Chapter 2 : Meet the Professors

  Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the characters associated with the book, those right would belong to J.K Rowling.

It was the first day of classes. It was going to take time for Harry to get use to teaching in a classroom. He had led Dumbledore's Army when he was in his fifth year, but they had basic knowledge of magic. His first years had no basics from which to build on. He would cross that road when he got there, which would be after lunch.

He had all lesson plans sitting neatly on his desk that was in front of the classroom. He had a few years with Hermione and had picked up a few of her habits. His desk was neat for now, by the end of term it would probably be as messy as his hair usually was. He could only keep up neatness for a while and then things got in the way. He thought it was more important that he be a good teacher, rather than taking the time to keep a tidy desk.

For the most part, in all of his lesson plans, he wanted to straightened up the misinformation that the students had about him and his life. He figured it would be easier to get things cleared up right away. He didn't want to have to deal with rumors in the middle of the school year.

His students were starting to filter into the classroom. This was his fifth year, Gryffindor and Slytherin houses students. At least they would have some background in DADA.

"Good Morning." Harry said.

"Morning Professor." They responded.

"How many of you have heard of me?" Harry wanted to get their information straight about him so that could start off the year in the right step. All of the students had their hand raised. "Okay I am going to talk about myself and then open it up for questions. After today thought I will not bring up any of this information again, and I don't want any personal questions during classes. The only reason that we are doing it today is so that we can clear up any misconceptions about who I am. You will not need to have any parchment or quills for today's lesson.

"I came to Hogwarts when I was eleven year old, just like the rest of you did. I grew up with my aunt and uncle who were muggles, I never knew about my parents or even knowing that I had magic until I received my letter from Hogwarts. When I came to school I met my two best friends Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. Together we faced many difficult and dangerous situations, almost all of them deadly. My second year of school I opened the Chamber of Secrets, yes it does exist and no I will not tell you where it is. I dealt with Lord Voldemort in his younger version of him. In my third year here I had to face my parent's friend who had turned them into Voldemort. My fourth year I was entered in the Triwizard Tournament against of my wishes. I was forced to watch a friend die along with facing Voldemort in the flesh so to speak. I had to face him every year in some from since I started here, until I rid the world of him with the help of my friends." Harry gave the shorten version of the story. The students did not need the gory details of the life that he had lived.

"I know to some of you that sounds cool, but it was not. I had a connection to Voldemort, at times I saw what he was doing and events that were taking place, these usually happened when I was sleeping. I had to watch as he attacked my family and friends and there was no blocking the visions. I would be crippled with pain when he was angry. I had to watch my back since I was eleven because I had death eaters and Voldemort after me. I had a destiny to fulfill. I never got a normal childhood, or life. In the battle many good people in my life died to secure the future." Harry finished his story. "So what questions you have, I will tell you almost everything. I want for you guys to know the truth. And before you claim that the Daily Prophet is always right, let me tell you that it's not. You know a newspaper is unreliable when they cannot get a persons age correct."

"So is Professor Granger your girlfriend?" One of the boys asked. "Cause if not could you put in a good word for me?"

"No, Professor Granger is not my girlfriend, she is my wife and that little boy is our three-year-old son James. She is using her maiden name so not to confuse you guys with two Professor Potters. Go and ask her out if you dare, because the last one that tried that, ended up eating slugs." Harry said with a laugh. "Last time I saw that person they were still occasionally spitting up slugs."

"Did you really teach your fellow classmates Defense Against the Dark Arts, when you were still a student here?" One of the girls asked.

"Yes, it was the year after Voldemort's return to human form and the Ministry had decided that students should not be allowed to actually practice the defensive spells that we read about. They thought that just learning about them was enough. It was at this point Professor Dumbledore, my friends, the Order of the Phoenix and I knew that Voldemort was back but we couldn't convince others. Many students asked to be taught how to defend themselves, especially when they learned that I had produced a patronus charm at such a young age."

"At what age did you produce a patronus charm?"

