Old Friend

"So, how have you been, Johnny boy?"

"Jeez, after all these years, you still call me that?"

"Yea, you got a problem with that Johnny boy?"


"Cut it out you two, can you just finish eating your meal or something?!"

"Ok ok fineeeee. But what's the rush, chick?"

      John's friend was a bit more annoying then what Seraphina had expected. Sure, she has seen people far more worse than him, but he was really getting to her nerves.

"Just, hurry up will ya? I got somewhere to go."

"And where is that?" John asked.

"A friend of mine texted me to see him around 6 at his apartment."

"Oooooh, looks like Johnny's girl is cheatingggg."


"Ah calm down, chick. It was just a joke."

"..Better be." John added suspiciously.

"Look John, its just something about his business ok?"

"What business?"


"Look, Johnny, if she says its just about a business, just believe her. She doesn't look like the type to be saucy."


"Just ignore him Sera. He has a dirty mouth."


"Look, I gotta get going John. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Look, we'll do it tomorrow. Ok?"


"Also, I didn't get your name."

"You can call me Tom. Well, full name is Tommy Yoshi."

"Yoshi? Isn't that a character from that marko game?"

"You mean mario." John corrected Seraphina.

"Ok ok, I forgot. Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Tom."

"Bye chick."


"So John."


"That your girl?"

"Yea? Why do you ask? You legit figured it out when you just came here."

"Your goddamn lucky you have a hot girlfriend like her, you know that right?"

"Uhhhh. Thanks?"

"My brother got a bottle to the head when he tried to invite one of the girls at his place at the bar. Stayed in the hospital for a few days and got stitches on his forehead afterwards."

"Wow. What a story."

"How did you even met her in the first place?"

"Well, we first met at Wellston Private Highschool. Later got in touch with each other and started a relationship."

"Huh. Didn't spill too much tea. I'm disappointed."

"You talk dirty and now you think dirty. Way to go Tommy."

"Alright. Look I gotta go now. My parents might be worried if I stay here too long."

"Ok. I'll see you later."



    6:16 pm
Apartment 58

   A man in a black suit sat on a couch. He was wearing a fedora and holding an envelope.


The door opened and closed. The man shot his head up and aimed a gun at the door.

"Getting jumpy, Rex?

The man lowered his gun down. He stood up and walked towards the magenta haired girl, handing her the envelope.

"What's this?"

"Compliments from the Don."

Eating french fries while making this, xd. Also a bottle of sprite too :>
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed dis. Did dis in meh freetime soo pweas vote and commwent ;w;
