaoyao said immediately. "Why bother getting off the horses? Sooner or later, I'll take that archway back!"

"Alright," Lou Zigui said. "This subject obeys the decree."

The archway in front of the Grand Preceptor's estate had witnessed the entire reign of Emperor Yuanzong's rule in glory. Now, for the first time ever, it finally saw people pass beneath its archway on horseback instead of on foot.

When Grand Preceptor Xie caught news of His Majesty coming to pay his condolences, he was left stunned for the amount of time it took to brew a cup of tea. Ning Yu's coming to offer condolences? This girl's simply here to cause trouble and difficulties instead, isn't she?!

"His Majesty's nearly at the gates," the Dragon Guard sent to report the news said respectfully. "It's better for Grand Preceptor to welcome His Majesty quickly."

Grand Preceptor Xie nodded. The Dragon Guard turned to leave with an easy conscience, He hadn't accepted the bag of cash that the Xie estate steward had tried to stuff in his hands. Why would I be afraid of going poor when I am following His Majesty. This particular Dragon Guard was full of aspirations of his own!


"Father?" in the hall for receiving guests, Xie Anshi called out to Grand Preceptor Xie.

"Call your second brother," Grand Preceptor Xie said. "All the adult males of the estate are required to come with me to welcome the emperor."

While the Grand Preceptor's estate was hastily preparing its welcome, an imperial guard caught up to Lou Zigui and reported quietly, "Supreme Commander, Xie Anyi's already been brought out of the imperial prisons."

Lou Zigui asked, "How did you explain the situation to him?"

The imperial guard hastened to reply, "Exactly as Supreme Commander had instructed. This one told him that he was to be escorted home to send off the old madame on her final journey."

"Good," Lou Zigui nodded. "I know now. You've all done extremely well."

The imperial guard cupped his fist astride his horse in polite thanks, before turning to gallop off.

"What is it?" Ning Xiaoyao stuck her head out the carriage window.

"When we reach the Grand Preceptor's estate later," Lou Zigui answered in a low voice, "Don't forget to remit young née Wang's punishment and make her Xie Anyi's official consort."

 Chapter 142: The ruined incense burner

Chapter 142: The ruined Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"Do we really have to do it today?" Ning Xiaoyao asked. "Isn't that disrespectful towards the old madame?"

"How could that be?" Lou Zigui replied. "The old madame will be all too happy to know that Your Majesty is sending her off, so how are we disrespecting her?"

"This and that are two different things, aren't they?" Ning Xiaoyao asked. "It might even be that little white flower who had finished her off."

"The Xie Clan didn't deliver her to the authorities," Lou Zigui pointed out. "So the culprit can't possibly be young née Wang."

"True enough," Ning Xiaoyao nodded her head in agreement inside the carriage.

Big Boss Black took advantage of the fact that Lou Zigui couldn't see him to scratch Ning Xiaoyao. "Since you're stupid, you should listen to what others say. Whatever Supreme Commander says, goes!"

Ning Xiaoyao picked up Big Boss Black and threw him outside the window. "Supreme Commander, you need to look after your cat!"

Lou Zigui met eyes with Big Boss Black, who had ended up landing on his horse. "Miaow~" Big Boss Black meowed at him. Lou Zigui found the entire situation unintelligible. Since when has this cat been mine?

"This subject Xie Wenyuan respectfully greets Your Majesty!" Grand Preceptor Xie's voice sounded from outside the carriage. Ning Xiaoyao straightened out her clothes before she stuck her head out the window and saw a crowd of people gathered outside. She immediately had an urge to slip back into the carriage again. Dammnit, why are there so many people again?! Humans from the apocalypse all feared large groups of people. Being part of a large crowd when zombies attacked only made escaping that much more difficult. Every survivor in the apocalypse was experienced enough to know such things. Although Ning Xiaoyao knew that zombies didn't exist in this world, old habits die hard.

"Your Majesty." Lou Zigui extended his hand towards Ning Xiaoyao.

Swallowing a gulp, Ning Xiaoyao placed her hand in Lou Zigui's. He half carried her short, skinny frame off the carriage, where Big Boss Black resumed his perch across her shoulders.

"Rise," Lou Zigui told Ning Xiaoyao. "Tell them to rise."

"Rise," Ning Xiaoyao told the members of the Xie Clan. Grand Preceptor Xie got up without help from his two sons only to stare at Big Boss Black, who was perched on Ning Xiaoyao's shoulders. His face fell at the sight. If a corpse sees a black cat, it'll rise from the grave. What kind of person brings one along to offer condolences? As expected, this lass surely came with ill intentions.

Ning Xiaoyao had no idea about the taboo of black cats, but looked sincerely at Grand Preceptor Xie and said, "Grand Preceptor, don't feel too sad."

Grand Preceptor Xie lowered his head. "This subject thanks Your Majesty." Do you really think a single cat will raise Old Madame from the dead or lose face for our Xie Clan? Grand Preceptor Xie invited Ning Xiaoyao into the estate, all the while smiling coldly inside his heart. This only shows that Ning Yu is still childish at heart. How could one take such superstitions as the truth?

Ning Xiaoyao strode through the Xie Clan doors and looked left and right. "Aiya, looks like the door and walls have been rebuilt."

Immediately, all of the Xie Clan's residents felt their hearts leap to their throats. Does he want to tear it down again?!

"Not bad," Ning Xiaoyao told Grand Preceptor Xie. Respecting the dead was more important, so she wouldn't cause trouble for him today.

"This subject thanks Your Majesty for the praise," Grand Preceptor Xie hastened to reply.

"It really isn't bad," Ning Xiaoyao said again.

"This subject thanks Your Majesty for the praise," Grand Preceptor Xie replied. The two of them stared at each other before His Majesty turned away and Grand Preceptor Xie looked down, as if weary of the whole business. Standing side-by-side like that, they looked the very image of a heartbroken pair.

"Grand Preceptor," Lou Zigui spoke up. "Perhaps you can lead the way to the mourning hall."

Grand Preceptor Xie's expression resumed its visage of deep grief as he turned slightly to gesture at a path. "Your Majesty, please come this way."

The various sons and nephews of Grand Preceptor Xie all shot hateful glares at Lou Zigui. Who do you think you are, Lou Zigui? Ordering our father (our elder uncle, our younger uncle) about like some sort of lackey? All you did was earn His Majesty's favoritism. You're just a small man intoxicated by success!

"What kind of looks are you giving?" Ning Xiaoyao asked as she looked at Xie Anji and Xie Anshi, then the rest of the gathered men. "Why do I feel like none of you are sad at all that Old Madame Xie's died?"

All of the Grand Preceptor's sons and nephews hastily lowered their heads.

"Your Majesty, they've simply been overcome with grief," Grand Preceptor Xie lied through his teeth.

"Enough already, let's go to the mourning hall," Ning Xiaoyao replied. "Once I send off Old Madame, I'll return to the palace." She didn't want to hang around an awful place like this for a second longer than necessary. Grand Preceptor Xie led the way, mentally wishing that a bastard like her could disappear faster as well.

Elder Li brought up the rear, puzzling over Ning Xiaoyao's words. What does he mean by 'sending off the Old Madame?' The funeral procession isn't scheduled for today...

White streamers hung inside the mourning hall, where the Xie Clan's womenfolk were all sobbing bitterly. Old Madame Xie's mahogany casket rested behind the altar, covered by a white sheet that fluttered with the intermittent breeze.

Ning Xiaoyao listened to the sounds of crying for a while before muttering to herself, "There's no sound of that little white flower."

A'Mo immediately volunteered himself, "Xiaoyao, I'll help you look for her."

"Mm," Ning Xiaoyao agreed. "Thank you, A'Mo." The ant crawled to the floor from Ning Xiaoyao's body and scurried outside.

Big Boss Black gave a large meow. "You have to be faster this time, miaow!"

At the sound of a cat, all of the sobbing within the hall ceased. Even if Grand Preceptor Xie didn't believe in old superstitions, it was no guarantee that his womenfolk felt the same way.

"Why is there a cat!?" Lady Wang said frantically. "Who sent in a cat?!"

A servant girl peeked out from the inner rooms and saw Big Boss Black sitting on His Majesty's shoulders, before stammering back, "My Lady, there's---there's a person who brought along a black cat."

"What?" Lady Wang was about to lose her temper.

The servant girl quickly added, "This servant thinks that person looks like, like His Majesty."

Lady Wang froze. His Majesty brought along a black cat to offer condolences? Has he lost all faith in the Grand Preceptor's estate? She felt her legs go weak right before she collapsed to the ground.

Meanwhile, Grand Preceptor Xie gave three sticks of incense to Ning Xiaoyao. "Your Majesty, if you please."

"Put the incense sticks in the incense burner," Lou Zigui instructed her quietly. Ning Xiaoyao took the incense and stood awhile in front of the Old Madame's casket, which was bordered by the altar table. The coffin itself was the size of a double bed, so the old woman most likely found it too wide to sleep in. (Author: Why are you worrying about those kind of details?)

"There's fish," Big Boss Black said in a low voice.

Ning Xiaoyao glanced over at the altar table. There was not only , but also various snacks, fruits, and white rice. "The person's already dead, but she still has to eat?" Ning Xiaoyao asked Big Boss Black.

Big Boss Black simply looked at the fish as he drooled. "It smells delicious."

"I don't think we can eat this one, right?" Ning Xiaoyao didn't move to take the fish.

"You still owe me five big fish!" Big Boss Black started bringing up old debts again.

Ning Xiaoyao glanced at Grand Preceptor Xie, wanting to ask him if they could eat the red braised fish, but the killing intent emanating from the old man gave her a start. I haven't even done anything yet, but I've already provoked him?

"The coffin looks pretty good," Ning Xiaoyao attempted to salvage the atmosphere. Elder Li and his disciples stood calmly waiting for Grand Preceptor Xie's reply. His Majesty praised the coffin. Do you have the will to thank him for that? No one could compare to His Majesty when it came to striking people's sore spots.

Lou Zigui walked to Ning Xiaoyao's side and murmured, "Put the incense sticks in the incense burner. What if they burn your hands?" (Author: So that's what you were worried about, Supreme Commander...)

Ning Xiaoyao stuck the three incense sticks into the incense burner.

"Be careful," Big Boss Black said, "This incense burner looks expensive. If you wreck it, you'll have to pay them back a ton of money." Ning Xiaoyao trembled upon hearing such words. A dratty incense burner's worth that much money too? She opened her eyes wide to study the burner, but found nothing noteworthy about it.

She looked askance at Lou Zigui and asked, "Are things like this worth any money?"

Lou Zigui glanced at the incense burner and said, "No, this is just an incense burner."

Now Ning Xiaoyao could stop worrying. She lifted a finger and flicked the incense burner, before rolling her eyes at Big Boss Black. How could this piece of pottery be worth any money?

One of the Grand Preceptor's stewards took this chance to arrive at the mourning hall, but was quickly stopped by a Dragon Guard before he could announce himself. "What's your business?" the guard asked.

The shout attracted the attention of everyone inside, who looked back at the entrance. Meanwhile, the incense burner immediately developed seven to eight cracks after making contact with Ning Xiaoyao's finger flick.

"It's over, you've ruined it," Big Boss Black said. The guilty Ning Xiaoyao quickly withdrew her hand and stole a few peeks at the crowd. Fortunately, nobody was paying attention to her right now.

"What do we do?" Big Boss Black meowed.

"Just pretend nothing happened," Ning Xiaoyao patted Big Boss Black's head. The latter immediately decided to drop the subject.

"What is it?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked his steward.

Kneeling at the entrance, the steward replied, "Grand Preceptor, the eldest young master's returned."

"What?" Grand Preceptor Xie gave a start.

"Hmm?" Ning Xiaoyao spoke up. "Isn't he..."

"This is by His Majesty's grace," Lou Zigui tugged on Ning Xiaoyao's hand as he spoke up. "To allow Xie Anyi to return home and send off Old Madame for the final time."

Grand Preceptor Xie bowed towards Ning Xiaoyao. "This subject thanks Your Majesty."

Now that he was even thanking her, what could Ning Xiaoyao do? She simply nodded and said, "Have Xie Anyi come in and offer some incense to the old madame." The steward obeyed and ran off to fetch Xie Anyi.

"Father?" Xie Anshi felt that something was fishy, and quietly called for Grand Preceptor Xie, who simply waved a hand at his third son. It was better if Xie Anshi kept quiet for now. Soon enough, the steward brought over Xie Anyi, who was still dressed in convict's robes. He fell to his knees outside the mourning hall and started crying.

Grand Preceptor Xie heaved a long sigh and said, "This is by His Majesty's grace. Why aren't you giving thanks yet?"

