Chapter 1 ~Ava~

Some random and weird sound kept echoing. I gradually opened my eyes, what I saw. My body was lying near the fence. I was a free spirit soul. I was lurking without any effort. My eyes go to sound. It was babbling of the river. I noticed a tiny cottage where some old lady, whom I had never encountered in my life, was doing something. When I tried to get there, I felt like someone was overpowering me.
Someone's hand grabbed my waist. When I turned around. I hear the hissing sound from his mouth.
I tried to get rid of his hands, but he was too powerful. He turns my body towards him. I raise my head to catch a glimpse of his face. He has blood-red eyes. H-He is........

Suddenly, All the things started fading. The only thing I remember was that it was a dream-a bad one.

"AVA wakes up, dude, and it's been three hours. Now, you have to wake up, or I will throw water on your face", someone warned me. I tried to recognise the voice.

I opened my eyes, lying on the bench. Finally, I remembered. I am at Axel's house. Sun is still shining over me.

" Dude, finally", Axel said happily and frowning at me simultaneously.

I didn't say anything, but I grinned.

"Have you finished your work?" I questioned. Before taking a nap, he was working on some project.

"Oh yeah", he said in a sad voice. I know why he is unhappy and stressed out.
We are going to change our school. The New high school has two branches. We both don't want to go to a different school. That's suck.

"Hey! Look, Calm down; you don't have to worry about that. Everything is going to be fine. We can't do anything about it. So stop stressing." I smiled, " anyways, could you please drop me at home?"

He gave me a warm smile and nodded


I'm home before my father. I prepared food for us. I don't prefer to stay at home alone. Since my mother died, I don't want to be alone. I get scared. That's why I used to stay at Axel's house. In the evening, I must come back home to prepare food for dad and me. Dad is often busy with his work. He is so concerned about me; that he doesn't even engage in a second marriage.

Axel is the only intimate. Even we have become more close since my mom died. Aunty and uncle care about me a lot. I never miss my mom.

Apart from this, he is a moron who often teases me. Give me a stupid name, couch potato. I am not that lazy. Sometimes, I do procrastinate. Everybody does.

I placed plates on the table; meanwhile, the doorbell rang. I know whose that. DAD.
I opened the door

"Oh Axel," surprisingly I said, "what are you doing here?" I looked over his hands.

"You forgot your notebook at my home. " He smiled and gave me the notebook.
" UMM, what have you cooked for dinner? You cooked something delicious! Couch potato. huh?" he said

Another voice comes behind him. It's dad

" Hey, guys, what's going on? And Axel, why are you standing here? Come inside, have dinner with us ", dad said happily. I have never seen my dad that happy, " I have something to tell you guys."

" You look happy; what happened, dad? Are you going to engage in a second marriage? "I said mockingly

We all laughed. He handed me his office bag. We all sit at the dining table.

" So, there is a piece of happy news that I get the promotion, and now I'm Chief Executive Officer ", dad said, "I've been waiting for such a long time."

"Wow, that's great. Congratulations!! "Axel and I said together

" Tomorrow, I'm going to throw a party, " Dad said and freshened up. Then both of them sat at the table.

I served food when they were talking about cricket. I don't have any interest in football. Football was so indifferent to me, but I love basketball. Even I was on the team last past years.

After half an hour, I started cleaning. Dad went to his room. Axel also went back.
I love the night. It's 10 pm only. I'm not sleepy at all. I don't want to see any movie either. I looked around.

Yeah, I should read some books
I'm fond of reading. I have read all the books on my shelf. My eyes caught my mom's bookshelf.

She was a writer. I have never read a book. Even never touched my mom's shelf. My dad constantly rebukes me for not touching my mom's rack. She was a well-known author. Anyways leave it.

I saw a book, a book with a lock. My dad told me not to touch this book. Well, It's my favourite habit to touch things when I'm told not to.

Its cover is beautiful, with the girl lying, pointing to the sky, and a cat. I lifted the book, Already unlocked; the lock was there just for show.

" Unmentioned things " I read the book title

I opened the 1st page

Some unmentioned things that no one knew about the girl named Ella James...

Wait, what, Ella? It's Mom's name. Suddenly, I heard a knock. My heart started pounding; then I realised that it was dad. "Yes, dad," I said.

"Where is my bag? I have given it to you in the evening. "

"Dad, umm! see in the lobby."

"Ok, Ava, thanks!! Good night!"

"Good Night, Dad "

Thank God. Dad didn't come to the room. He would rebuke me if he found I was reading mom's books.

My dad never told me what happened to mom; I always wanted to comprehend. But why she used her name it's fishy to me.

Instantly, someone's message popped up.
It's from Axel
Be ready at 7 am tomorrow. I'll pick you up.

Ok, don't be late. I replied

Ugh, I wanted to read that book, but I have to sleep now. I put that book on the shelf and went to sleep. Next time, I would read it.


This is my 1st book. Please ignore my mistakes. I'm a non-native English speaker.
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