Sad News

I wanna thank the people who have been reading my book and/or adding it to their reading lists *oreos all around* LOL...but as you can see from the title I have some sad news.... So umm lately there's been a lot of drama about these two new girls that are supposedly dating Ross and Riker there names are Courtney [Eaton] and Savannah [Latimer] so I've been really discouraged and IDK if I'll continue writing Once In A LifeTime...because of all this drama...Like I mean I do ship Rivannah but Rourtney not so much... So if you ship go ahead and knock yourselves out but don't rub any videos , photos or news in my if you are actually reading this story I might continue but I don't know yet ....I've just been discouraged... Yea that's the word soooo yea for now *talks in a weird funny accent* peace out peoples