"Since my third year here at Hogwarts, I was faced with Dementors and the patronus is the other thing that can protect you. Dementors feed off true pain, and because of the things that I had already faced they had a really bad affect on me, so Professor Lupin, who was my Defense professor, pulled me into special lessons so that I could defend myself. The Ministry had decided to post Dementors at the school and during one of the Quidditch matches I was attacked and fell off my broom."

"Did you really play Quidditch your first year?"

"Yes I was seeker for Gryffindor."

"Have you ever performed an unforgivable curse?" The classroom went silent. They all wanted to know if the ultimate good was able to do it, if he was able to produce some of the worst spells that were in the wizarding world.

"Yes I have, but let me explain." Harry took a seat on the edge of his desk. "First of all it didn't work because I do not have it in me to hate that much, to want to hurt someone that bad. When I tried it was right after my godfather had been killed, he was the last family member I had. I hated the person so much, she caused so much pain to so many people. She was responsible for torturing two members of the Order of the Phoenix, who were good friends of my parents. You have to remember you do not have the same options on the battlefield as you do in the classroom. On the battlefield it is your life or theirs. I have had all three unforgivable curses used on me more than once. After the initial attempt at using the torture curse, I knew that I didn't have it in me to turn to those curses, and so I have never even try them again."

"What is meant when people call you the boy-who-lived?"

"There was a prophecy made about my life right before I was born. When it came out my family went into hiding, but were betrayed by my parents friend Peter Pettigrew. My father was killed in the front of our house. My mother pleaded with Voldemort to spare my life, but wouldn't change his mind. In the end she sacrificed her life for me. It was what protected me from Voldemort, until I was seventeen years old." Harry said. "What is meant by it is that I survived the killing curse not once but twice I lived through the curse. In all the recorded history I am the only person in history to have done so. That is what is meant by the boy-who-lived, I survived against the killing curse."

"Why do you call He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named by his name? We were always taught to not use that name. To say his name is unheard of in our world."

"Because there is nothing to fear from a name, a name itself has no power except the power we give it. By calling him Voldemort or Tom Riddle and not fearing the name you take power away from the man. By not saying his name it only adds more fear. As a great muggle once said 'we have nothing to fear but fear itself.'" Harry said. "You need to all take out a piece of parchment paper and number it 1 through 20. On the board you will find the questions that you need to answer. You are to stay seated and quite until the lesson has ended."

The students had thirty minutes to complete their quiz, at the end of class they were brought up to the front of the classroom.

"For anyone interested, Professor Granger and I will be starting a dueling club for anyone who wants to join. It will be available for anyone who is above 2nd year. In fact tomorrow is the start of the club and as a treat for you, you will see Professor Granger and I dueling."

"But isn't that an unfair fight. I mean she is just a girl?" A Slytherin snickered. "On top of that she is a muggle born."

"That will be 10 points from Slytherin House. Professor Granger is a teacher at this school and you will show her the respect that she has earned. Professor Granger stood by my side throughout the war with Voldemort, she not once wavered from my side or from the fight that was coming for us. She was there from the first year when we knew very little about the danger that we would face, up until the minute of Voldemort downfall and after." Harry said to the students.

"As for the fact that she is muggle born, that is true, but so was my mother. Professor Granger holds records at this school because of how brilliant she is, in fact she was named the smartest witch of her generation. I would take her by my side in a fight any day over a pureblood. The last witch that held that title was a woman named Lily Evans, which you probably never heard before am I correct?" A lot of the students nodded their heads to signal that they had never heard of her. "She was an extremely talented witch who I am told could produce any magic that she put her mind to, her shields were strong and her aim was true. She was finally brought down during the first reign of Voldemort. She was mostly known for the work that she did once she left this school, she was one of the elite Aurors for the Ministry."

"Professor, what happened to Lily Evans."

"She married a pure blood named James Potter, she died protecting her only child, she died protecting my life." Harry said. "I believe that considering that the last two witches that held the title of the brightest witch of their time were both muggle-born gives more than enough evidence that blood purity has no impact on how powerful a witch or wizard is. Any witch or wizard who talks about blood purity will lose house points along with getting detention with me."

