the introduction

In my mind niggas truly ain't Shit I got hurt one time in middle school seventh grade by my first boyfriend and after that ien want a relationship shidd I no longer believed in them honestly. I was so fucked up about him but its obvious he wasn't to fucked up bout me he fucked up my mind for other niggas, I wasn't your average who kept looking for love nah after that I said fuck it now don't get confused this nigga ain't my first love or none he was just the first nigga I dated and the first to really catch me, get a chance and still do me dirty. but I bounced back cried over him like a Lil bitch for like what two or three months straight, looking stupid being the laughing stock. after that I tightened up even became friends with the nigga, but even though I was straight shidd I wasn't straight my heart and mind was still fucked up  even now my mind fucked up. For a while I was just playing with niggas chilling, kicking them to the curb if they caught feelings but then I met khalil now see when we first met I treated him like any other nigga shidd he wasnt special. just cause he was my besfrans brother shit didn't matter to me every nigga the same and that's the way he got treated. Unfortunately after awhile me and him got closer and closer and eventually.....let me just start from the beginning that's the only way you guys will truly understand. 
