
Thirteen years ago

   Ostara wasn't often attracted to people. Rarely was she physically attracted to them, even less was she romantically attracted to them. She knew from Kol and the vampires she had checking on her siblings, that her all her siblings had been involved in multiple different relationships. Sexual and romantic. Ostara never went out of her way for that sort of company. Even when she got close to people over the years, she never really felt those attractions. Some times she'd have relationships and never feel sexually attracted to them. Sometimes she'd never be able to feel romantic attraction for people. It was few and far between for them both, but it never bothered Ostara much before.

Melissa was different. For a year she was just another sweet mother of one of her students that Ostara greatly admired. After Scott moved up to grade one, Melissa and Ostara stayed in contact. They called each other once and a while and even met up to chat when they had the time. Ostara was more than happy with this friendship that deepened over the last few years. More recently, Ostara noticed she would enjoy doing other things with Melissa. Couple-things that Ostara usually isn't interested in at all. But with Melissa, Ostara found herself craving it.

   Ostara was hesitant in pursuing anything more than friendship. She was lucky that she didn't often feel the need to. Because so many things got in the way while being an original vampire. Her mother and father both weren't issues anymore. The only real issue was her immortality. Why was Ostara even assuming the relationship would last long enough to make that a concern? Sure, Ostara liked Melissa a lot. But that doesn't mean they'd enter a relationship that lasted so long that her immortality became a problem. If it did, then she'd have to deal with that issue when it came.

   She did end up convincing herself that she should at least try and ask Melissa out. Ostara didn't often get the opportunity to feel the emotions Melissa made her feel. It would be irresponsible on her part to simply ignore it.

   Ostara called Melissa that night on her home phone. She did have a little hand-held cell phone but it was still quite new and Ostara wasn't very fond of it. Ostara didn't have to worry about Melissa being home from work or not. Their friendship made it so they knew what hours each other were free.

    "Hello, Melissa. Would you like to go out tomorrow evening for dinner?" Ostara asked right away. She could hear a bit of fumbling on the other line.

   "Sure! I could drop Scott off at Officer Stilinski's for the night," Melissa replied. She had a little smile on her face that Ostara was unable to see. It was a familiar smile, still. The smile Melissa always directed at Ostara.

   "I do want to clarify that I would be taking you out with the means of courting you."

   "Like a date?"


    "Oh, uh yeah that's great, good. Yeah," Melissa said. She cleared her throat and gave herself an imaginary pat on the back for not stuttering. Melissa never thought Ostara would actually like her. Melissa assumed she'd be hopelessly pining after her friend.

   "Wonderful, I'll pick you up at nine?" Ostara asked. She was certain that time would work but asked out of curtsey anyway.

   "That's perfect."

Ten years ago

    A timid knock sounded on Ostara's half-open classroom door. It was recess time, mid-spring. Ostara wasn't actually eating anything. She went between sipping her blood that was in an aluminum water bottle to texting Melissa on her iPhone 4. A few months ago Scott had stressed that smartphones were a thing now and the iPhone would perform much better than the Blackberry she had for years. Ostara listened to him because, well, he was starting to feel like her own son. She's created attachments to tons of children before. Scott was the most similar to how she loved her younger siblings.

   "Hi Isaac! Did you have something you wanted to talk about?" Ostara greeted. She made sure to nod Isaac in. He was standing in the doorway and didn't move until he got the approval from Ostara. There were small armchairs on both sides of her desk. Isaac took the one closest to the door. Ostara spun her chair around so she was directly facing the boy. He had been in her kindergarten class a few years ago. Every once and awhile he'd nervously visit her. Ostara prided herself on being a lot of kids favourite teacher.

   "The school year is ending soon and I'll be going to middle school," Isaac stated. Ostara nodded in confirmation. That was right. Isaac was finishing grade five, the last year in their towns elementary school. Ostara waited a moment to see if Isaac would continue. He did.

   "I guess I'm just nervous. I've never really had any friends and Matt doesn't want to hang out anymore after..." Isaac let that hang in the air. Ostara knew what he was talking about. Isaac's mom passed last year. Right after her passing Isaac's older brother, that just graduated high school, decided to go into the army. He died within three months. Isaac has a tough life and little-to-no support. It made Ostara's heart ache whenever she thought about it.

    "It's normal to be nervous, every student going to middle school is. The middle school, and especially the high school, are much bigger with many new people. There's a good chance you'll make a friend. And even if you don't, it's not the end of the world. You are so young and passionate, you will meet many people that you will form friendships with throughout your life," Ostara comforted. Isaac gave a small smile but she could tell her words only helped a little.