The students start filing out of the classroom, except for two students who remained in their desks that were towards that front of the classroom. One was a girl who had long blonde hair that went down to her waist. She had glasses that hid her blue eyes. She was in Gryffindor house. The guy that had sat next to her during class had also stayed. He had the same blonde hair, but he kept it short. He had the same eyes as the girl next to him.

"Professor Potter, can we talk to you for a minute before the next class?" The girl asked.

"Sure, what can I do for you two?"

"My name is Andrea and this is my twin brother Andrew. You went to school with our cousin Neville Longbottom. We just wanted to say thank you." Andrea said.

"Thank you for what?" Harry asked he was a little confused.

"He told us how you would always stand up to others for him, and then trained him to fight. He also said that the only reason he is around is because of you." Andrew said. "We know in school that he was never one for Defense Against the Dark Arts, but once you trained him he was much better. He said it was your teachings that help through the war, and was because of you that he came home in one piece with only a few scars."

"You're welcome. I am sorry about your aunt and uncle. No one should ever be put through that torment." Harry said. "Now what is your next class?"

"We have potions." Andrea said.

Harry wrote a short note on a piece of parchment for their next teacher. "Here you go, you're going to need this for your next class. I know Professor Granger, she will not be happy with you without this. So why don't you two get going to class. If you guys need anything I am here for you."

"Thank you Professor Potter." Andrew said.

Hermione was standing in her classroom, she took a look around the room to double check that every thing was in its place before the students would come into the classroom. She had all the desks exactly where she wanted them, her desk had only the essentials on top, including her lessons, her grade book.

While it was the second lesson of the day, it was her first lesson, because her first hour was set up for prep. Her first class was going to be fifth year Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

She walked over her classroom door and watched as the students were waiting for the door to be unlocked. She shut the door as she faced her students. "Good morning fifth year students. When you come to my classroom, you will line up against the wall on this side and you will wait for me to let you in the classroom. When you are lined up you will be silent as to not disturb the other classrooms. You may come into the class and take your seats, you will need a piece of parchment and a quill."

The students started to file into the classroom, and Hermione followed the last one into the classroom. While students were putting this book bags underneath the tables, and pulling out their necessary items, she walked up to the front of the classroom.

"My name is Professor Granger, I am going to be your Potions teacher for this year. While in this classroom, you will be learning not only how to create potions, but also the reasons for the ingredient, the dangers that can be caused if done improperly. We will be making a variety of potions that could be extremely dangerous if not done correctly. All safety precautions will be followed while in this classroom." Hermione said as she paced out in front of the classroom. She grabbed a stack of papers from her front table, where she had a few supplies laid out. She counted out the papers and put a stack of them into the hands of the people in the front row. "Take one and pass it back. These are going to be the outline of this class for the year. It lays out when your tests will be and a tentative schedule for when we will be covering different potions. The schedule could change, but for now this is what you can expect for this class. We will be making potions on the last day of the week that you are in this room. Any of the potions that we cover this year could end up on your Potions OWLs, there is no way of knowing what one you will be tested on for the practical part of the test. Is there any questions?"

"Are you married?" One of the ravenclaws asked her.

"Yes I am. I am married to Professor Potter." Hermione said.

"See we told you, Professor Potter said that same thing last period." One of the boys called out to the ravenclaw.

"So were you part of the Golden Trio?" A girl in ravenclaw asked.

"Yes, I was. I was the brains of the group, to keep the two boys out of too much trouble. I made sure they didn't get themselves in too many detentions while they were students here, believe me when we were in school those two were a handful."

"Professor Granger, could you tell us more about Lily Evans, Professor Potter said that she was deemed one of the smartest witches in her generation, and that she was known for what she accomplished when she was out of school, but he never explained that part." One of the Gryffindor girls asked.