Xie Anyi saw Ning Xiaoyao standing in front of his grandmother's coffin and quickly lowered his head to cover up the wrath in his eyes. Ning Xiaoyao said, "Stop kneeling and come offer some incense."

Xie Anyi kowtowed three times before the mourning hall, but it was already enough to give bruises to his forehead. He then took three sticks of incense from Xie Anji and prepared to put them in the incense burner. Lady Wang stood in the hall as tears flowed down her face, feeling distressed for her son's sake.

"But you broke the incense burner," Big Boss Black whispered by Ning Xiaoyao's ear. "Is it alright to put in more incense sticks?"

"......" said Ning Xiaoyao. That's right, the burner's ruined.

Xie Anyi's hands had hardly reached the incense burner when it suddenly cracked and broke into pieces. The incense sticks fell off the table, while the ashes from the pot scattered all over the floor. Xie Anyi was stunned by the sight.

Grandmother didn't want my incense offerings, so she even broke the incense burner?!

Ning Xiaoyao sniffled a few times. This has nothing to do with me. I didn't do a thing!

 Chapter 143: The abrupt death of Old Madame Xie

Chapter 143: The abrupt death of Old Madame Xie Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"That's impossible," Xie Anyi shook his head as he stood in front of the altar.

Struck by a guilty conscience, Ning Xiaoyao attempted to patch things up. "Then let's just change it for another incense burner. The quality of this one must have been lacking."

"........." said everyone else. How could the Grand Preceptor's estate dare to use inferior goods for Old Madame's mourning hall incense burner?

Elder Li gave a cold laugh. "It looks like Old Madame is a very perceptive soul." Ning Xiaoyao didn't understand his words. Old Madame's already dead, so what's there for me to perceive?

"Someone come," Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Change this to another incense burner."

"Chirp~" Cousin Magpie's call could be heard coming from outside the mourning hall. Ning Xiaoyao's ears perked up at the sound.

"Xiaoyao," Cousin Magpie spoke, "The Grand Preceptor's locked up that little white flower in the woodhouse of the East Courtyard!"

Ning Xiaoyao tugged on her collar. Looks like Old Madame died by young née Wang's hands, after all! Meanwhile, the other residents of the mourning hall were all bewildered at the sound of Cousin Magpie. There was funeral at the home, and yet magpies were chirping. They were usually harbingers of good tidings, so what did this really mean? It doesn't make sense for Old Madame Xie's death to be good tidings.

"Old Madame had her people prepare a vial of poison for the little white flower," Cousin Magpie continued to chirp from the roof. "The little white flower refused to drink it, so Old Madame called for people to force feed it to her. In the end, little white flower pushed Old Madame aside and the old woman hit her head on the table edge and died!"

Ning Xiaoyao whirled back to stare at the wide mahogany casket. What a savage old woman!

"And also," Cousin Magpie continued, "Little white flower had other people put something in Old Madame's tea too. That cup of tea is still on Old Madame's roof, chirpchirp~ I even saw it myself!"

What eyes. Ning Xiaoyao mentally gave Cousin Magpie a 'Like'. They're almost as good as radar by now.

Elder Li stroked his beard and looked at Grand Preceptor Xie. "The incense burner was ruined and magpies are singing good tidings over the mourning hall. Grand Preceptor, such unusual occurrences certainly would point to evil spirits about, you should take extra care."

Aside from Ning Xiaoyao, everyone else understood the implications of Elder Li's words. He was saying the Xie Clan's days were numbered.

"Chase off that bird," Grand Preceptor Xie commanded. Hearing that, Cousin Magpie flew off by himself. Ning Xiaoyao sighed. How to describe Old Madame Xie's death? None of the people involved were any good, so it was a matter of who had the worse luck. What kind of family is this? She suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for the real Ning Yu. She must have had a very unhappy girlhood, living here for years.

"Your Majesty," Lou Zigui pointed at the kneeling Xie Anyi. "This man must be exiled."

"The whole family's a bad lot," Ning Xiaoyao said hatefully. "It'd be better if they were all exiled!"

"What?" Lou Zigui asked.

"Let's go," Ning Xiaoyao didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Then young née Wang?" Lou Zigui asked her.

"Take Xie Anyi away," Ning Xiaoyao pointed at the eldest young master of the Xie Clan. Two Dragon Guards ran forward and hauled Xie Anyi to his feet.

"Son!" Lady Wang sobbed from where she stood within the hall.

"I'm not leaving," Xie Anyi found strength from who-knows-where and threw himself across the altar table. The two Dragon Guards were caught by surprise and chased after him, trying to drag him away. Ning Xiaoyao shouted at them to take the man away before turning to look around. Uncertainly, she asked, "Ah geez, what's that smell?"

After the incense burner had broke, the incense sticks landed on the floor, straight onto the white shroud that was draping down while covering the coffin. The ember at the tip had slowly turned the fabric yellow, then black, until thick flames had finally enveloped the fabric. Ning Xiaoyao saw smoke rising from behind the altar table and cried, "This is bad, it's caught on fire!"

"That's impossible!" Xie Anyi broke free of the two Dragon Guards and planted himself across the altar table. This action of his caused two thick white candles to fall off the altar. Big Boss Black took the chance to jump onto the table as well, his claws reaching for the lopsided plate of red braised fish. Ning Xiaoyao had no strength to ridicule him. Which was more important, fish or a cat's life?

The flames had reached even greater heights by now. By the time everyone else noticed the smell and saw the smoke, fire had overtaken the entire coffin.

"Save the people!" Grand Preceptor Xie shouted. He wasn't talking about Ning Xiaoyao, but his own womenfolk who were still in the inner rooms! By now, the long white streamers hanging over the table had caught fire as well. The wind fanned the flames until all the streamers were lit ablaze, turning Old Madame Xie's mourning hall into a sea of flames in an instant.

In the chaos, everyone ran outside, and it was every man for themselves. Lou Zigui grabbed the person closest to him and escaped the hall gasping for breath before going to comfort his charge. But instead of Ning Xiaoyao, he saw someone else in his hands!

"Who are you?" he asked in angry alarm, before shoving the girl aside.

Xie Duoying fell to the ground, speechless from the sudden forceful push. As soon as she had run out of the inner rooms, she'd noticed His Majesty standing next to a pillar in the burning room. She had wanted to use the chance to make him give her a second glance and see her good side. Thus, the Fifth Young Miss of the Xie Clan had given her all to run to his side. But before she even had a chance to speak, Supreme Commander Lou had grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hall. Fifth Young Miss Xie felt extremely aggrieved by the action. Why did you pull me away? (Author: Girl, what are the chances of His Majesty falling in love with you in the middle of a fire?)

Lou Zigui had no time to consider who this girl was. "Your Majesty!?" Supreme Commander Lou shouted from the courtyard. Shadowgale and his fellow head commanders all looked around in panic. His Majesty wasn't amongst them!

When Ning Xiaoyao saw Lou Zigui grab the little beauty's hand and run away through the smoke and flames, she'd silently withdrawn her own hand to rub her nose. She felt a little saddened by the sight. Of all the times for him to run away with another girl, why did he have to pick now?

Big Boss Black jumped onto Ning Xiaoyao's shoulder and shouted, "Ninny, why aren't you escaping yet?"

Ning Xiaoyao rolled her eyes at him. "So you've finished eating your fish?"

Big Boss Black fell silent before he boldly replied, "You can't keep a cat from his fish!"

"Mother, mother's still inside!" Lady Wang's sobs came from outside the hall. Next to Ning Xiaoyao, a ceiling rafter crashed to the ground with a loud thud.

"Run already!" Big Boss Black meowed at his ninny.

Ning Xiaoyao held her breath and prepared to dash away until she heard the sound of a girl crying from the direction of the Old Madame's coffin.

Lou Zigui started to run back into the flames. Even two generals from the Black Frost Cavalry couldn't hold him back. Right now, their Supreme Commander looked like a man who'd gone mad. Grand Preceptor Xie stared at the raging inferno and silently wished it'd burn faster. It'd be best if Ning Yu was buried in the flames. It was a strange fire to begin with. Perhaps this is Old Madame's way of protecting our Xie Clan. By inciting a large fire, she's sending Ning Yu off to the .

The left side of the mourning hall collapsed under the growing flames, raising a giant cloud of dust that momentarily blinded Lou Zigui as he charged in. Elder Li pointed a finger at Grand Preceptor Xie and shouted with red eyes, "Xie Wenyuan!"

Instead of calling for help to put out the fire, this man was watching the flames engulf everything. Xie Wenyuan wants to see His Majesty die. Elder Li was so frantic that he fainted dead away. Meanwhile, Grand Preceptor Xie stood there as if he'd heard nothing at all. When the other members of the Xie Clan saw their head behaving thus, their sounds of crying ceased. The other officials present wanted to put out the fire, but none of them knew where to find water in the Grand Preceptor's estate. They could only search the surrounding courtyards for liquid.

"Your Majesty? Xiaoyao?"

Lou Zigui was too choked for words. Inside the mourning hall, he couldn't see a thing besides the thick smoke and flames. In the midst of the suffocating atmosphere, a hand reached out to grab his own. Then Lou Zigui heard Miss Ning speak.

"Why did you come back?"


Shadowgale and the other Dragon Guards wanted to enter the flames as well, but the sheer temperatures roasted their skin as they drew near. Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoyao shouted from the flames, "Windy, what are you lot playing at? There's a fire and you're still not running away?!"

Shadowgale nearly wept with joy at the sound of Ning Xiaoyao's voice. His Majesty's alright!

The newly revived Elder Li kneeled on the ground and thanked Heaven. Grand Preceptor Xie shut his eyes tightly. This damned girl still isn't dead yet!

Ning Xiaoyao took a step out of the conflagration at the same time the right side of the mourning hall collapsed. "My God," Ning Xiaoyao sighed. Wooden houses can't touch fire at all. This building burned down just way too fast!

The courtyard was utterly silently as its occupants stared at His Majesty striding out of the flames. That's right, His Majesty really was simply taking a walk, his steps easy and carefree. Ning Xiaoyao let go of Lou Zigui's hand and stared at them all. "What's wrong with all you guys?"

Elder Li staggered over in front of her and pointed at her shoulder in silence. Ning Xiaoyao casually put down the coffin resting there, striking the ground with a loud thump. The little servant girl still clutching to its surface was currently crying up a storm.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Don't cry, ah. Didn't we make it out? It's alright now."

The little servant girl rolled off Old Madame's coffin and knelt in front of Ning Xiaoyao to thank her for saving her life.

"That coffin is so heavy. How---how in the world did you manage to move it?" Elder Li was beginning to wonder whether he was still dreaming. It wasn't just him, because everyone else had the same thought as well. A single coffin was already around a hundred pounds without including the extra cat and human. Just how strong is His Majesty?

Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her half-blackened face and said, "Old gramps, is now really the time to worry about that?"

Elder Li gave a start before he suddenly cried, "Your Majesty, you're still injured!"

Lou Zigui grabbed Ning Xiaoyao's hand. "Are you alright?"

Ning Xiaoyao didn't get to speak before the mahogany coffin split open and coughed out Old Madame Xie's body. Everyone sucked in a breath at her corpse. The Old Madame had been neatly covered up before being placed in the coffin, but all the jostling had displaced the mourning shroud atop her face, revealing the gaping wound on the side of her temples. Old Madame Xie hadn't died of natural causes at all!

Everyone looked towards Grand Preceptor Xie. She clearly died a violent death, and yet you hid that fact and went straight to funeral preparations. Xie Wenyuan, do you want the world to curse you for being unfilial?

 Chapter 144: High-ranking military officers from the south

Chapter 144: High-ranking military officers from the south Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Xie Anji, Xie Anshi and the rest were all shocked by the battered state of Old Madame Xie's corpse. It was obvious that they hadn't know how she'd died, either. Grand Preceptor Xie couldn't find an excuse this time. Could I say that Ning Xiaoyao faked the wound on Old Madame's body? But no, any coroner would be able to determine when the injury had occurred. Even if his power could keep all the coroners in the capital from spreading the news, experienced officers in the army had the same skills to deduce the wound. The same went for people who were doctors. There was no way for him to shut them all up.

"It was the cat!" Lady Wang shouted between her sobs.

Ning Xiaoyao was surprised to see the woman pointing at her own Black Tubby. "You're saying that my cat took a bite out of your old madame's head?" she asked.

"Miaow!" Big Boss Black meowed pitifully. All I did was gnaw on some fish!

"Raising the dead," Lady Wang went on, "Black cats raise the dead!"

"The heck is that all about?" Ning Xiaoyao didn't understand her words, but they sounded pretty awesome.

