
Adeola's POV
      I covered my ears with the pillow trying to get some sleep but I couldn't not with some girls moaning in some room close by in the house as Bryson fucked her, the bed sound and everything making it miserable for me to sleep. Oh my God! I muffled my screams with the pillow.
This is the fifth girl this week and he has a girlfriend or maybe ex because I heard they broke up from some girls I made friends with at school. 'Moan my name baby!' I heard him groan loudly if it could get into the room in this big house. I am starting to wonder if he is doing all this shit intentionally. I put on the boom box and played some hip hop music very loudly to drown the noise it worked except occasionally when her cries would add volume. Oh she's so gonna be hoarse tomorrow.  Is he that big and good? Oh my god what am I thinking?
I bopped my head to the music almost impossible to fall asleep with the music intensity, after about an hour or two I finally did but I heard when Bryson came in the room probably after getting rid of his ho like always he was smelling like sex and sweat , he went into the bathroom while I drifted off to a deep blissful sleep.
      'Oh shit! Oh shit!' I yelled I was twenty-five minutes late for school. I had overslept and that idiot boy I call my husband couldn't wake me.  I rushed into the bathroom, cleaned up and then I put on sweatpant and a black muscle tank so it showed off my black lace bra  by the sides, I am in the united states I couldn't care less! I put my purple weave in a high messy bun and put in my septum ring, i didn't bother with make up. I have already missed first class. I slipped on my Nike sneakers and grabbed my book bag putting in my subjects for today in it. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a cookie and a carton of milk.
       I ran into second period, just as the late bell rang. I exhaled with relief as the teacher glared at me I quickly ran to my seat after smiling at him. I spotted Bryson who was looking at me with a frown etched o his face. Bastard! I settled down and all when I noticed dudes glancing at me and girls giving me stink eyes while some looked like they wanted to be friends with me immediately.
'Cool outfit.' The dude beside me whispered. Oh that's what it's about.
'Uh thanks ' I replied because to be honest I don't really see the big deal in what I'm putting on.
      'I know right! Girl looks so hip and she doesn't know.' Jaquila said with her ghetto tone. I shook my head.
'Okay okay! Thanks for your complements!' I said wanting it to finish already.
'But tell me honestly did you come this morning with the intention of stealing the boys away? C'mon lace bra ?!' Ashanti shrieked putting her head on the table.
'She's definitely stolen me' Wes said coming to sit down.
'You guys are so embarrassing!' I commented laughing.
'You missed first period' Wes said
'Yeah I woke up late couldn't sleep early.' I replied rolling my eyes as I remembered the event of last night.
'Why couldn't you?' Ashanti asked with curiosity and care.
'Yeah...why couldn't you? Mr Ryder did come to school early today tho.' Wes  said in a tone I did not like.
'Why does it matter if Ryder Bryson came early and she didn't ' Jaquila asked raising a brow.
'Wes is stupid you know. Always out of point.' I quickly said . They laughed while Wes glared at me.
'I heard Ryder fucked Brittany!' Ashanti whispered to us looking over at some blonde girl.
'Yup last night and Piper has waylaid her today more than twice' Jaquila added. Oh she the bitch who fucked my bastard.
'And I heard Ryder wouldn't even look at her twice. I mean why do they still fall for him and give themselves hope? He's never going to love any of them, that dude just cannot be trapped. ' Ashanti cried quietly in frustration.
'You know we would jump his bones if he asks any of us out even if it's to fuck. I want to know if his size is true.' Jaquila whispered.
'Nasty bitch!' I said.
Wes shook his head.
'This is some gay ass shit. I'm going to meet my gender.' He said and walked away while we laughed.
'We heard he's as thick as a cucumber and long as a pipe. Like 10inches.' Jaquila whispered.
'Who Wes?!' I exclaimed with wide eyes.
'No silly! Bryson Ryder.' She chirped. Oh ... And this thing slept beside me everynight. I'm not a virgin I've had sex twice and it was of my will.
'Oh my god he's looking here with his brother! Are they talking bout us?' Ashanti gushed.
I turned and surely Bryson was looking in our direction, he looked at me with a frown still etched on his forehead, Justin smirked at me and then folded his lips. I broke eye contact with them and turned around to see Ashanti and Jaquila staring st me wide eyed.
'I think you are his next target.' Ashanti whispered.
'Fuck you and your clothing choice!' Jaquila cursed at me glaring. I laughed if only they knew.
'What about Justin?' I asked
'Oh that boy is bad as fuck too. Does the same shit as his brother but in a mild way. I even heard they are in a gang or something.' Ashanti filled me in on all the juicy talk on the Ryder brothers do my parents know who they married me to? And will I tell them? No! So when I die, they live with the guilt!
       After having the guts to scold me about my dressing choice to school today Bryson went out with his brother who had only fueled things I swear that boy is a devil. He needs Lucifer to be beaten out of him.
As his brother complained about my dressing code to school today, he intensified it by saying how sexy I was or how many dudes he knew wanted to fuck me or how he saw me talking yo some dudes. Like dude shut the fuck up! Couples fighting  here! Bryson didn't even care when I accused him of not waking me up he just said he was not my alarm clock and it was not a excuse for dressing the way I did and when I said this is America he threw the 'and you are my wife!' Card. So he knew he had a wife but he doesn't act like it.
    Now here I was again listening to some girl moaning and crying and shouting 'daddy!' And he was like ride that dick like a pony. I am certain he does it intentionally this is just gross. So sick! Oh my god.
I lost hope and got out of bed I went go the kitchen and made myself hot choco. The sounds were not really coming in here. 'Make me some.' I heard Justin's groggy voice behind me probably from tiredness or highness.
'Say please...I'm not your slave.' I said.
' are black' he said
'Excuse me?!' I yelldd rolling my neck.
'Chill girl I'm just kidding jeez.' He quickly defended himself. I didn't say anything. I just prepared it and handed him his cup.
'You looked so fucking good today Adela' he whispered but it was for me to hear. I peeked at him through my long lashes.
'Thanks after fueling his anger.' I replied.
'You look so good right now...I just want to eat you. I was jealous of those dudes touching and staring at you. And I'm jealous of my brother having you but you know he is my brother.' He confessed. This boy is a fucking devil! Confirmed! Can you imagine this nonsense? I sipped my choco.
'You not going to say anything?' He asked.
'What do you expect me to say? Because I have nothing ' I replied .
We didn't even hear the sex had stopped or the front door open until Bryson came in.
'What's going on here?' He asked looking from Justin to me. I saw his eyes scan my clothing. I was putting on the long Nevada shirt.
'Nothing' I replied.
'I didn't see you in the room. So I came to check' he said. Look who cares. Sarcasm.
'Well I'm here.' I replied haughtily and put the mug to my lips to sip my Choco. My cup was yanked from my hand I looked up and glared at Bryson as he drank it.
I noticed Justin had gone silent and turned to see if he was there he was, he returned my gaze and I stared at him and smirked he returned it. I heard a cough and turned to Bryson .
'Room now!' He ordered. I didn't even bother saying anything I just yawned and went into the room. I got comfortable in the bed and drifted off to sleep while I heard loud argument downstairs but who cares?... Not me definitely.