"She was a very talented potion maker, who could make any kind of potion, no matter how complex or how precise the measurements. There was no potion that she couldn't make, but she was also able to create some extremely useful potions when it comes to healing. Her healing potions most likely where inspired by her husband's reckless behavior, she married a Marauder, one of most known prankster to ever come to Hogwarts. She was also a member of the original Order of the Phoenix, in which she helped to make sure that they had the potions that they needed on hand. She was also a very talented fighter, she had a fiery spirit about her."

"Professor if she died when her son was a year old, how do you make it sound like you actually knew her?" One of the Gryffindor asked.

"Professor Lupin, was a teacher here when I was a student at this school. He was close friends with both James and Lily and he would tell us stories of when they were in school and how they were in married life. Sirius Black, another friend, would tell us stories and he also gave us her journal to read through about her." Hermione said.
Andrew and Andrea walked into the classroom, they walked to the side of the front where Hermione met them. Andrew handed the parchment to Hermione. "Sorry we were late Professor, we stayed behind in our first class to talk to Professor Potter."
"Alright, take these and have a seat." Hermione handed out two of the sheets that had passed out to the rest of the class. "Everyone open your books to the first page and complete the review for understanding. However when you do this I want you to work with the person that is sitting next to you and together you must come up with one answer, if you disagree you need to explain your answer to each other. If after that you still don't agree call me over. If you call me over you will have to explain yourself again."

Hermione monitored the classroom while they quietly worked on their assignment. She allowed them to work until the last five minutes of class, before bring back the class. "Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, eyes back up here. Before we part for the day, I want to talk to you about who your partners. You will have the same partner for entire term and therefore you are going to have some say in who you are partnered with. I want you to think about who you would like to work with that is not in the same house that you are in. When we meet again I want you to bring a piece of paper that has three names on it from the opposite house that you are in, and I will use that when I make the decision on who you will work with. Once the partners are created there is no changing them. So think about someone who you could work with for the entire school year." Hermione said. "Now it is time to pack up and get to your next class."

Harry walked back to the living area for his family. He thought that Hermione would be there working on lesson plans for tomorrow. He knew she wanted to get ahead of planning, but considering they only accepted the positions for teaching while they were on vacation as a family. She had not been able to spend anytime planning.

"Prongs, Padfoot and Moony." Harry said the password for their room. The door moved aside to allow Harry entrance to the room.

As he walked into the room he was greeted with two arms around him. Just not the ones he was expecting. The arms did not belong to his wife, instead they were his son's arms around his legs.

"Daddy's home." James said.

"Jamie how was your day with Luna?" Harry asked as he picked him up and rested him on his left hip.

"Fun, we did games and read stories. Your stories are better. We went to the hall to eat." James said. "But she made do nap time."

"Yes I did make you take naptime. Tomorrow I will still make you do naptime." Luna said coming out of James's room. "Well now that you are here Harry I am going to go check in at the hospital wing see if Madame Promfrey needs any help."

"Thank you Luna." Harry said as she walked out of the room.

"Daddy will I see her tomorrow?"

"Yes, would you like that? Harry asked as he set his backpack in the room that he and Hermione shared.

"Yea." James said with excitement.

"So are you ready for supper because I have a feeling that someone is hungry?" Harry asked. The little boy just nodded his head. "Okay let's go find you a new shirt for you to wear so everyone doesn't know what you ate for lunch. Then we will find where mummy is so that she can eat with us."

Harry walked into James's room to get a new shirt for him to wear. He was surprised to see James's room look as if a game of quidditch had been played in the room. He had toys littering the floor along with clothes. "James what happened in here?"

"Luna and I played." The little boy said.

"First of all you have never had your room this messy. Tomorrow you will clean this room and Luna is not to use magic to do the cleaning. I will know if it was done by magic. James you remember the rules that your mum and I made with you about your toys. If you can't keep your room clean than you don't get to keep your toys." Harry pulled out a black shirt from the wardrobe. He helped his son change shirts before picking him up again. "Now young man, we are going to see mummy and you have to tell her about the room. This is your warning, next time the toys leave. Deal?"


