#25 : Your identity

Xing Tao pointed an accusing finger at Xiao Wei, his eyes filled with anger and suspicion. "You did it! You killed Ting Sue!"

Xiao Wei, her face pale but determined, stepped forward. She raised her right hand and placed it over her abdomen, where her unborn child rested. "I swear on my child and my life; I am not the one responsible for this. I would never harm anyone, especially not Ting Sue."

Xing Tao hesitated, torn between his anger and the sincerity he saw in Xiao Wei's eyes.

Xing Chen's eyes widened as he heard the word "child." He stepped closer to Xiao Wei, his voice a mix of surprise and confusion. "Child? Are you saying that you're...?"

Xiao Wei nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She took a deep breath and confessed, "Yes, I'm pregnant."

The revelation hung heavily in the air, and the room fell silent as everyone absorbed the shocking news.

Xing Tao fixed a stern gaze on Xiao Wei. "Remember, if you're lying while swearing on your unborn child and yourself, you'll be sacrificing two lives. Don't take this lightly."

Xiao Wei nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I swear to my child and myself that I am not the culprit in this murder."

Xing Chen stepped forward, his expression conflicted. "Xiao Wei, is this true? Are you really pregnant?"

Xiao Wei hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, it's true, Your Majesty. I am carrying your child."

Xing Chen's eyes widened in shock, and a mixture of emotions crossed his face. "My child... I..." He seemed at a loss for words.

Xing Tao remained sceptical but decided to let the matter rest for the time being. "We'll investigate further, but for now, we'll consider your plea," he said.

Xiao Wei and Sang Guo exchanged a quick glance, a silent acknowledgment of their narrow escape. As they left the room, they couldn't help but wonder how the revelation of Xiao Wei's pregnancy would affect their mission and the delicate balance of power in the palace.

Outside the interrogation chamber, Xiao Wei, Hua Xian, and Sang Guo retreated to a private area. The weight of the situation hung heavily between them. Xiao Wei couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and unease. Her secret was out, and she had exposed her unborn child to this treacherous palace intrigue.

Sang Guo placed a comforting hand on Xiao Wei's shoulder, offering silent support. She knew that the fate of their mission and the safety of Xiao Wei's child now rested on the precarious edge of a sword's blade.

As they discussed their next steps, the lantern festival continued to light up the night sky. Each flickering lantern illuminated the palace grounds, casting both light and shadows on the secrets, lies, and rivalries that defined the lives of those within the Yue Dynasty.

Amidst the glittering lanterns, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo would have to navigate the darkness that lay ahead, with the knowledge that every step they took had the potential to shape the future of the dynasty they sought to destroy.

Yue Hua Xian's face darkened with worry upon hearing about Xiao Wei's pregnancy. "This complicates things, Xiao Wei. We can't let a new Tang child grow up within the Yue Dynasty. It's too risky."

Xiao Wei offered a reassuring smile, her hand on her own growing belly. "I understand your concerns, but remember, your child is also of Tang Dynasty blood. We can't forget our mission. Our goal is to bring down the Yue Dynasty and end their oppressive rule."

Yue Hua Xian sighed, warning Xiao Wei. "It is different for me and different for you."

As Yue Hua Xian rushed to light the splint and prepare to launch it into the sky, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo desperately tried to stop her. They knew that if the signal was sent, the Tang Dynasty army would attack the Yue Dynasty prematurely, putting their plan in jeopardy.

"Stop, Hua Xian!" Xiao Wei cried out, grabbing for the lit splint. But Hua Xian was determined, and she pushed Xiao Wei away, sending her stumbling to the ground.

Sang Guo rushed forward, attempting to disarm Hua Xian. The three women struggled, their movements a tangle of desperation and determination. But Hua Xian managed to launch the lit splint into the night sky, where it burst into a brilliant display of light.

As the splint ignited, signalling the Tang Dynasty forces, Xiao Wei and Sang Guo exchanged worried glances. The plan had been compromised, and the consequences could be dire.

Xiao Wei rushed through the palace halls, her heart pounding as she approached Xing Chen's chamber. She had to tell him the truth about her identity before things spiralled out of control. But as she was about to knock on the door, a palace guard appeared, panting and out of breath.

"Your Majesty, urgent news!" the guard exclaimed, his voice strained.

Xing Chen, who had been inside his chamber, immediately opened the door and inquired, "What is it?"

The guard continued, "The Tang Dynasty has launched an attack on our city and palace. They're at our gates, and we need you to prepare for battle."

Xing Chen's face hardened, and he nodded, ready to don his armour and join the defence. But before he could take any further action, Xiao Wei stepped forward, blocking his way.

"Xing Chen, wait," she implored, her voice filled with urgency. "There's something I need to tell you before you go."

Xing Chen looked at her, torn between the impending battle and the woman he loved. "Xiao Wei, it will have to wait. The safety of our people is at stake right now."

Xiao Wei, her eyes filled with determination, placed a hand on his chest to halt him. "Please, this is crucial. It's about my identity, and it might change everything. We need to talk, even if it's just for a moment."

Xing Chen hesitated, but then he nodded, realising that this might be their only chance to have this conversation. "Alright, but make it quick."

Xiao Wei took a deep breath and confessed, "Xing Chen, I am from the Tang Dynasty. My initial mission was to infiltrate the Yue Dynasty and assassinate you, but over time, I've grown to care for you deeply. I no longer wish to harm you; I want to protect you and your people."

Xing Chen's expression remained surprisingly calm as he listened to her revelation. After a moment of silence, he responded, "Xiao Wei, your identity is not my main concern right now. What matters to me is your well-being and that of your unborn child. I can see that you've changed, and I trust you."

With that, he walked to the chamber door, his hand resting on the wooden frame. "But we're in the midst of a battle, and I cannot risk your safety. I'm going to lock you in here to keep you safe until the fighting is over."

Xiao Wei understood the gravity of the situation, and though it pained her to be confined, she nodded in agreement. "I will do as you say, Xing Chen. Please promise me you'll stay safe as well."

Xing Chen gazed into her eyes, his concern evident. "I promise," he said before gently closing the chamber door and securing it, leaving Xiao Wei in the dimly lit room. She could hear the distant sounds of battle growing louder, and her heart ached with worry for Xing Chen and her people on both sides of the conflict.

With the distant sounds of battle ringing in her ears, Xiao Wei couldn't bear the thought of being locked away while her beloved Xing Chen was out there on the battlefield. Her worry for him overwhelmed her, and she knew she had to take action. Quietly, she made her way to the chamber window, which had been left slightly ajar.

She slipped through the narrow opening and landed gracefully on the ground outside. The acrid scent of smoke filled the air, and the clashing of swords, the cries of soldiers, and the thunder of hooves reverberated through the night.

Xiao Wei joined the battle, her martial skills honed to perfection. With her graceful movements and swift strikes, she fought alongside her fellow soldiers. Each swing of her sword was precise, and her determination burned like a fierce fire within her.

The clash of steel against steel, the cries of pain and triumph, and the chaos of battle surrounded her. The lanterns overhead cast eerie shadows, and the ground was slick with the blood of fallen warriors. The war was brutal, but Xiao Wei was fueled by her love for Xing Chen and her desire to protect both the man she loved and her unborn child.