"Married women shouldn't be speaking nonsense!" Elder Li rebuked her angrily.

"She's saying that black cat---that is, ones like Your Majesty is raising---made the Old Madame's corpse come to life," a Dragon Guard murmured in response to Ning Xiaoyao's questioning look.

Ning Xiaoyao could've fallen at Lady Wang's feet right then. No wonder. She's from the same clan as that little white flower. A noble lady like her can come up with drivel like this too? "Why aren't you saying how Old Madame died full of discontent and so came back to seek her revenge?" Ning Xiaoyao asked Lady Wang. Left speechless, Lady Wang shrank back. It was true that His Majesty had grown up in the Grand Preceptor's estate, but she'd never met him then. Even after a decade living side by side, she was still strangers with him.

"Your Majesty," Elder Li approached Ning Xiaoyao and spoke next with a low voice. "She is still your maternal grandmother. Your Majesty must show discretion in your speech."

"What discretion?" Ning Xiaoyao had lost too much of her temper to fear Elder Li now. She pointed at Lady Wang and said, "Is she the only one who's allowed to speak nonsense? What about me?"

"........" said everyone else. So you know you were speaking nonsense too?

"Oh, that's right," Ning Xiaoyao caught sight of the two Dragon Guards who had taken Xie Anyi into custody again. She pointed at the eldest young master of the Xie Clan and said, "Maybe the Old Madame's spirit rose from the dead because she was unbearably furious with this bastard!"

Lady Wang's lip trembled as she watched her dazed, stunned son. She burst into wails and shouted to the coffin, "Mother, mother open your eyes and look at this! Mother, ah!" As soon as she started crying, all the other Xie Clan womenfolk joined in. Ning Xiaoyao was caught off-guard. What's going on now? Since they can't beat me in a verbal spar, they're resorting to tears instead?

"This...! Whatever next?!" Elder Li pointed at the Xie Clan women as he admonished Grand Preceptor Xie.

While Elder Li and Grand Preceptor Xie were having their face-off, Shadowgale took the chance to point out various men in the crowd as he whispered in Ning Xiaoyao's ear. "Your Majesty, those are the ones who were spotted outside the palace with troops in tow."

Ning Xiaoyao swept her eyes over the culprits and counted seven of them in total.

"They're not part of the capital's soldier barracks, or the Nine Gate Infantry Commander's men," Shadowgale added. "They should be the Grand Preceptor's high-ranking military officers he called in from other regions beyond the capital."

Ning Xiaoyao remembered that Grand Preceptor Xie had been slowly gathering troops in the city, and murmured back, "General Qin said that these were southerners. Do you think so?"

Shadowgale watched the men, who were whispering amongst themselves, and replied, "This servant will go over and listen to them talk."

Ning Xiaoyao nodded. As Shadowgale vanished into the crowd, Lou Zigui lowered his head and asked, "What were you two talking about?"

"Hmph!" Ning Xiaoyao harumphed before turning her attention back to Elder Li and Grand Preceptor Xie's verbal spat.

"....." said Lou Zigui. Is she mad at me?

After listening to Elder Li and Grand Preceptor Xie prattle on without any idea of what they were saying, a lightheaded Ning Xiaoyao began to grow weary. She rubbed at her sleeves and wanted to eat some sugar beans when she suddenly remembered she was going to give them to A'Mo as a prize. Dropping her hand, she continued to feel weary. If I'd known paying respects with incense sticks was so troublesome, I wouldn't have come in the first place.

Shadowgale eavesdropped on the men for a while before coming back to report. "They aren't speaking the official dialect. This servant believes their speech carries a southern accent."

Ning Xiaoyao had only come to understood what 'official dialect' meant a few days ago. It was equivalent to modern day Mandarin, or the standard Chinese officialized by the country. "Southern accents," Ning Xiaoyao scratched at her palms. "So what do we do next?"

Before Shadowgale could speak up, Lou Zigui said, "Catch them."

Shadowgale replied, "They're not in uniform. If they refuse to admit that they brought in those troops, how are we supposed to take them into custody?"

"Right, ah," Ning Xiaoyao agreed. "Suppose those seven men claim that they're the Grand Preceptor's distant relatives or something?"

Lou Zigui turned to Shadowgale. "Bring someone with you who understands the southern dialect over there to verify your findings."

Shadowgale found a Dragon Guard fluent in the southern dialect and slipped into the crowds again.

"Do you want to eat this?" Lou Zigui asked as he held out his palm. Ning Xiaoyao took a glance at it. Hnn! A sugar bean!

"I have half a bag here," Lou Zigui said softly. "Want some?"

Ning Xiaoyao's mouth twitched.

"Are you mad at me?" Lou Zigui asked, confused.

Ning Xiaoyao's cheeks puffed up. Supreme Commander Lou might be inexperienced in the ways of love, but he was a sharp man. Miss Ning's harumph had already enlightened him as to what was going on.

"It was too chaotic back then and that girl was about your height," Lou Zigui explained. "I didn't mean to bring her with me, I just grabbed the wrong hand."

Ning Xiaoyao glanced over at Fifth Young Miss Xie, who was still sitting on the floor, and whispered, "How are we in any way similar? Obviously there's a big difference! She's got a huge rack!"

Lou Zigui rested a hand against his forehead. Why would I be interested in staring at girls' chests when there was a fire raging?

Ning Xiaoyao plucked the bean from Lou Zigui's hand and tossed it into her mouth. "You've got nothing else to say about it, do you?"

Lou Zigui had no other choice. "She's not my type."

( ̄△ ̄;) , went Ning Xiaoyao. Supreme Commander likes flat chests?!

"Why did that woman try to approach you?" Lou Zigui asked.

"To beg for my help?" Ning Xiaoyao randomly guessed.

Lou Zigui had guessed the girl's motives as soon as he recognized her as Xie Duoying. She must have had designs to make herself the emperor's woman. But when he saw Ning Xiaoyao's round, wide eyes, he decided to leave her in the dark.

"You really don't like her type?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

"No," Lou Zigui shook his head adamantly. How could I ever like a woman from the Xie Clan?

"Supreme Commander, you really have weird aesthetic sensibilities," Ning Xiaoyao shot another glance at Xie Duoying. She's such a pretty girl, too. It's a pity that Supreme Commander likes them flat! (Author: You and Supreme Commander are never on the same wavelength, you know?!)

By now Shadowgale had returned with a nod to Ning Xiaoyao. "They're southerners," he confirmed.

Ning Xiaoyao formed her small hands into fists and smacked them against each other. "What now?" she asked Lou Zigui. "Shall we sic 'em to death right here?"

Lou Zigui shook his head. Ning Xiaoyao wanted to defy him. Again? We can't kill them? Geez, how am I supposed to have any fun at this rate?!

"Fire!" one of the Grand Preceptor's men suddenly shouted.

Whaa? Ning Xiaoyao turned and looked back doubtfully. Hasn't the fire been burning this entire time?

Aiya, my God!

Only after turning back did Ning Xiaoyao realized that the rows of houses behind the mourning hall had caught on fire as well.

"The flames caught onto the tree branches in the backyard, then move onto the houses," Lou Zigui replied seriously, the very picture of professionalism.

"You can laugh if you want," Ning Xiaoyao replied. "There's no need to hold back."

Lou Zigui really did chuckle in response. Ning Xiaoyao couldn't help but think back to the origins of the fire. If she hadn't broken that incense burner, the flames might not have started in the first place. How vexing, it looked like this was all her fault.

"What are you lot standing around for?" Grand Preceptor Xie shouted at his men. "Hurry and put out the flames!"

The servants of the estate ran off to fight the fire. Ning Xiaoyao turned back and snagged a pageboy from the estate. "I'll pay you a sugar bean for some intel. Why is the Grand Preceptor panicking like this at a time like this?"

The pageboy looked blankly at the emperor. More and more houses are being consumed by the flames. Who wouldn't be panicking?

"Alright, maybe you don't understand what I'm saying," Ning Xiaoyao said after observing the boy's blank look. "Let me put it this way. What's the purpose of those houses back there?"

The pageboy snuck a peek at his flustered master before babbling out in a rush, "I heard they're there to store grain."

Ning Xiaoyao smirked, and the pageboy stammered, "Y-Your Majesty, may I go now?"

Ning Xiaoyao was currently digging out a sugar bean from Lou Zigui's pouch. "Hey, this is something you, me, and Heaven alone knows.[1. You, me, and Heaven alone knows (天知地知你知我知) - tianzhi dizhi nizhi wozhi, a famous saying that originated from an ancient Chinese story about an ] If you don't say anything, I won't either, alright?"

The little page boy nodded his head like a pestle pounding the mortar. If the Grand Preceptor finds out about this, I'll be dead for sure! Meanwhile, Shadowgale and the rest could only look on, speechless. We heard everything. Is this still something you, he, and Heaven alone knows?

"Alright! If you get into trouble in the future, come find me," Ning Xiaoyao said. She was about to pat the pageboy on the back, but Lou Zigui quickly barred her way. In the end, all she could do was wave at the servant. "Goodbye."

The pageboy scampered off like he'd been bitten by a dog.

"Windy, ah," Ning Xiaoyao said affectedly, "Quick now, hurry and call in the imperial guards that are stationed outside to help with the fire."

"Are we going to steal the grain?" Shadowgale asked as he knelt with one knee on the ground.

Ning Xiaoyao nodded and split her lips into a grin. She was thrilled to gain such a big advantage again. "At least we didn't come in vain!"

Shadowgale rubbed his nose before sending one of his comrades to alert the guards outside.

"Those seven men are trying to leave," a Dragon Guard by Ning Xiaoyao's side murmured.

"We can't let them get away," Lou Zigui told Ning Xiaoyao.

"....." said Ning Xiaoyao. We can't fight them or kill them, so what's the use of telling me things like this? Am I supposed to run over there and stop them myself?

"Nobody's allowed to leave from this courtyard," Lou Zigui raised his voice. "The facts about Old Madame Xie's death are still unclear. Seal off the Xie Estate until we capture the culprit!"

Shadowgale was quick to accept his Supreme Commander's command. "Yes!"

Ning Xiaoyao looked between them both. Since when have Supreme Commander and Windy worked together so well?

 Chapter 145: Who killed Old Madame?

Chapter 145: Who killed Old Madame? Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Grand Preceptor Xie's glare towards Lou Zigui turned venomous. Though he was quick to hide his distaste, both Ning Xiaoyao and Lou Zigui noticed the stare.

"Good grief," Ning Xiaoyao muttered to Lou Zigiui, "The Grand Preceptor looks ready to bite you to death."

Lou Zigui didn't care about such things and replied, "You should be thinking about what we should do next."

"You're asking me?" Ning Xiaoyao pointed at her nose. "What could I do?"

Lou Zigui felt that he was posing a tough question as well, so he handed her more sugar beans and started to think up ideas himself. Big Boss Black jumped onto Ning Xiaoyao's shoulders and asked, "Xiaoyao, are we just going to leave that old grandma's corpse to dry in the sun?"

Ning Xiaoyao crunched on her sugar beans as she shook her head. "Don't know. The Xie Clan isn't fussing over her, so what's the use if I get anxious about it?"

Big Boss Black gave her a suggestion. "If nothing else, we can have the crows eat her up."

Ning Xiaoyao pouted. Have the crows gobble up Old Madame Xie in front of her family? That seems impossible. (Author: It's not 'seem impossible,' but absolutely impossible, alright?!)

"It was that cat," Lady Wang told everyone around her. "It was all because of that cat! Hear that? It's still meowing!"

The womenfolk by her side dearly wished Lady Wang would shut her mouth. That's His Majesty's cat. Are you trying to go against His Majesty and condemn us all to death?! Ning Xiaoyao and Big Boss Black were currently staring at Old Madame Xie's body, so neither of them paid Lady Wang any mind. When Ning Xiaoyao saw the golden hair ornaments on Old Madame Xie's head, she said, "Dang, you can tell they're expensive at a glance."

Big Boss Black said, "Then should we snatch them away?"

"We can't. I have to be a civilized person, so you need to be a civilized cat," Ning Xiaoyao shook her head. "Stealing is wrong."

Big Boss Black checked to make sure his Supreme Commander wasn't looking before clawing at Ning Xiaoyao. "Who was the one who told the gyrfalcon's master and his men to steal the grain?"

Ning Xiaoyao spoke with justice on her side. "Bullsh**! That's to fight the fire! That grain would've been burned away by the flames anyways. It only exists still because we're putting it out, so how could you call this stealing?"

"......." said Big Boss Black. So shameless. How am I supposed to counter that?