"Come on Jamie, we should go. Son, I love you." Harry said

"I love you daddy." James gave Harry a hug. With a quick movement he picked his son up and together they started walking out of the room and into the hallway. As they stepped he saw a former classmate he never expected to be teaching. They walked together towards the Great Hall.

"Malfoy I didn't think you would ever want to teach?"

"I figured it was my way of giving back to the magical world after what my family did. So if you are here also, who is left of our team?"

"I think that they just disbanded the team, considering I told them to leave you in charge, but since you are here I guess you didn't take the position. After a while the time away from Hermione and James wasn't worth it anymore."

"Wow Potter a family man. I never thought."

"That is because you never knew me in school. You just saw me as another Gryffindor, besides your father had a lot of influence over you at that time." Harry said.

"Sorry about that..." James reached out and hit Draco's shoulder.

"James Sirius Potter, you apologize this instant."

"But dad he mean to you..."

"James that was many years ago in fact that was when we were in school. Both of us have grown up since we were in school." Harry said to his son.

"Sorry Malfoy."

"Accepted, I probably deserved it. James, why don't you call me Draco? You see in school we let family differences determine our lack of friendship." Draco said. "Besides I don't think your aunt Ginny would like it if I went after your dad every time we see each other."

"You know aunty Gin?"

"Yeah I do, in fact I am dating your aunt Gin." Draco said.

The three walked to the Great Hall in good conversation. Ever since the end of the war Draco and Harry had been civil to one another and when Ginny came to Harry for advice on how to tell her family about her boyfriend, he helped out. He and Hermione had been there when she told them.

At first it had not gone over well, but with time the Weasley's all saw how happy she was. They also saw how good Draco treated her. With time they had proved that people change and that when love is involved nothing is impossible.

"So my students tell me you and Hermione are starting the dueling club again?"

"Yeah, we figured the next generation will need to know how to defend themselves for when another dark lord tries to take over the wizarding world." Harry said. James reached out for Draco to hold him. "What you want to go to Draco?"


"What do you say Draco, want to start working on parenting skills?" Draco took James and held him similar to how Harry had been holding him.

Minerva came walking past them and stop to make a short statement to them. "If you would have told me ten-years ago that Draco and Harry would be friends I would have laughed in your face. Glad to see you two getting along so well."

"It is surprising what love and freedom do to a person." Draco said. Minerva kept walking in the direction that she had started. "I was wondering Harry if I could help with dueling club?"

"Sure, but no snakes this time." Harry said with a smile. Making a reference to their first duel in dueling club which had only met their second year at school
"Well I can't promise you that. I mean it was funny. We also learned that the great Potter could talk to snakes."

"Not my fault that Voldemort transferred his power to me when he gave me the scar. It comes in handy every once in a while, you should have been there when I turned a snake on my cousin Dudley." Both Draco and Harry were laughing when they walked into the Great Hall.

Hermione looked over at them as they walked into the hall. She was one of the two professors that were seated for supper already. Harry took his seat on the right side of Hermione, while Draco took a seat on her left.

"So what was so funny?" Hermione asked as she took his land in her own.

"Daco put a snake on daddy." James said to his mother, who turned white as a sheet.
"It's okay Mione, we were talking about second year duel club." Harry said. "And then I told him about what I did to Dudley with accidental magic as a child."

Color quickly returned to her face. Once the color was back another part of her changed colors, her hair, it had turned blue. While light blue was her favorite color, the color of her hair was a dark blue, one of their son's favorite colors. "James Potter, did you turn your mother's hair colors again?"

"Sorry, I like blue." James said.

Harry pulled out his wand and changed his wife's hair back to her normal brunette that had streaks of blonde from the sun.

"Well you two don't have to worry about him not having powers do you?" Draco said with a laugh in his voice.

Author's Notes - I know that traditionally the professors wouldn't talk about personal life at the start of the school year (any good professor), but I thought it would be best to clear up any misconceptions that the students might have about the person that he is.

Also thank you to apAiden for the review.
