

MATTSUWAWA: Lmfao you out-annoyed a serial killer damn. He really said 'it ain't worth it'

MUKKI: he said 'i'm wasting my prime murdering years and for what?'

ATSUMU: are these two gonna be here forever πŸ˜‘

YACCHAN: You know, it might be for the better Tsumubabe...

OINKOINKBITCH: they should put you undercover to investigate the yakuza

MATTSUWAWA: Breaking News: Osaka Is The First City Ever To Be Free Of Crime. 🀭

YUWUJI: they'd surrender just to get away from you 😝

ATSUMU: fuck u all i'm sad πŸ₯²πŸ–•

AWWKAASHI: With all due respect, Atsumu-San, I have to agree with Yachi-San. You didn't even know this person. You shouldn't mourn their absence.

YACCHAN: Yeah! And if he blocked you he's probably not that good of a friend in the first place!

OINKOINKBITCH: i'd block tsumu in a heartbeat but i still love him ❀️😝

SUGARBABY: same. do you know what kind of flack i get from my kids when my phone starts buzzing off the hook in class?

MUKKI: yoU have chILDREn?

SUGARBABY: not biologically but yes.

OINKOINKBITCH: poor Suga never grew out of his job in high school πŸ₯²

YACCHAN: r.i.p πŸ˜”


ATSUMU: but fr it's not like i can talk to you guys about my shit you'll just be dicks about it 😩😩😩

OINKOINKBITCH: I would say have some faith in us but you're right
although Kaashi and Yacchan aren't so you have that going for you

YUWUJI: Speaking of Akaashi, how is Bokuto doing?

ATSUMU: he's good

AWWKAASHI: He's doing well.

AWWKAASHI: Wait, what do you mean 'he's good' Atsumu-San?

ATSUMU: ...he was at practice the other day doing fine? am i missing something? 🀨

AWWKAASHI: He was supposed to take the week off...

AWWKAASHI: I'll be right back.

ATSUMU: shiiiiit 😢

OINKOINKBITCH: lMAFO Bo's gonna tear you a new asshole for this

YUWUJI: honestly i'm scared of angry Bokuto. with all those muscles he could probably level a fucking building πŸ‘€

MATTSUWAWA: he's probably going to level Atsumu's head

ATSUMU: more likely he's going to cry aggressively at me πŸ₯²

YACCHAN: Tsumubabe you shouldn't feel bad. Bokkun needs to rest anyway. When you injure yourself it's not good to push yourself during recovery.

SUGARBABY: Hinata told me you came in for eight days on a broken leg in your 2nd year πŸ‘€



ATSUMU: iiimmmmm saaaaddddd 😩😩😩

OINKOINKBITCH: you're such a baby πŸ™„

ATSUMU: you're such a meanie πŸ₯²

OINKOINKBITCH: i'm just telling you the truth you don't want to hear which is that you've shifted your hyperfocus from your precious Omi-Kun to this internet stalker who wants nothing do with you πŸ’…πŸ˜Œβœ¨

YUWUJI: damn tell him what you really think. maybe you should go easy on the guy for once in both of your lives?

ATSUMU: excuse u omiomi will always and forever be my only hyperfocus bc he is amazing and i love him v much 😩❀️

YUWUJI: remind me to let this be the last time i try and defend you πŸ˜‘

ATSUMU: alright bye βœ‹πŸ™„ imma go talk to my real friend which means non of u
except u Yacchan
but i'm pretty sure u checked out a while ago

MATTSUWAWA: I don't blame her.

MUKKI: we do kinda suck.

OINKOINKBITCH: if by your real friend you mean your boyfriend then he's gonna be pissed considering it's past midnight fy

ATSUMU: he'll get tf over it πŸ™„ he loves me


Atsumu makes the decision, however unwise, to trek to his best friend's apartment in his Vabo-Chan pajama pants and a tank top, towing with him a total disregard for the subzero wind chills.

At the current moment, the weather is the worst kind possible: cold but dry. No snow to speak of, no rain to spice things up, just cold, dry, gray nothing. So he's understandably freezing when he shows up on Kiyoomi's doorstep. And understandably, he's trying to hide it.