"What fine quality gold," Ning Xiaoyao cast covetous eyes on the Old Madame's ornaments, then at the hole by the side of her head. The edges of the bloody wound even showed traces of white from her brains. Just how hard did that little white flower shove the old woman aside?!

By now, Grand Preceptor Xie had finally arrived in front of Lady Wang with a cold voice. "Are you going to leave mother's corpse lying on the ground indefinitely?"

Custom decreed that males were forbidden to touch the corpses of their female kin. Even if Grand Preceptor Xie wanted to place Old Madame Xie's body back in her coffin, he couldn't do it himself. Lady Wang was still so fixated on her son that she had no thought for Old Madame right now. She turned to Grand Preceptor Xie and sobbed, "What about Anyi!?"

"Stop making trouble!" Grand Preceptor Xie roared. Stunned by the shout, Lady Wang soon became fearful at the sight of his cold stare. "Do well the things you're supposed to do," Grand Preceptor Xie said. "Do you really think you can save Anyi?"

Lady Wang shook her head at his question. She had no way to save her son even if she cried herself blind. Ning Xiaoyao approached the coffin and prepared to straighten out Old Madame Xie's corpse when Shadowgale stopped her.

"Your Majesty, you can't touch this corpse," Shadowgale said. Ning Xiaoyao looked around at the various Xie Clan womenfolk before waving towards Xie Duoying, who was sitting off by herself.

"Miss, come over here."

Xie Duoying pulled herself from the ground and slowly walked over to Ning Xiaoyao, feeling like her soul had left her body.

"She was still your paternal grandmother," Ning Xiaoyao murmured. "How about you give her a hand and straighten the Old Madame out?"

Xie Duoying knelt down and straightened out Old Madame Xie's corpse. When all was said and done, the Fifth Young Miss of the Xie Clan suddenly realized what had happened and looked down at the body once more. Then she let out a shrill cry and fell backwards onto the ground.

Ning Xiaoyao glanced over at Xie Duoying's sitting position with her legs crossed askance. "Did you pee your pants from fright? Don't be afraid. When I saw my first zombie---urk, when I saw my first dead person, I peed my pants too. But after awhile I got used to them, hehe."

Neither the Fifth Young Miss nor the Dragon Guards could bear to hear such details. Despite the fact that this was the Xie Clan, speaking of such things to a girl was completely inappropriate.

"Your Majesty," Xie Duoying looked at Ning Xiaoyao as she cried.

Ning Xiaoyao circled around Old Madame Xie's body and arrived in front of Xie Duoying. "All of my Dragon Guards here are great chaps. Do you want to give them some consideration?"

Xie Duoying stopped crying only to stare at Ning Xiaoyao in confusion. His Majesty wants to marry me off to one of his Dragon Guard servants?! All of the Dragon Guards backed away at the proposal. No matter how beautiful the Xie Clan women might be, do we dare take them?!

Ning Xiaoyao took in the reactions of both parties. Alright, guess that was a fail.

Lou Zigui sighed as he approached Ning Xiaoyao. Girl, you don't have any skills as a matchmaker, do you know that?

Xie Duoying ended up sitting on the ground and sobbing her heart out. Ning Xiaoyao pointed at each of her Dragon Guards in turn. You guys won't even take a girl as beautiful as this? Aren't you setting your sights too high? Or do all the men in this world prefer flat chests? (Author: Can you stop making wild guesses...)

Big Boss Black nuzzled Ning Xiaoyao's face with his head. "Xiaoyao, you have to deal with the main issue here, remember!?"

The main issue? Ning Xiaoyao asked Lou Zigui, "Supreme Commander, did you come up with any ideas yet?"

Lou Zigui said, "Those seven men were the culprits who killed Old Madame."

"Whaa?" Ning Xiaoyao didn't understand.

"We can capture them using that excuse," Lou Zigui explained softly. "To catch brigands, first catch their king. Once we have them in our custody, the soldiers under their command might very well be in our hands instead."

Ning Xiaoyao couldn't resist a temptation like that. The one thing she lacked besides money was military might! Shadowgale knitted his brows and asked, "Do we need to plant false charges on them? The Grand Preceptor will definitely protect them to the death. Moreover, they've yet to reveal any tangible motives, so how are we supposed to snatch them?" In Head Commander Shadowgale's eyes, the idea was impossible.

"They won't admit that they're military officers, correct?" Ning Xiaoyao asked as she rubbed her chin in thought. Lou Zigui nodded. Military men who entered the capital without express permission faced the death sentence. How could those seven men ever admit to their crime?

"Then it was because of the money," Ning Xiaoyao concluded. "Murder has three motives: money, passion, or revenge. Now, Old Madame Xie's too old for passion to be a good motive, so no one will believe us if we cite that as the reason."

"......." said everyone else. True, nobody would believe that.

Ning Xiaoyao continued, "In terms of vengeance, the Grand Preceptor's been guarding her very closely. How could we weave a tale of revenge out of thin air when no one's had a chance to approach her? So, it can only be money."

A Dragon Guard murmured, "They came to the Grand Preceptor's estate to rob the Old Madame? But there are many retainers guarding the courtyards, ah." We can't pretend all their guards were dead in this situation.

Ning Xiaoyao's gears turned quickly before she focused on the wound on Old Madame Xie's temple again. Her eyes brightened as she declared, "It was attempted kidnapping, of course! They wanted to poison Old Madame Xie and use the antidote as a way to get ransom from Grand Preceptor Xie. But Old Madame caught them in the act. Since their crimes were about to be exposed, they simply went through it in spite of the consequences and---" Ning Xiaoyao made a pushing motion with her hands. "---killed the Old Madame just like that."

"Then why did Old Madame Xie agree to meet with them in the first place?" another Dragon Guard asked her.

"Can't we just make something up for that?" Ning Xiaoyao asked the group. "They lied to Old Madame Xie, saying that they had some precious treasure in their hands. Old Madame Xie wanted to buy it, so of course they arranged to meet."

Shadowgale chimed in. "Your Majesty, a married woman of the inner chambers like Old Madame isn't allowed to meet male outsiders."

Now Ning Xiaoyao was stuck at that. She glared at Shadowgale and said, "Where do you guys get all these questions from?"

"........" said the Dragon Guards. You're blaming us for asking too many questions?

"The poison is still sitting in the Old Madame's room, all ready-made," Ning Xiaoyao said. "We weren't present when those two groups decided to meet, so how would we know why Old Madame Xie wanted to see those inflated resellers?"

The Dragon Guards dearly wanted to ask Ning Xiaoyao what an 'inflated reseller' was, but her face was so covered in wrinkles from thinking too hard that none of them dared to speak up. Lou Zigui just ignored the foreign term entirely and asked, "What kind of poison?"

Ning Xiaoyao cast a glance over at Fifth Young Miss, who had already walked away, before whispering to Lou Zigui, "The poison that the little white flower was to use to kill Old Madame, ah. It's still in Old Madame Xie's quarters."

"Who told you that?" Lou Zigui asked, curious.

Supreme Commander, you'll never believe me if I said it was Cousin Magpie. Ning Xiaoyao sniffed a few times before admitting, "I bought the intel with some sugar beans. J-just like how I did just then."

"......." said Lou Zigui.

"You don't believe me? Then, fine, a magpie told me," Ning Xiaoyao admitted openly. "The one that was chirping earlier."

Lou Zigui rested his hand against his forehead. "Are you sure the intel you bought with that sugar bean is reliable?"

(#‵′)凸, went Ning Xiaoyao. So you'd rather believe that sugar beans are valuable than to believe the fact that magpies can speak! (Author: Haven't you realized that the Supreme Commander doesn't believe in either of those?!)


Another house was swallowed up by the flames. Lou Zigui walked over to Grand Preceptor Xie and said, "I've heard that Old Madame passed away in her own quarters."

Grand Preceptor Xie nodded. He'd told that tale to everyone who had came by to offer their condolences, so it was impossible to deny that now.

"Then we'll go inspect her rooms," Lou Zigui continued. "I believe that Grand Preceptor doesn't wish for the origins of her death to remain unclear, either."

"That's right!" Ning Xiaoyao nodded.

"There are specialists for that," Grand Preceptor Xie's voice sounded a little hoarse as he replied. "Your Majesty, this subject wishes to invite the justice courts to investigate this matter."

Lou Zigui's voice was cold as ice. "This is His Majesty's expression of filial piety towards the Old Madame as well. Grand Preceptor, are you planning to refuse him?"

Grand Preceptor Xie said, "This subject was already moved beyond tears of gratitude when His Majesty rescued Old Madame's body from the flames."

"You're welcome," Ning Xiaoyao waved a hand at Grand Preceptor Xie. "It's what I should have done. Helping you again isn't much for me either. Just because you can't find the culprit doesn't mean I can't, right?"

Grand Preceptor Xie couldn't help feeling wan every time he heard Ning Xiaoyao speak. This person doesn't listen to anyone at all!

"Let's go," Ning Xiaoyao waved at everyone in the courtyard. "We'll head over to Old Madame's quarters for a look. See if the culprit possibly left any clues behind."

None of the officials from the Grand Preceptor's faction heeded Ning Xiaoyao's summons, but Elder Li and his disciples all followed after their emperor. Because of that, the Grand Preceptor's men were left with no choice but to follow suit. At the very least, Grand Preceptor Xie wouldn't have to fight by himself if they were still around.

(Author: You guys....

Have you guys already labeled His Majesty as an irrefutable enemy of the Grand Preceptor's estate? ╮(╯﹏╰)╭ )

 Chapter 146: His Majesty says, Supreme Commander is a thoroughly wicked man

Chapter 146: His Majesty says, Supreme Commander is a thoroughly wicked man Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Old Madame Xie's rooms were still in the same state as it was that morning right after the struggle. The chairs and table were all overturned, and the floor was littered with broken porcelain. Despite all that, the luxury of the room made the strongest impression on its visitors. A cursory glance around the residence revealed gold, silver, pearl and jade objects. Treasures that other families would hide away were displayed openly here as simple ornaments.

Dazzled by the sight, Ning Xiaoyao stopped walking. How could such a provoking room exist?! Lou Zigui glanced at the undisturbed tea table in the room and muttered, "Is that where the poison is?"

Ning Xiaoyao wrenched her head away to focus on the suspicious teacup, only to see multiple cups of tea and bowls of liquid scattered around the room. How was she supposed to find the right one? She scratched her head before dipping her finger in the nearest cup for a taste. Lou Zigui immediately grabbed her hand and said with a trace of panic in his voice, "What are you doing?"

"I'll be able to tell which cup is poisoned after I taste their teas," Ning Xiaoyao explained.

Lou Zigui rejected the idea. "You can't."

"......." said Ning Xiaoyao. Is that the way you speak to your emperor?!

Big Boss Black jumped off of Ning Xiaoyao's shoulder and scurried to the left of the crowds, heading for a tea table closest to the main chair of honor. He meowed back, "The magpie said it's this one."

Ning Xiaoyao approached the tea table and glanced at the blue and white porcelain bowl with doubt. "When did you two get talking?"

Big Boss Black swished his tail arrogantly. "While you were busy watching the show." This ninny never knows to focus on the important bits! What's the use of watching two old geezers duke it out?

Ning Xiaoyao rolled her eyes at him and turned back to Lou Zigui and Shadowgale, who'd followed her over. "It's this one."

Lou Zigui poured a bit of the clear liquid in the cup onto the table. Underneath the scrutiny of three humans and one car, four pairs of eyes watched the surface of the table froth intermittently with white foam as if it'd been burnt with acid.

"Old Madame Xie would definitely die if she drank this cup," Ning Xiaoyao sighed with feeling. "It looks like she was fated to die today no matter what."

"This isn't a drink," Lou Zigui said. "But ."

Ginseng chicken soup? Ning Xiaoyao's eyes brightened. Then I might as well drink it if it's good stuff like that. Wouldn't it be a shame if we just poured it out?

"Now that we have the evidence," Shadowgale said, "How do we pin the crime on those military officers?"

Ning Xiaoyao silently withdrew the hand that had been reaching out for the bowl, estimating that Supreme Commander would beat her up if she finished off their evidence. Lou Zigui's knuckles rapped against the tea table. There's a conundrum.

At the moment, Grand Preceptor Xie in the room with them as well, but kept a healthy distance from Ning Xiaoyao since he knew he wasn't welcome. He allowed everyone else to observe Old Madame's rooms as he tried to fathom what Ning Yu and Lou Zigui were planning. They wouldn't have sealed off the estate just to capture Old Madame's killer. That'd be nothing more than a joke.

"Grand Preceptor," a guard ran in with a hushed report. "The front, back and side gates have all been stationed with imperial guards."