"How about I give you my phone number? If you ever need any help with anything or any advice then you can call me," Ostara suggested. Isaac nodded a little and looked to the ground nervously. Ostara quickly wrote her home and cell numbers on a yellow sticky note. She handed it to Isaac who took it with a smile. Isaac stood up from the chair and gave Ostara a hug that lasted two seconds before he ran out the door. She didn't even have time to hug back. Ostara was glad she was at least able to offer Isaac some needed comfort.

Nine years ago

    Ostara told Melissa about her vampirism four months ago. Melissa was rightfully upset. They had been dating almost four years and were friends for longer. So, they took a break. Melissa needed time to revaluate. A month later Melissa reached out to her girlfriend and they started dating again. It was a little strained at first. But quickly Melissa began learning everything she didn't know about Ostara, everything she was holding back. Melissa found herself even more in love than before.

Three months after their break Ostara proposed. She didn't really care how long she had Melissa in her life as long as she had her for awhile. Ostara knew the risks of pursuing a relationship with someone with mortality. But she had already fallen deeply for Melissa when she started their romantic relationship. Melissa miraculously agreed to get married despite Ostara's vampirism.

   Scott always liked Ostara. When he found out that his mom and his favourite teacher were friends, he thought that was awesome. When he found out they were dating he was even more excited. Another mother sounded much better to him considering he's never had a very positive older male in his life. When they got married Scott assumed that meant Ostara was staying forever. Ostara was aware of the pain they went through with Raphael. So, Scott knew none of that would happen with her. At least, he hoped.

The wedding wasn't much at all. Ostara decorated the area beautifully, but there wasn't really anyone there. The last thing Ostara wanted was to approach her siblings just for her wedding, that sounded selfish. Melissa didn't really have any family left. It was hard enough finding someone to officiate the wedding. Gay marriage became legal more recently. But people were still refusing to officiate. Ostara would have just compelled her way through the process if worse came to worst. Luckily, she didn't have to do that.

After the wedding Ostara bought them a new house. It was a little bigger and closer to the school. Melissa had wanted to separate herself from that house ever since her divorce. She just didn't have enough money. And Melissa was incredibly stubborn. She never wanted to rely on anyone when she felt like she could keep everything running just fine.

They were officially a family now, though. Melissa was able to work less night shifts because Ostara insisted on helping with everything. They were married, that's what couples do. She could technically compel it all, but she didn't feel the need to. Over her many years she had billions and was still making money as a teacher. Melissa knew this now but still wanted to actively work and pay bills. Ostara assumed it helped fulfil her need to provide as a mother. Ostara understood that well, so as long as Melissa was taking care of herself she didn't mind too much.

The house Ostara bought had seven rooms. She had four set up as guest rooms. It went unspoken that Ostara wanted extra rooms if the relationship between her siblings improved. One was their master bedroom, of course. Scott had his own large bedroom. Stiles, who frequented their house more often than not, also had a room. Ostara wanted him to have a place to store all of his things rather than stuffing it all in Scott's room. Stiles mom died a few years ago and ever since then his dad had started working more. Stiles didn't like being alone, before Ostara was involved it was a similar situation for Scott. The two boys were practically brothers.

   Ostara didn't realize how much she missed having a family to look after and care for until she had one again. Kol and Lucien always came in random waves. While Mikael was still alive, Ostara just knew where her other siblings locations were and what her assigned watch vampires could tell her about them. When Ostara started unintentionally integrating herself into Melissa's teeny family, it was euphoric. To be wanted, loved, and needed. She would do anything to protect the family she created on her own. When she first got involved with Melissa she dramatically tightened any magic and wards around herself. Ostara always had basic ones set up that a few skilled witches could crack them if they tried. But Ostara had others around her at risk. She couldn't take any chances. Ostara was certain that Kol and Lucien could still find her if they worked hard enough.

   There were times when Ostara felt like she massively failed her own family, her siblings. And instead of being the bigger person she let Niklaus' words get to her. Ostara still needed her family, they still needed her too. She just thought maybe it would be better to help from a distance. How productive was that if none of her siblings even knew what she was doing? Ostara wasn't sure. But it was better than nothing. She had almost caved a few times throughout the years. Usually when most of the siblings were awake. She'd talk herself out of it every time, though. Kol would then visit her and tell her stories and Ostara felt like her siblings were becoming strangers. Perhaps they were even strangers to themselves.

Eight years ago

    Melissa and Ostara have been married for a year. Melissa has known about Ostara's vampirism for a year and a half. They were currently celebrating their first anniversary. Scott had been left at Noah Stilinski's house. Ostara had flown Melissa to the Caribbean on a private jet she rented. Melissa didn't like getting spoiled too much, but on special occasions she didn't mind. Ostara went a little all out when those came around. She had so much money and power, she might as well do something with it.