To raps on the door suffice - if he's not waking his teammate up at this hour, he'd be surprised and slightly concerned - which should inspire some sense of guilt in him, but doesn't. They both know he's a brat, it's written into the unspoken contract of their relationship.

They work because Atsumu takes like the greedy bastard he is, and Kiyoomi indulges him to great lengths knowing that, should the time ever come, Atsumu will be there for him unconditionally.

As soon as the door clicks open lazily, Atsumu is barreling inside, muscles twitching in a feeble attempt to generate heat as he kicks off his shoes and shoes them haphazardly to the side. Kiyoomi's apartment is warm the heater running at full blast because at all times of the year, the spiker needs it at exactly seventy degrees or he won't be able to sleep.

Atsumu flops back-first onto his best friend's couch grabbing one of the fluffy blankets Kiyoomi stores on the bottom shelf of his coffee table and wrapping it around his shoulders. His intrusion earns him a pointed glare, slightly softened by the lingering sleepy haze that looms over his bed-headed spiker.

"I showered an' brushed my teeth an' all that good stuff, so don't worry," Atsumu informs from where he's burritoed in Kiyoomi's blanket.

"I'm more concerned about why you're at my apartment at three in the morning," Kiyoomi looks too cute when he's all sleepy - curls downright frizzy, lanky fingers hidden in the sleeves of his sweatshirt. Atsumu opens his mouth to answer, but is immediately cut-off. "And before you give me some bullshit excuse, I want you to think long and hard about how good it is because if it's not to my liking, I'm throwing you out on your ass."

Atsumu promptly closes his lips and plucks another soft blanket from the coffee table.

"A friend just totally dumped me an' I'm sad an' I always talk ta ya when I'm sad," he pushes out his bottom lip and pulls the blanket pile up to his chin.

Kiyoomi gives him a deadpan stare.

"What?! That's the truth!"

"Okay...and why should I indulge your selfish need for attention when I should be sleeping?"

Atsumu sits up, still bundled up tight, and puts on his best rendition of puppy dog eyes, fluttering long lashes in pleading.

"Because ya love me?"

"Try again."

Atsumu rolls his eyes - one of these days, Kiyoomi Sakusa is going to fall for him. It might take another few months or two decades (so far prospects are looking grim in favor of the latter considering his numerous failed attempts at initiating an actual relationship) but Kiyoomi is going to love him. Atsumu will make sure of it. And not the carnal-attraction-friends-with-benefit-you-give-good-dick kind of love.

A real, genuine love.

Atsumu's a man on a mission. Along with being a stubborn brat comes an iron-clad will as unshakeable as it is ingrained.

"Because yer never able ta sleep after ya've been woken up in the middle a' the night so yer only option is ta spend time with me."

"Props for getting the right answer. No why shouldn't I throw you out?"

"Because you're my best friend an' care fer me in at least some capacity," he flashes his prize winning grin - the same one he gives fans cheering his name in the stands, the same one he gives the cameras and reporters. "C'mon, I know ya love me in a way. I promise I won't ask ya fer much...just want yer company."

Atsumu softens his expression, allowing it to morph into a soft smile - this one is for Kiyoomi Sakusa and Kiyoomi Sakusa alone. Not another living soul has seen this smile (well, except maybe Osamu, but only because his brother is his closest confidant when it comes to matters of the heart).

The words must have the desired imapct, or at least hold some modicum of truth, because a drawn sigh escapes parted lips, a clear sign of submission. Atsumu wishes he could jump up and kiss those lips silly, murmur his 'thank you' between their lips.

"Fine. You can stay tonight but you're out in the morning," the words are accompanied by an eye roll. Kiyoomi plops down next to the setter, tired eyes blinking sluggishly, and Atsumu feels all at once needy and touch-starved.

He wants to hug and snuggle and get closer closer closer, hold Kiyoomi so tight that he falls back asleep and drifts back into the dreams Atsumu so rudely interrupted.

"So what is it you want to do at-" Kiyoomi holds out his hand in demand for Atsumu's phone. The setter obliges his unspoken request, slapping his phone into his spiker's palm. "Three-forty-seven in the morning?"

Atsumu fakes consideration, slightly wiggling his eyebrows in mock thought.

"Sleepless In Seattle?"