Grand Preceptor Xie waved to dismiss him, his brain spinning furiously. Sealing off the exits means that they don't want people to run away. But who does Ning Yu want to capture right now? ...the soldiers. The soldiers from the south. The seven military officials who came on my orders with their troops!

Grand Preceptor Xie's gaze turned fierce before he summoned for Xie Anshi. Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoyao asked Lou Zigui, "Is there no more ideas? If nothing else works, we can just get physical. We'll beat up those seven men and then lock them up. How's that, Supreme Commander?"

Shadowgale said, "Your Majesty, you still need a reason to fight, don't you?"

Ning Xiaoyao replied, "I didn't like the looks of them, then. As the emperor, can't I beat up who I like?"

Shadowgale was still trying to figure out 'didn't like the looks of them' when Lou Zigui cut in. "Definitely not. That will ruin your reputation."

Ning Xiaoyao immediately rebutted, "I don't want any reputation, I just want military power!"

Lou Zigui still shook his head. "Forbidden. Wantonly punishing others is the conduct of a fatuous, self-indulgent ruler."

"I don't care," Ning Xiaoyao said. Whether or not she was a fatuous ruler, Grand Preceptor Xie would curse her all the same. (Author: Just who's bullying whom between the two of you....)

"I care," Lou Zigui replied.

Ning Xiaoyao shook her head furiously as she complained, "There's no point in me being the emperor!"

Shadowgale's head drooped as he pretended to hear nothing. Ning Xiaoyao twisted her head to looked around, finally spotting Grand Preceptor Xie talking with Xie Anshi by the door. She tugged on Lou Zigui's sleeve and said, "My intuition tells me that old geezer Grand Preceptor's up to no good with his son!"

Big Boss Black soundlessly jumped off the tea table and pressed his form against the wall as he headed in Grand Preceptor Xie's direction. Shadowgale was surprised. "Is he going to eavesdrop on them?"

Ning Xiaoyao nodded. It's not the first time Black Tubby's eavesdropped on humans.

Shadowgale's thoughts were awhirl. Even if the cat hears what those two are saying, how is he supposed to tell the rest of us.

Lou Zigui took this moment to take out a small bottle from his sleeve. He told Shadowgale, "Find a way to plant this on one of the seven men. Any one of them will do."

Afraid that others would notice, Shadowgale quickly took the bottle with one hand instead of the more polite two. "What is this?" he asked.

"Poison," Lou Zigui replied.

Ning Xiaoyao was shocked. "Supreme Commander, you carry around things like that so casually?"

Lou Zigui's expression didn't change. "Just in case."

Ning Xiaoyao could think up any situations where Supreme Commander Lou would need poison 'just in case.'

Shadowgale said, "What do I do after planting the poison on them?"

"Leave that up to me," Lou Zigui glanced at the Xie father and son pair by doors. "Go on."

"Just go, Windy," Ning Xiaoyao echoed. "Actually, Supreme Commander's a thoroughly wicked man, too. You can't go wrong if you follow his lead in trapping others."

Shadowgale didn't dare to look at Supreme Commander Lou's current expression, but turn and fled. In any case, Supreme Commander Lou wouldn't be able to beat up His Majesty.

"I'm thoroughly wicked?" Lou Zigui asked Ning Xiaoyao. The Dragon Guards around the pair all backed away, knowing that interfering now would be useless.

Ning Xiaoyao blinked before realizing she'd used an unkind term. Lou Zigui pulled Ning Xiaoyao to stand in front of her, and she quickly blurted out, "I'm saying that you're smart. It's a compliment."

"The Grand Preceptor should have figured out what we want by now," the smart Supreme Commander said as he shifted the subject. He had Ning Xiaoyao look back at Grand Preceptor Xie.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Then should we just go home and give up?" If the victim of their plot already knew what they were up to, what was the point in seeing it through? They might as well go home and go to bed.

"Wait for Shadowgale to come back," Lou Zigui stood there unmoving.

Ning Xiaoyao said, "Will he plant the poison successfully? Why do I feel like the odds are really low?"

Lou Zigui squeezed Ning Xiaoyao's hand. "If it fails, we won't lose anything by it. There's nothing to worry about, so consider it a trial run."

Ning Xiaoyao looked at the Dragon Guards. So all of us ran over here just to see if we could get away with our schemes? Oh wait, that's not right. Ning Xiaoyao immediately consoled herself. I still got to carry away Grand Preceptor Xie's grain, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Xie Anshi took this moment to walk out of the room. Big Boss Black ran back like a streak of smoke. Thanks to all the vegetation growing around Old Madame's rooms, the lighting in the premises was quite poor. Big Boss Black and his body of black fur blended easily into the shadows. Ning Xiaoyao asked for half a bag's worth of sugar beans from Lou Zigui and sat on a chair to snack on them. She didn't want to bother with any of this anymore.

Big Boss Black landed on her shoulder and said, "The Grand Preceptor told his son to say those seven men are distant relatives of the Xie Clan. Now that his son's gone on to spread the message, everyone else in the Xie Clan will be fed the same story pretty soon."

Ning Xiaoyao curled her lips in disbelief. "Tch, that's identical to the excuse I thought up. The Grand Preceptor doesn't have any creativity."

"What's creativity?" Big Boss Black asked.

"Creativity is..."

"Forget it, you don't have to tell me. This cat doesn't want to know," Big Boss Black cut her off. "Will Supreme Commander's side be alright?"

Ning Xiaoyao stuffed more sugar beans in her mouth. She didn't want to talk to this fat black furball anymore!

Elder Li had only lingered briefly in the room before stepping out again. He too, didn't think Lou Zigui had sealed off the estate just to investigate Old Madame Xie's death. The man had to be aiming for something else, so he decided to watch from the sidelines. Once he grew still, his cohorts joined him in their silence. None of them were as loud or combative as before in the mourning hall.

By the time Xie Anshi finished his rounds around the estate, the courtyard surrounding the Old Madame's quarters had turned utterly silent, the kind of quiet that made your heart pound.

"How is it?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked his son when he returned as if it was an ordinary request.

Xie Anshi shook his head. "A few of the military officers tried but couldn't get out. Father, should we leave them in a random room instead?"

Grand Preceptor Xie sighed. "His Majesty and Lou Zigui are targeting them. Wouldn't they lead a search if those seven disappear from sight?" The imperial guards and Dragon Guards already had experience from searching through the Xie Estate in the paste.

Xie Anshi cast a glance at Ning Xiaoyao, who was still sitting in her chair and munching on sugar beans, before he lowered his voice. "What if His Majesty trumps up charges against them?"

Grand Preceptor Xie replied, "That wouldn't be enough as long as I'm still here."

"........" said Xie Anshi. Even if His Majesty's methods are limited, you haven't gained any advantage from him either, father!

Ning Xiaoyao had held her breath to concentrate on the noises coming from the door to the room. Add that to the fact that it was silent to begin with and she heard the Xie father and son's conversation loud and clear. Spitting at the floor, Ning Xiaoyao suddenly felt like it'd be better to end it all with a brawl. Setting up shadowy plots and sinister plans was way too annoying!

Shadowgale ran into the room at this time. He didn't say a word, but simply inclined his head slightly towards Lou Zigui. Ning Xiaoyao muttered to herself, "Heavens, he actually succeeded."

Lou Zigui made sure to remind Ning Xiaoyao, "When the time comes, don't say a word. No matter what Xie Wenyuan says, you're not to speak up."

Not allowed to speak again? Ning Xiaoyao said unhappily, "Then what if he curses me?"

Lou Zigui pinched Ning Xiaoyao's puffed-up cheeks and murmured, "Cursing the emperor is a serious form of disrespect. You can just hit him then."

Ning Xiaoyao looked in the direction of Grand Preceptor Xie. Grand Preceptor, you better curse me when the time comes, ah!

Chapter 147: His Majesty thinks, old geezer Xie's son is too ruthless

Chapter 147: His Majesty thinks, old geezer Xie's son is too ruthless Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

Lou Zigui pointed at the blue and white porcelain bowl on the tea table while raising his voice just loud enough to catch the attention of those outside. "There's poison in this ginseng chicken soup," he told Grand Preceptor Xie.

Everyone's eyes spun to rest on the tea table. Ning Xiaoyao subconsciously felt an urge to sit up straight, only to realize she was already sitting straight out of habit. Elder Li brought his men inside the rooms to stand in front of Grand Preceptor Xie. Their respective factions made a clear divide in the room.

Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Supreme Commander took this long to figure out the soup was poisoned?"

Lou Zigui replied coldly, "This subject isn't a doctor, but chanced to spill a bit of the soup before finding out it was toxic." As he finished, he did a demonstration for the crowd by pointing out the burnt-out section of the table.

Second Young Master Xie piped up from Grand Preceptor Xie's side, "My grandmother's body had a head injury. What does that have to do with this poison?"

"It's very possible that the culprit failed to poison her and thus resorted to violence," Lou Zigui answered as he stared at Grand Preceptor Xie. "Grand Preceptor, all the exits out of the estate have been sealed. The killer should still be amongst us."

Grand Preceptor Xie replied, "Is Supreme Commander planning to search the estate?"

Elder Li spoke up. "What do you mean by those words, Grand Preceptor? Don't you want to capture the killer? Or perhaps, do you know who it is already?"

Lou Zigui didn't give Grand Preceptor Xie time to reply. "Someone come, start searching."

Second Young Master Xie said, "Lou Zigui, who are you planning to search? Do you know who used the poison?"

Lou Zigui replied, "I don't, but I'll check them one by one until I find something."

"You make it sound so easy," Xie Anji said next. "Our Grand Preceptor's estate has around 1,000 members. How long will it take to search them one by one?"

Lou Zigui simply laughed in ridicule. He looked at Grand Preceptor Xie and said mercilessly, "Does Second Young Master Xie have no brains at all?"

"You," Xie Anji wanted to rage at those words.

"Cough, cough," Ning Xiaoyao coughed as she waved a fist in Xie Anji's direction. What kind of tone is that?

Xie Anji had experienced the fury of Ning Xiaoyao's fists first hand, so the sight of them made him choke back his words.

"Your Majesty?" Grand Preceptor Xie turned his attention to Ning Xiaoyao. Lou Zigui took the chance to bump lightly against the tea table. Taking the hint, Ning Xiaoyao simply shook her head at Grand Preceptor Xie. Isn't it just keeping my mouth shut? I can do that!

"Naturally, there's no need to investigate members of the family," Lou Zigui said. "This subject doesn't believe that the Xie Clan would produce such scum. Neither do we need to look into people who've never made contact with Old Madame before, because those types wouldn't have had to chance to poison her even if they wanted."

"Someone come," Grand Preceptor Xie said coldly. "Take all of Old Madame's servants into custody and interrogate them!"

The scene outside the courtyard quickly devolved into a crying mess. All of the Old Madame's servant girls and mama were dragged into the courtyard until all 30 were crying and pleading injustice. Ning Xiaoyao listened to the hubbub outside. All of these people were Old Madame's servants. Most likely, some of them witnessed the little white flower have a falling out with Old Madame firsthand. Some of them should know the truth, right? But after listening for awhile, she didn't hear anyone speak the truth. All of them were pleading and claiming innocence instead. Ning Xiaoyao glared at Grand Preceptor Xie and began to suspect whether the man had already killed off all his witnesses.

"Bring in those outsiders as well," Lou Zigui told Grand Preceptor Xie. "We don't know their origins, so it's better to capture the innocent rather than let the culprit off."

Grand Preceptor Xie nodded. You were waiting to say that line, weren't you?

Elder Li said, "What are you waiting for? Hurry and investigate."

Lou Zigui ordered Shadowgale, "This matter concerns His Majesty's great-grandmother; you have to take care in your investigations."

Shadowgale assented and brought his Dragon Guards away before Grand Preceptor Xie spoke a word. After they passed him, he told Xie Anji, "Have Xie Anshi do as I instructed."

Xie Anji had no idea what his father had ordered, but assented as well before scurrying off. Ning Xiaoyao heard Grand Preceptor Xie's words clearly, but she had no idea what kind of schemes he'd gotten up to with Xie Anshi. She patted Big Boss Black's head and murmured, "Black Tubby, help me out with a favor, will you? How about you follow after that Xie Anji?"

Big Boss Black licked his whiskers before jumping off the tea table and silently tailing his target. While the results of the investigation were pending, the people in the room found themselves with nothing to talk about. Once again, the scene fell into silence. Ning Xiaoyao crunched a sugar bean as she began to stared at the various treasures scattered around the room. The more she looked, the more she was convinced that Grand Preceptor Xie was a covetous, corrupt official. Supreme Commander was a major official too, but he still had to ask her for money. Meanwhile, the Xie Clan's rooms were filled with gold and silver. She had to find a way to kill off that old geezer. Ning Xiaoyao grit her teeth. Once he's dead, I'll have money!