    The married couple had gotten a private deluxe vacation house rented out for three days. It was right on the water. They had spent a lot of time swimming in the ocean water. Ostara was really pushing Melissa to relax. This was a celebration of their one-year of marriage, but Ostara really wanted it to be a break for Melissa. She worked so hard at the hospital and did her best raising her son. Ostara knew Melissa needed some time to slow down.

   Ostara being immortal wasn't truly talked about. When Ostara originally told Melissa and Melissa decided to take a break, the return from that break didn't bring up any dramatic revelations. Ostara wasn't even sure what Melissa ended up deciding in that month. All she knew was that the other woman decided a relationship with her was worth pursuing further. And for Ostara that was enough. She loved Melissa with her entire being, she'd have her by her side as long as Melissa would let her.

   It was their second day in the Caribbean. It was late at night. The couple were laying in the king sized bed. The room was dark but lit dimly by one of the rooms lights. The two of them were cuddling in comfortable silence. Waiting for the moment sleep would come. Ostara was lazily running her fingers through Melissa's hair. The other woman would let out small hums of satisfaction randomly.

    "Star," Melissa spoke softly. Ostara hummed in acknowledgment so her wife knew she was listening. Star was the name Freya had always called her. Never had she allowed anyone else to call her that name. When Ostara finally opened up to Melissa fully about her past, she allowed the woman the permission to use the nickname that was close to her heart.

     "I want you to turn me," Melissa said. She said this with a sense of finality. Ever since she learned about Ostara's vampirism the idea entered her head. When they got back together after their few month break, Melissa knew she would turn eventually. She would tell Ostara when it was time.

Ostara's hand abruptly stopped running through Melissa's hair. It was rare that people genuinely shocked her, but this was one of those moments.

"After everything I've told you, is that truly what you want?" Ostara asked finally. Melissa was laying on her chest but it suddenly felt a lot heavier. A small part of her was excited and relieved, but the largest part of her was full of dread. Ostara couldn't live with herself having turned Melissa and then the women changed her mind for any number of reasons. Ostara didn't want to ruin Melissa's life, mortal or otherwise.


"You'd have to watch Scott grow up. He might not even want to be immortal and you'd have to watch him grow old while you stayed the same," Ostara stressed. Out of all the downsides of being a vampire, this was arguably the biggest one. Watching loved ones grow old and die. Funny how few people really wanted to become vampires, even if they cared about one. Eternity was too long for most.

"I realize that. That was what made my decision so much harder. But I'd get to always be there for him. And I could guarantee I'd be there to see where he ends up in life. He'd never have to lose me. You wouldn't either. If I can stay with you, I want to."

"We may not always be together. I can't guarantee an eternity no matter how hard I try," Ostara said. She was adamant on not making empty promises.

"You were my friend before you were anything else. I don't think I could bare you being anything less than a friend. So, I'm not worried," Melissa reassured her. The woman didn't realize how tough Ostara would be to convince. She thought the original vampire would be more eager about her decision.

"You'll have to take a break from work and from Scott. I'll have to teach you how to handle bloodlust. It will be even worse if you keep working at the hospital."

"I'm prepared to do that. I trust you to take care of me. But most of all, I trust you to take care of him," Melissa said.

Ostara moved her hand from Melissa's head and brought it down to her waist. Her other hand was on the opposite side. She gripped on to Melissa's hips and flipped her over quickly. They were now chest to chest, face to face. Ostara stared into Melissa's eyes. Searching for her truth. Even if her heartbeat stayed steady while she spoke, Ostara wanted to be certain. Melissa stayed silent in favour of her wife.

A minute later Ostara decided Melissa was serious and would not give this up. The decision wasn't in Ostara's hands, after all. It was Melissa's. And Ostara trusted Melissa knew what was best for her life. Even if it terrified Ostara.

Ostara leaned down and left a soft kiss on one side of Melissa's neck. Melissa wrapped her arms around Ostara's midsection and pushed herself even closer to the other woman's body. Ostara held her tighter and continued to leave feather-like kisses on both sides of her neck.

That was the last night Melissa Mikaelson was human.


I have an important question!! Should any of Ostara's sons (Scott, Stiles, and Isaac) be in a relationship(s)? I have a few ideas that I'll list and would like your guys opinion on but you all can also recommend any I may have missed. Keep in mind they'd be related to the Mikaelsons, so no ships including them!!! If there are any Vampire Diaries characters you could see with one of them, please comment them as well because I'd be willing to bring them in!

Scott x Kira
Scott x Stefan
Stiles x Derek
Stiles x Lydia
Stiles x Cora
Stiles x Jeremy
Isaac x Theo
Isaac x Enzo

Ostara is a lesbian that can very well be viewed as both demi-sexual and demi-romantic! I'm asexual myself so I'm happy to give the representation where it's needed :,)