Xie Anji found his younger brother in a small lateral court located at the north of the estate. He glanced at the seven other man with Xie Anshi in the rooms before telling his brother, "Father said for you to do as he instructed."

Xie Anshi hastily asked, "That Cuckoo Lou's started searching our estate?"

Xie Anji nodded. "Lou Zigui wants to investigate everyone close to the Old Madame, as well as any and all outsiders."

Xie Anshi grew hateful. "Isn't he an outsider himself?"

Xie Anji shook his head. "He only arrived with His Majesty after Old Madame Xie passed away. What's the use of arguing with him over technicalities now? Just what did father tell you to do?"

Big Boss Black leaped onto a window ledge and peered into the room. His eyes narrowed at the sight, estimating that the men inside were the very ones Supreme Commander was hunting!

Third Young Master Xie looked at the seven military officers before cupping his hands and bowing. In an apologetic tone, he said, "Gentlemen, forgive me."

The seven officers had no idea what Grand Preceptor Xie had planned, and only looked uncertainly at Xie Anshi. Meanwhile,Xie Anji grew alarmed. He was familiar with his father's methods. Is the plan to silence them by killing them all?!

Xie Anshi shouted at the door, "Men, come!"

A dozen or so of the Grand Preceptor's personal guards entered the room. Xie Anshi backed up a few steps until he was standing right in front of Big Boss Black's window. The guards that came in raised their sabers without a word and hacked at the men instead. In response, the seven military officers instinctively made to avoid the blows.

Xie Anshi's voice was cold. "If none of you get hurt, Lou Zigui will capture you all. Falling into his hands is a fate worse than death!"

The seven men froze with their fists and legs in the air.

"Leading troops into the capital without a permit is a capital offense," Xie Anshi continued. "Father is doing this so you can preserve your lives. I ask that you gentlemen make allowances for the situation."

"........" said the seven officers. It was Grand Preceptor Xie who summoned us to the capital, ah. Why does it sound like Third Young Master Xie's blaming us for our own bad luck?

"What are you all spacing out for?" Xie Anshi urged the guards. "Hurry and attack them!"

A few slashes from the guards later, and the seven military officers were left on the floor in a bleeding pile. Xie Anji felt himself choke as he beat a hasty retreat until his back was pressed against the wall. The bloody scene before him made him want to throw up. Xie Anshi disliked blood as well, but he bore it much better than his brother. His expression betrayed nothing as he stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

Big Boss Black saw the tallest of the seven men left with his legs cut to the bone. He swished his tail before jumping off the window ledge and running back to Old Madame's. Neither the Xie brothers nor the other humans inside the room ever noticed he was there. Even if they did, they wouldn't have paid him much mind. The floor inside the room was quickly stained with blood. All of the seven men either sported broken legs or or twisted fingers. Luckily, their experience as military men gave them enough fortitude to maintain consciousness despite their heavy injuries.

Three doctors were soon ushered into the room, all of whom quailed internally at the sight. Xie Anshi told the doctors, "Treat their wounds."

Xie Anji paced a circle in the room before he approached Xie Anshi in a small voice. "What does father mean by this?"

Xie Anshi replied equally quietly, "What he means? Lou Zigui wants to capture them. If we hadn't broken their hands and legs just then, father wouldn't have any way to deny that they weren't Old Madame's killers."

Xie Anji processed the information before he finally understand. He sucked in a breath and paled as the implications hit him, then turned red with indignation. "That's going too far!" he hissed.

Xie Anshi said, "Second brother, do you think His Majesty only came to pay condolences?"

Xie Anji stared at him blankly before he exclaimed, "Just what happened?!" Old Madame Xie had passed her days peacefully in the estate. How could she die just like that?

Xie Anshi shook his head. "I don't know. Neither of us were home at the time. Father wasn't here, either. If there's anyone to ask, it'd have to be mother."

"W-was it His Majesty?" Xie Anji guessed haphazardly.

Xie Anshi didn't reply. It would have been impossible for mother to hide the culprit behind Old Madame's death. Despite this, father was only concerned with arranging her funeral as soon as possible instead of investigating her head wound. None of them had even been allowed to see her body one last time. Could it be....could it be that the killer really was Ning Yu? Xie Anshi thought. Did Ning Yu send someone to kill Old Madame?

Currently, Ning Xiaoyao was sitting in Old Madame's room, listening to Big Boss Black make his report.

"The room was full of blood, ah, miaow~" Big Boss Black murmured.

Ning Xiaoyao scratched her palms. That old geezer Xie's son is too ruthless! How are we supposed to counter this?

Sensing Ning Xiaoyao's agitation, Lou Zigui lowered his head to look at her. "What is it?" he asked in a low voice.

"Urk," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Those seven men are in a room in the northern part of the estate."

Lou Zigui didn't bother asking Ning Xiaoyao how she knew, but simply replied, "Don't worry, Shadowgale and the rest will search there as well."

Ning Xiaoyao stuck up a finger. "There's one more piece of bad news."

"What is it?" Lou Zigui asked.

"The Grand Preceptor had his men break their legs and fingers," Ning Xiaoyao said. "Now they're practically paralyzed, so how are we supposed to accuse them of poisoning and beating the Old Madame to death?"

Lou Zigui knit his brow.

"It's true, ah," Ning Xiaoyao pointed at her eyes. "Supreme Commander, look at these honest eyes of mine."

"You---" Lou Zigui said, "How did you find that out?"

"........" said Ning Xiaoyao. That's not the point, is it? The point is that we can't beat the Grand Preceptor now. We should just go home and take a nap!

Chapter 148: His Majesty gets tricked

Chapter 148: His Majesty gets tricked Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"I....I have little pals here," Ning Xiaoyao could only mumble out after some thought. However, Lou Zigui hadn't seen any person speak to Ning Xiaoyao. Where are your so-called little pals?

"Is it over now?" Ning Xiaoyao asked. "How about we go home instead? Let them bury Old Madame first, maybe?"

Lou Zigui patted Ning Xiaoyao's head before whispering a few things at a Dragon Guard behind him. Ning Xiaoyao's sharp ears picked up Supreme Commander telling him that the men were in the northern courtyard, and to carry them over here.

The Dragon Guard obeyed before running out of the room. Ning Xiaoyao glanced at Lou Zigui. Those people already have broken bones galore. Isn't it impossible to pin the crime on a bunch of crippled soldiers? The silence in the room remained unbroken until the sound of quick footsteps came their way.

Ning Xiaoyao stopped breathing. It's time!

"Your Majesty," Shadowgale's voice sounded from outside. "We subordinates have captured seven men in the northern court of the estate."

"And I've already said, those are Xie Clan members!"Xie Anji said loudly from behind. When Ning Xiaoyao saw Lou Zigui and Grand Preceptor Xie both standing there without moving, Ning Xiaoyao leaped out of her chair and covered the distance to the door in just a few strides. She was far less patient than those two. Outside in the grassy courtyard, seven bloody men were lined up side by side. A doctor had already binded up their injuries under layers of thick bandages.

Ning Xiaoyao sized them up and ascertained that these were all of the seven men they'd wanted to capture. Not one of them had escaped.

"Your Majesty," Shadowgale bowed, awaiting orders. Ning Xiaoyao was about to walk down the steps when Lou Zigui pulled her back.

"Who are they?" Lou Zigui turned his head to ask Grand Preceptor Xie, who was just coming out himself.

"They're distance relatives of my Xie Clan," Grand Preceptor Xie replied.

"Are they recorded in the ?" Lou Zigui asked.

"Bring the book," Grand Preceptor Xie ordered Xie Anshi.

"....." said Ning Xiaoyao. Holy crap, old geezer Xie even created fake records for them on short notice?!

Soon enough, Xie Anshi arrived with the genealogy book and handed them over to Lou Zigui. Ning Xiaoyu stuck her head in to look, but didn't understand the contents. She lowered her voice and murmured, "Are there any problems with it?"

"None," Lou Zigui said as he closed the book again.

Well, then. Ning Xiaoyao looked at Grand Preceptor Xie, thoroughly convinced that they'd lost. Even if we can't hold onto those guys, we can still keep hold on our dignity. "Grand Preceptor, you sure have a lot of relatives."

Grand Preceptor Xie's tone was full of respect. "Your Majesty, the Xie Clan has only grown in the past few centuries. Our sons and grandsons have prospered thanks to the late emperor and Your Majesty's grace."

Ning Xiaoyao pursed her lips. What does your Xie Clan birth rate have to do with the likes of me?

"Why were they injured?" Lou Zigui asked.

"Lou Zigui," Xie Anshi said bluntly, "Are you interrogating my father?"

"What impudence!" Elder Li cried. "Xie Anshi, you're only a minister at the Ministry of Civil Personnel. What right do you have to call Supreme Commander Lou by his full name"

"I'm only protecting father, since when did I---"

"That there, his upbringing was lacking," Ning Xiaoyao cut in. "Old gramps, don't get mad. Even Supreme Commander's ignoring him, see?"

Everyone in the courtyard looked towards Xie Anshi. After His Majesty had called the eldest young master a bastard, now Third Young Master Xie was someone brought up with a poor education. If Grand Preceptor Xie couldn't endure past this trial, then it'd be a pipe dream for this generation of Xie Clan men to hold government posts and command the courts like their forefathers.

Xie Anshi looked at Ning Xiaoyao, dearly wanting to flip out. But he held his temper in check and felt miserable instead.

"They met with the mobs in the capital," Grand Preceptor Xie explained. "And were attacked by them in turn."

"I see calluses on their hands," Lou Zigui said. "The kind you get from frequent use of bows or other weapons. They're familiar with those, but they couldn't fight off a mob of civilians?"

Grand Preceptor Xie replied, "There wasn't enough time to retaliate, so these serious injuries are excusable."

"True enough," Lou Zigui nodded, before looking suspiciously at the seven men. "What's the relationship between you seven? Friends?"

Ning Xiaoyao listened ignorantly, completely unaware of the trap set in Lou Zigui's words. Grand Preceptor Xie furtively shook his head at the men. There was no way they could claim to being friends, because they were already "relatives" of the Xie Clan. How could family members say they were friends stead?

The seven military officials had all taken painkillers, but the side effects of such drugs was to making them slow and sluggish. An alert and focused mind would have no way to ignore the pain from such injuries. Because of that, the seven men were feeling a little slow in their heads as well, and unconsciously nodded to Lou Zigui's words.

Elder Li barked out a cold laugh. Grand Preceptor Xie's expression remained unchanged. "They've grown up together since childhood, so they're family as well as friends."

Ning Xiaoyao gaped at Grand Preceptor Xie. You can even turn the tides at a time like this?!

"Search them," Lou Zigui said coldly. A few Dragon Guards stepped forward and started frisking the seven men. Xie Anshi made a placating motion to Grand Preceptor Xie, indicating that it'd be alright. All seven men had been changed into new clothes already, and the poison in the planted bottle had long been replaced with a copy. At this moment, Cousin Magpie flew into the courtyard with a tiny white bottle between his beak. Cousin Magpie's wife was resting in her nest, and glanced at the bottle her husband tossed by her feet.

"What is this? Can we eat it?"

Cousin Magpie replied, "The men that Xiaoyao want to capture changed their clothes. This bottle was hidden in one of their robes."

"Is it useful to Xiaoyao?" Cousin Magpie's wife asked in a rush.

"I don't know, ah," Cousin Magpie shook his head. "There were men guarding the pile of discarded clothes. When I flew in the window to take this bottle, they almost discovered me!"

How heroic was it to steal things from human claws right under their noses? Cousin Magpie's wife looked at her husband with admiring eyes. (Author: Hey, humans claws are called hands!)

"What should I do?" Cousin Magpie asked.

"Deliver it to Xiaoyao, ah," his wife replied. "Suppose she needs it? But if she doesn't and it's edible, you can bring it back to us." She had always been a magpie good at planning.

"That courtyard's full of humans. Should I toss the bottle at Xiaoyao's head?" Cousin Magpie asked uneasily.

Now his wife thought he was foolish. "Can't you call Xiaoyao out of the courtyard? It's not like the other humans can understand you, pah!"

Suddenly seeing the light, Cousin Magpie picked up the bottle in his mouth and flew off again. Currently, one of the Dragon Guards in Old Madame's courtyard had found a bottle in the folds of one man's clothing.

"Hold it," Grand Preceptor Xie called out before the Dragon Guard gave the bottle to Lou Zigui. "Let this old man have a look."

Lou Zigui nodded towards the guard, who handed the bottle over. Grand Preceptor Xie examined the object before asking, "Supreme Commander, what do you think is in this bottle?"

If Xie Wenyuan could order these men to be beaten, wouldn't he order their clothes to be searched as well? Lou Zigui was now very clear that the white bottle in his hands wasn't the poison at all. Perhaps it was wine or even clear water. However, he still had two bottles of the same poison hidden in his sleeve. His next goal was to somehow find a link between his poisons and those seven men. It would be easy to fabricate something when his targets were lying right there.

Although Supreme Commander Lou knew exactly how things stood, Ning Xiaoyao was completely clueless. When she heard Grand Preceptor Xie's question and saw the bottle, she assumed it was the one that Supreme Commander had handed off to Shadowgale. In that case, she proclaimed, "It might even be poison!"

Because she spoke too quickly, Lou Zigui didn't have time to stop her. Grand Preceptor Xie looked at her and asked, "Your Majesty, they're members of the Xie Clan as well. What motive would they have to hurt Old Madame?"

Under Xie Anshi's prodding, the seven men all starting crying out for injustice. Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her nose. "I'm not the one who wanted to kill her. I don't know these men either, so how am I supposed to guess their motives?"

Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Then what if there isn't poison in this bottle?"

Then I'll admit that you're the stronger one and go home to eat, wash up, and sleep! Ning Xiaoyao thought privately, but said out loud, "Then we'll keep searching for the culprit."

"Your Majesty," Lou Zigui spoke up, since it was useless to pull her back now.

"Supreme Commander Lou," Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Don't stand in for Your Majesty for every little thing. You're only a subject, so you should act the part."

Ning Xiaoyao said, "What are you wasting words for? Hurry up and test it for poison."

Lou Zigui rested his forehead against his hand. Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Your Majesty, this subject believes that they had no intention to hurt the Old Madame."

"Then I firmly believe that they're guilty," Ning Xiaoyao refused to accept his claim. "How do you know what's in that bottle unless you test it first?"

Grand Preceptor Xie sucked in a breath. Ning Xiaoyao continued, "There's no need to find a test subject. Just pour some on the ground and see what happens. If the poison's corrosive enough to burn the tea table, it'll probably react against dirt, too."

"If there's no poison in the bottle, can Your Majesty restore their innocence?" Grand Preceptor Xie asked with the bottle in his hands.

"Ah?" Ning Xiaoyao sensed that something was amiss. Why is this old man feeling so confident?

Grand Preceptor Xie opened the bottle and poured some of its contents on the ground. No reaction came from the dirt. Next, he took a sip of the liquid and told Ning Xiaoyao, "Your Majesty, this bottle contains nothing but hard liquor."

Even the smell of white wine was filling the air now as Ning Xiaoyao realized she'd been tricked. Grand Preceptor Xie walked back to the walkway and stood there to show that he was unharmed, before saying respectfully, "Your Majesty, can you restore these men's innocence now?"

"........." Ning Xiaoyao said. What should I do now?

Grand Preceptor Xie said, "Although they're only commoners, they have filial piety as well. This subject asks that Your Majesty restore their innocence."

Ning Xiaoyao could only mutter awkwardly, "The way you're saying things makes me sound like a bad guy."

"This subject wouldn't dare," Grand Preceptor Xie hastened to say.

Big Boss Black, who was squatting by Ning Xiaoyao's side, couldn't be bothered with keeping up appearances in front of his Supreme Commander anymore. He clawed Ning Xiaoyao and meowed, "You ninny, miaow!"

Ning Xiaoyao only looked helplessly at Lou Zigui. Can we still salvage the situation? Lou Zigui's expression hadn't changed much. He went to order the Dragon Guards, "Keep searching, but be more detailed this time."

"......." said the Dragon Guards. They've already changed the bottles, so what are we supposed to find?

"Xiaoyao!" Cousin Magpie's call came from outside the courtyard. "Xiaoyao, hurry and come out, I have something for you~"

 Chapter 149: On how to properly fabricate charges

Chapter 149: On how to properly fabricate charges Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"I need some peace and quiet," Ning Xiaoyao actually wanted to say she needed to pee, but she didn't know where the restroom was and wanted to prevent Grand Preceptor Xie from arranging an attendant at her side to spy on her. (Author: Your Majesty, you're really a prudent person. Would the Grand Preceptor need any excuses to plant agents on you?)

Lou Zigui murmured, "Is the magpie one of your little pals?"

"Supreme Commander, how did you know?" Ning Xiaoyao widened her eyes.

"Xiaoyao, hurry and come out!" Cousin Magpie shouted from outside.

"Miaow!" After saying he'd come, Big Boss Black ran off.

"My cat!" Ning Xiaoyao chased after Big Boss Black.

"......." said everyone else. While everyone else was struggling to catch their breath, His Majesty had enough time to worry about his pet?

Lou Zigui pointed out two Dragon Guards and told them, "Protect His Majesty well."

The two guards hastened out of the courtyard, but Ning Xiaoyao had long vanished from sight by then.

"Where's His Majesty?" one of the guards asked the stewards of the Xie Estate.

The steward looked like he was dreaming, but another one replied, "I, I just blinked and His Majesty was gone."

The two Dragon Guards wanted to beat the guy up. His Majesty disappeared with a blink? What, is he a ghost or something?!

Currently, Ning Xiaoyao was crouched in one of the Grand Preceptor's flower beds, hidden behind ten pots of bonsai that were half-a-man tall. Both she and Big Boss Black were completely concealed by the plants. Cousin Magpie stood beneath a miniature pine tree as he tossed the bottle in his beak to Ning Xiaoya's hands.

"Xiaoyao, this was taken off those seven men. See if you can make use of it," he said.

Ning Xiaoyao glanced at the bottle and rubbed her eyes. Why does this bottle look identical to the other one?

Big Boss Black urged, "Hurry and have a look, is something wrong with your eyes?"

Ning Xiaoyao replied, "This is an exact copy of Supreme Commander's bottle!"

Cousin Magpie tilted his head. "This is a very common bottle, ah. Lots of families have them at home."

"Really?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

Big Boss Black told Cousin Magpie. "Now do you believe that she's a ninny?" She doesn't even know that all kinds of households have bottles like these. If she's not a ninny, then what is she?

"Makes sense," Ning Xiaoyao muttered to herself. "Plastics don't exist in this world yet."

"What stick?" Big Boss Black asked.

"Never mind, let's not talk about that," Ning Xiaoyao unscrewed the cap and poured a bit of the liquid inside onto the mud. Soon enough, the liquid began to froth and bubble.

Cousin Magpie was disappointed. "This isn't food, chirp."

"This is poison," Ning Xiaoyao said. "It looks very similar to the one found in the Old Madame's ginseng chicken soup. Say, why do you guys think Supreme Commander carries around poisons when he goes outside? Is he preparing to kill himself, or kill other people?"

Big Boss Black scratched Ning Xiaoyao again. "This cat really has to admire you for puzzling over Supreme Commander at a time like this. The Grand Preceptor's about to win! Maybe Supreme Commander had the foresight to know that trouble would come today?"

Cousin Magpie nodded. "That's right, I heard Grand Preceptor Xie said that a general needs to experience hundreds of battles before becoming a good leader, but a true God of War requires natural talent."

Big Boss Black meowed, "Supreme Commander is a God of War~"

"......." Ning Xiaoyao said. Things like that exist? Do all Gods of War possess the ability to see the future?

"What kind of expression are you making?" Big Boss Black stared at Ning Xiaoyao. "You don't believe that Supreme Commander is a God of War?"

"Not that," Ning Xiaoyao replied, "It doesn't matter whether he is or not, as long as he doesn't hit me."

Cousin Magpie nodded. That makes sense. Big Boss Black really couldn't figure it out. Does Supreme Commander look like the type of human who hits his wife?

"Let's stop chatting and get to work," Ning Xiaoyao jumped off the flower beds with Big Boss Black padding at her heels.

"Just what are you planning to do?" he asked.

"I---" Ning Xiaoyao stopped talking when she saw Fifth Young Miss Xie coming towards them from a distance.

"Your Majesty," Xie Duoying stopped to look at Ning Xiaoyao, then at the flowerbed behind her.

"Urk," Ning Xiaoyao said, "I relieved myself back there."


"That means to pee, ah," Ning Xiaoyao said while staning stock-straight.

Pee? Xie Duoying narrowly fainted away. Is this something the sovereign of an entire nation should say? How am I supposed to spend my days if I really ended up marrying a man like him? He's worse than a country bumpkin! In a flash, Fifth Young Miss Xie didn't feel like being His Majesty's woman anymore. (Author: His Majesty really doesn't want to be your man either, Fifth Young Miss! o(╯□╰)o)

Ning Xiaoyao turned tail and ran. Grand Preceptor Xie was still waiting to be taught a lesson! Xie Duoying looked dazedly after Ning Xiaoyao's retreating form. But if I don't become His Majesty's woman, what else do I do? The Old Madame had once told her that she was a girl who had already been presented to the emperor. She would have no more chances to marry outside the palace into other families.

Meanwhile, Lady Wang walked by with two mama supporting her on both sides and a cluster of servant girls. When she saw Xie Duoying spacing out on the paths, she stopped and asked, "Fifth girl, what are you doing here?"

Xie Duoying turned with a bow at Lady Wang's voice before she murmured, "Just then, His Majesty was here."

Lady Wang felt her head hurt as soon as she heard 'His Majesty.' Xie Duoying hastened to explain, "I, I didn't expect His Majesty to show up here."

Lady Wang laughed coldly. "Judging from what I saw just then, His Majesty didn't show you a shred of interest, right?"

Xie Duoying silently hung her head.

"Why aren't you returning to your rooms yet?" Lady Wang shouted. "It's chaotic in the estate now, so don't you cause me more worries, too. You're still a daughter of a noble house, but we have soldiers and military men running around right now. Why are you wandering about?"

Xie Duoying's face paled as she left.

"My Lady, please calm your anger," one of the elderly female servants said after seeing her mistress's stormy expression.

But Lady Wang only shot back, "The Old Madame spoiled that girl rotten! She thinks she can fly up the branches and turn into a phoenix just like that?"

None of the servants dared to answer Lady Wang's question. Xie Duoying had been the Old Madame's treasure, but wasn't favored with Lady Wang. Now that the Old Madame was dead and His Majesty uninterested in Fifth Young Miss, her days in the estate could only grow more difficult.

As soon as Xie Duoying was beyond the sights of Lady Wang and her servants, she picked up her skirts and fled. Meanwhile, Shadowgale turned a corner while searching for Ning Xiaoyao and happened to see the girl as she ran towards him. Her fluttering skirts in the wind made her seem like a flower in bloom, but tears were streaming down her face.

Shadowgale flickered to the side the the path to hide himself. Even if His Majesty allowed his Dragon Guards to marry, he still had Little Peach Blossom in the palace. How could he set his eyes on another woman? Still, Xie Duoying happened to trip at the same time Shadowgale flickered away. There were quite a few sharp rocks scattered on the cobblestone path, so Shadowgale hastened to grab Fifth Young Miss Xie before she could fall. She ended up crashing into a wide and unfamiliar chest. Her hair ornament scratched Shadowgale's chin; fortunately, it didn't draw blood.

Currently, Ning Xiaoyao was walking in the middle of Old Madame's courtyard when she stumbled as well. "Ah--!" she exclaimed, until Lou Zigui spread open his arms and firmly caught her. Surprisingly, Ning Xiaoyao was still trying to reach the ground.

"Put me down, ah," Ning Xiaoyao murmured to him. "I brought over the poison!"

Lou Zigui's brain was still processing her words as he instinctively released her. Ning Xiaoyao crashed spectacularly to the ground and met gazes with one of the military officers lying on the ground.

"......" said everyone else. It wasn't strange for His Majesty to trip since he was only human, but his hands were in the wrong place. While His Majesty Ning's right hand was resting on the military officer's trousers, his left had already landed on the man's crotch. It really was a boorish position.

Before anyone could react, Supreme Commander Lou plucked His Majesty up like a rabbit. This too, was another scene they'd never seen before!

"Success," Ning Xiaoyao turned to flash Lou Zigui a V sign. "I stuffed the bottle into his underwear!"

Lou Zigui set Ning Xiaoyao on the ground and replied, "After we get back to the palace, have Imperial Physician Gao write you a prescription so you can wash your hands."

"Whaa?" Ning Xiaoyao blinked. Why do I need medicine to wash my hands?

Lou Zigui stared at the officer lying on the ground. Very good, I'll remember your face from now on.

"Is anything wrong?" Ning Xiaoyao tugged at Lou Zigui's hand.

"How could you--" Lou Zigui wanted to hold back, but couldn't. "How could you touch him there?"

Ning Xiaoyao replied, "My hand didn't go into his underwear, ah. All I did was toss it in--" she demonstrated with a movement of her fingers. "--and the bottle went inside. How could I touch another guy in that place?" Still, Ning Xiaoyao mused to herself as she recalled the place she bumped against just then, He's got a sizable girth.

"What are you thinking of now?" Lou Zigui asked.

"N-nothing," Ning Xiaoyao sniffed a few times. "Nothing at all."

It'd be strange if Supreme Commander believed a word she said!

Grand Preceptor Xie approached the pair and asked, "Supreme Commander, do you want to keep searching?"

"Hm? Is the search already finished?" Ning Xiaoyao pushed away the hand that Lou Zigui was planning to mute her with, then pointed at the officer by her feet. "I think he's hiding something there!"

Grand Preceptor Xie followed Ning Xiaoyao's finger to see the man's crotch...

"Search him again," Lou Zigui told one of the Dragon Guards by his side. The Dragon Guard in question felt dejected by the news. I have to touch a man's crotch!

"Is there any need to search?" Ning Xiaoyao bent down and undid the man's waist band, before preparing to taking off his pants. Lou Zigui picked Ning Xiaoyao up again. Isn't she aware that she's a girl at all? Supreme Commander Lou was about to explode with rage!

The Dragon Guard took off the officer's pants and everyone stared at the white bottle that rolled out of the trousers and onto the ground. The officer was covered in cold sweat. Just then, His Majesty had pinched his waist so hard that he nearly passed out. Even now, he found himself unable to speak from the pain.

Ning Xiaoyao harumphed inwardly. If I had let you yell, how would I have gotten away with planting the evidence?

 Chapter 150: Young ne Wang gets her wish fulfilled

Chapter 150: Young née Wang gets her wish fulfilled Original and most updated translations are from volare. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

"How about you try another sip, Grand Preceptor?" Ning Xiaoyao suggested to Grand Preceptor Xie. "If it's wine again, I'll apologize to this warrior and find another way to uncover the culprits."

The quick-witted Dragon Guard quickly picked up the bottle from the ground and offered it to Grand Preceptor Xie. Ning Xiaoyao was quite anticipating the old man's reaction. If he dies this time, it won't be on me, right?

Grand Preceptor Xie wasn't that stupid. He unscrewed the lip and dripped a bit of the liquid on the ground, only to see it fizz and froth later. The crowd broke into an uproar at the sight.

"Impossible," Xie Anshi muttered in shock. He had personally put that bottle away and ordered his men to guard it, but why was there still poison here?

Next to him,Xie Anji muttered, "Did His Majesty slip in the bottle just then?"

Although Ning Xiaoyao had ended up sprawled across the officer in an undignified manner, it'd only taken seconds before Lou Zigui pulled her back up. That was hardly enough time for His Majesty to stick out a hand, much less slip in the evidence. Could they accuse His Majesty of framing the other man? Could His Majesty even move that fast? Unless he knew how to do sleight of hand?

There were people who suspected Ning Xiaoyao in the courtyard, but they quickly dismissed the idea. Moreover, all of them had watched the entire incident unfold. How could anyone miss a person slipping a bottle into the man's pants?

"I've, I've been framed," the officer finally found enough breath to shout out.

"Bastard," Grand Preceptor Xie cursed, before pouring the contents of the poison on his face.

"AH!" Both the officer and Ning Xiaoyao cried out at the same time.

"H-how could you do such a thing?!" Ning Xiaoyao pointed at Grand Preceptor Xie in rage.

Grand Preceptor Xie was shaking all over, furious beyond belief. "The crime of my mother's death must be avenged!"

"......." said Ning Xiaoyao. When it comes to acting, I really can't compare to his skills.

At this moment, the military officer let out a horrible shriek. A layer of blood-soaked bubbles formed on his skin. Because his mouth was open, the liquid trickled between his lips and suddenly silenced him. Before long, bloody froth began to emerge from his lips as well. An acidic liquid capable of dissolving wood and dirt was more than capable of eating through skin and flesh.

"Take them all into custody!" Grand Preceptor Xie commanded as he pointed at the military officers. Lou Zigui swept his eyes over the men who moved forward and froze them with one glance. Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoyao knelt down and rested her hand against the bleeding officer's face. She was full of internal curses as the bloody froth bubbled beneath her. She never expected Grand Preceptor Xie to be so eager to kill.

"Take them away," Lou Zigui told the Dragon Guards.

"Lou Zigui, what do you mean by this?" Grand Preceptor Xie was now simply using Supreme Commander Lou's full name.

Lou Zigui's reply was cold. "This subject understands the Grand Preceptor's pain for losing a mother. However, Grand Preceptor cannot resort to using torture methods in front of His Majesty."

"Killing someone without interrogating them first?" Elder Li stepped forward. "Grand Preceptor, aren't you afraid that the Old Madame will be discontent in death? Until we figure out who's right or wrong, aren't you concerned with uncovering the truth?"

Lou Zigui waved a hand at the Dragon Guards, who ran forward, raised up the officers, and carried them away. Ning Xiaoyao grabbed a handkerchief and used it to cover the face of the officer she'd helped. It'd be better if no one saw his fully recovered face and accused her of using dark magic.

"Why couldn't any of you find the bottle before?" Xie Anshi ran over and said loudly. No matter who did it, that's just planting evidence to fabricate charges!

Lou Zigui replied, "Who's going to touch a place like for no reason?"

Xie Anshi was rendered mute. That's right, what kind of man would touch another man in that place? The bottle isn't big to begin with, and it's the long and narrow type, so even if someone touched it accidentally, they might not realize what it is.

"Look at what you're saying," Ning Xiaoyao glanced at Third Young Master Xie. "Planting stolen evidence on him? If that's the case, why didn't he say anything? Wouldn't he have felt it if someone stuffed something down his pants?"

Once again, Xie Anshi didn't know what to say.

"Young née Wang's matter," Lou Zigui murmured by Ning Xiaoyao's ear.

Ning Xiaoyao knitted her brows. Things are already haywire, so why don't we forget about the little white flower instead?

Elder Li then said to Ning Xiaoyao, "Your Majesty, you must interrogate these seven men thoroughly. Ask them why they made a move against an old lady."

"Mhm," Ning Xiaoyao nodded. Lou Zigui nudged her hand again, forcing Ning Xiaoyao to say, "I released young née Wang. In the past, Old Madame Xie told me that she really liked that little white flower. In light of her tragic death, and to express my own filial piety, I'm---I'm going to let young née Wang be the official consort of Xie Anyi." Ning Xiaoyao felt her teeth ache when she finished speaking. After all that fuss, I let that little white flower get what she wanted in the end!

Lady Wang was standing right outside the courtyard. At Ning Xiaoyao's words, her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she lost consciousness.

"My Lady?"

"Someone come, quick, My Lady's fainted away!"

Outside the courtyard, the servant girls and women were whipped into a frenzy. Meanwhile, Ning Xiaoyao spread out her arms towards Grand Preceptor Xie. "Looks like Lady Wang's very happy. See that? She was so thrilled that she fainted."

".........." said everyone else.

Grand Preceptor Xie could taste blood in his throat from his rage. Not only did you ruin Old Madame's wake, you stole those seven officers from my very hands and sent young née Wang, that vicious wife, to disgust us all.

"Where is Young Madame Wang?" Lou Zigui asked.

"The woodhouse in the eastern courtyard," Ning Xiaoyao told two other Dragon Guards. "Take a trip and bring her over."

The two Dragon Guards did as they were told. Grand Preceptor Xie felt his body grow cold. Ning Yu even knows what's going on around the estate. There has to be spies in the house. More than that, they're even spies who can walk freely about the estate!

"Your Majesty!" By now, Lady Wang had been revived by her servants and was kneeling outside the courtyard to shout out.

Ning Xiaoyao didn't left her come in, only replied, "Your ladyship doesn't need to thank me. Go busy yourself with Old Madame's funeral arrangements instead." If I let that woman in, she'd definitely bite me to death.

Lady Wang shouted out, "Your Majesty, young née Wang was neither a virtuous wife nor a principled woman. How could such a person be my son's official wife? I beg Your Majesty to reconsider, ah!"

There were a few male members of the Wang Clan present in the courtyard as well. When they heard Lady Wang's words, their expressions turned ugly. This is a chance for our Wang Clan women to revive instead of worrying whether they'd be able to marry. What does Lady Wang mean by this? His Majesty's making a concession in the face of Old Madame, but this woman still wants to force our clan's females to a dead end?!

Grand Preceptor Xie silently cursed his wife for being stupid, before turning to order Xie Anshi. "Your mother is so stricken with grief that she's lost all sense of reason. Take her back to her rooms!" Antagonizing her own clan for the sake of a single girl we could easily get rid of ourselves? Just what is she thinking?

Xie Anshi didn't dare to speak, but only muttered an assent and walked out of the courtyard.

"Your Majesty!" Lady Wang was still crying and wailing outside as she rebuked each and every one of young née Wang's wrongs.

One of her elderly servants suddenly murmured under her breath, "My Lady!"

Lady Wang turned back at the voice, only to see young née Wang standing nearby, staring at her expressionlessly. She adjusted the comb in her hair before striding straight past her without a glance, completely disregarding her aunt and mother-in-law.

"Despicable charlatan," Lady Wang grew angry at the attitude and rose to grab at her. "You base wretch!"

The Dragon Guard behind young née Wang promptly pushed Lady Wang back with the sheath of his sword. His orders were to being young née Wang to His Majesty's side, so he had to complete it without fail. Two elderly servants rushed forward to catch Lady Wang as she toppled so she wouldn't fall down.

Young née Wang stared at Lady Wang and murmured, "Aunt and mother-in-law, we come from the same house. I do ask that you refrain from saying things like 'base wretch' in the future. If you get carried away with cursing me, how will the rest of the Wang Clan daughters fare in the future?" She left as soon as she finished speaking, paying no mind to Xie Anshi as he rushed out of the courtyard.

Ever since the Xie and Wang Clans forsook her, young née Wang was already clear that she could only rely on His Majesty to live a stable life. As long as His Majesty made her Xie Anyi's official wife, as long as she raised Xie Anyi's son to adulthood, then she could live a live of wealth and splendor all the same. As for Xie Anyi, young née Wang smiled coldly in her heart, What's there to mourn over a man who only cares about himself?

Xie Anshi had two of the servants help Lady Wang back to her rooms, but she lunged forward and grabbed her third son with tears streaming down her face. "We cannot, the Xie Clan cannot keep such a wretched good-for-nothing!"

Xie Anshi only knew that his mother despised young née Wang for harming his older brother. He lowered his voice and murmured, "Mother, His Majesty's already decreed it. How could we defy imperial will?"

Lady Wang felt herself grow lightheaded at the word 'decree.' Short of breath, she fainted away yet again.

Inside the courtyard, young née Wang knelt down to pay her respects to Ning Xiaoyao, who waved her hand with difficulty to dismiss the bow. Xie Anji suddenly spoke up to say, "How is Your Majesty planning to deal with this subject's brother?"

Before Ning Xiaoyao could speak, Lou Zigui siad, "Xie Anyi shall be exiled into the winter wastes as requested by the Grand Preceptor. Xie Anji, didn't you know?"

Xie Anji pointed a finger at young née Wang. Your Majesty, you spared young née Wang, so why not my older brother as well?

Ning Xiaoyao only clicked her tongue in disapproval. "You can't let go of a grudge with a woman? Some man you are."

Xie Anji was currently entertaining thoughts of killing his sovereign. Who was the first to hold grudges against a woman?!

"Speaking of which, what's that?" Ning Xiaoyao pointed at the north courtyard walls as she asked Grand Preceptor Xie. The crowd turned to see a dozen or small pots lined up against the wall.

"Those are pickled vegetables that the Old Madame salted for winter," Grand Preceptor Xie replied. "Is Your Majesty worried that those contain poison as well?"

Ning Xiaoyao was only asking out of curiosity because she'd noticed the pots as soon as she came into the courtyard. Now that they were preparing to leave, she'd simply tossed out the question. Grand Preceptor Xie's tone carried a sneer as he added, "If Your Majesty is still concerned, you may take these pots to the palace for inspection."

"You don't want them?" Ning Xiaoyao asked.

Grand Preceptor Xie replied, "This official is worried that Your Majesty won't be at ease otherwise."

"Alright then," Ning Xiaoyao waved a hand at the Dragon Guards. "Every person to a pot, we'll take them all with us." Pickled vegetables were still food and she had no reason to reject free munchies.

At this moment, Shadowgale finally walked into the courtyard. As soon as he came in, Ning Xiaoyao realized that there was a situation. Why does Windy smell like rouge and powder?
