Chapter 12

Y/n's P.O.V

"You guys are a little late" Clyde said greeting us "ya we know" I smile, Clyde smirks back "come on in" he says stepping aside. "Drinks are in the fridge, snacks are on the table help yourself" "thanks dude" Kenny says walking past Clyde "I wonder if the boys are here" I said to Kenny as we looked around in the crowd of partying people, Kenny shrugs.

We went to the living room where most of the crowd was hanging out. Where the music was the loudest making you feel as if your ear drum were about to burst.

As I walk by I made a mental note that tonight was going to be dramatic there were people making out everywhere and people tipsy, falling over each other.

"Kyle is over there" Kenny yells at me, I follow where Kenny was pointing and sure enough Kyle was sitting on the couch alone with his arms crossed.

We walked over and take a seat beside him, he didn't bother to look away from what he was glaring at. "Kyle what's up?" "Oh nothing just having a wonderful time" he spat sarcastically.

"Dude have you been pissed off all day?" Kenny asks straightening his shirt "you have no idea." Kyle frowns "where did you go? You had me worried again" Kyle speaks looking at me with concern.

I always forget that Kyle is sensitive so when ever I do something stupid, like disappearing out of the blue he always gets really upset. "I went home, but I have a feeling you're not mad at me?" I stare at Kyle waiting for an answer. His emerald green eyes soften but then angered once more, he averts his gaze.

"Look" Kyle taps my cheek turning it in a certain direction. "Is that fucking Stan?" I nearly scream Kenny clutches his fists. "He's being a complete moron everything that's happening right now is his fault! He's being such an idiot!" Kyle hissed "Y/n he can't make up his mind between three girls now."

That's when it clicked. The reason why everyone is fighting... Stan likes Wendy, the girl he's making out with, and... me. Why couldn't I piece this out before? It seems so obvious now.

I was angry slightly at myself for being oblivious "I'll be back" I said in a cold tone "good job Kyle" Kenny muttered with a sarcastic tone "shut up Kenny you were going to tell her anyways."

"Excuse me" Stan and the red headed girl he was making out with stop and look at me "rude" she said rolling her eyes "I need to borrow this moron" I state grabbing Stan's sleeve and practically dragged him up stairs into a bedroom where it was quiet.

"What the hell are you doing Stan?!" I snapped "oh hey Y/n" he slurred I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he spoke my way. "You have a girlfriend! Wendy? Ya, she still loves you!" I shouted. "Sh" he hushes leaving me to cross my arms. It wasn't like anyone could hear me the music was too loud.

"No she broke up with me" "she said she wanted to take a break that doesn't mean you've broken up until either of you declare it" Stan touches my waist and I smack his hand and pull away "do you realize what your doing?" I question backing away as Stan got closer.

"I thought you liked me" he slurred with a dazed smile "I did! But not anymore. You're drunk and have a girlfriend that should be enough of a reason for the both of us." I felt kinda sad hearing the words that flew out of my mouth but it was time I let this silly crush go.

I must of spaced out because Stan was grinning at me he grabbed my arms forcefully and pinned them above my head. "Stan!" I struggle "let go!" I was twisting and turning but I still couldn't escape from his grasps.

"Ken-" Stan lets go of my one arm and covers my mouth "don't yell so loudly my ears are buzzing." "I don't love you" I muffled Stan cocks his head aside "that's not what I saw when you were talking to me" I squeezed my eyes shut and let myself release my hidden feelings, what's been hiding in my heart for so long.

My love for Kenny...

Sure I loved Stan before, but not anymore. It's Kenny who I cared about the most. He's the angel that always cheers me up and was always around even when I didn't ask him to. I love Kenny!

"Fuck off Stan I love someone else" I hiss pushing him back with free hand, but to no avail he doesn't budge. "Really? That's not what I heard from the boys" "lies!" I said in a hostile tone.

Stan chuckles as I grit my teeth "why are you so tense? I'm not going to do anything" "then get your hands off me" I spat. "Hm" Stan reaches out to my face and I shrink back to get away from him.

"You bastard!" That's when Kenny came up behind Stan and socked him in the side of the face. I watch as Stan drops to the floor groaning in pain "Kenny!" "I've been wanting to do that for awhile" he smiles proudly, I quickly hug him.

"Oh my god" I sigh holding tightly "I want to get out of here" "ya I had enough this place" Kenny agrees. "Stan you gotta be kidding me" Kyle mutters in shame walking closer to me "are you okay Y/n?" Kenny asks pulling away from me, checking over my body.

"I'm fine, he didn't do anything" "he had you pinned against the wall Y/n" Kenny reminds. "He's drunk" "don't make excuses for that bastard" Kenny retorts.

Kyle crouches down placing a hand on Stan's shoulder "wow you knocked him out cold, that's a little brutal" Kyle raises his eye brow "good" Kenny mutters under his breath.


It was a peaceful ride back to my place I don't know why but I felt relief to finally get over Stan. I know he's not a bad person, if anything he's the kindest person I've ever met he must have acted up for some reason. "So you guys were all mad at Stan because he wouldn't choose?" I asked summarizing what Kenny told me "ya pretty much, Cartman was told to shut his mouth. We didn't want you to know because we didn't want you to be hurt; Stan had other reasons of his secretary, at least I'm sure."

"I see....Oh!" I finally click in, Kenny looks over at me "what?" "Didn't you go do your G2?" I question beamingly "ah, I almost forgot about that" he grins.

"I passed" I practically jumped in my seat "yay no illegal driving" I danced, Kenny laughs.

I look down Kenny's arm resting on the console his fingers were clutched into a fist, knuckles turning red and blue.

"Does your hand hurt?" I ask Kenny, he opens and closes his hand back into a fist "a little. I really did punch him good" he answers.

"Geez I hope you didn't break him, he's still our friend" I say slightly frowning Kenny shrugs apathetically "that's what he gets for being an asshole-" I reached over and placed my hand over top his. My hands were really cold so it felt nice to touch his warm ones "your hand is freezing" Kenny announces with surprise.

"Actually it feels nice..." "you're weird" I laugh gently stroking my thumb back and forth across his knuckles.

Soon after we pull into my drive way "your mom's not home?" "she hasn't showed up in three days" I sigh. "I payed the bills yesterday with her debt card" I murmur in an annoyed tone. I look at Kenny "are you sleeping over?" I ask hoping he'd say yes.

I really want to be close to him, I wanted to confess what's been on my mind "I though you hated when I slept in your bed with you?" My cheeks warm up and I look away. That's because we're not a couple even though I want to be... Kenny turns off his truck and opens the door. He must have said something but I completely spaced out, suddenly the door on my side opens.

Kenny holds out his hand "m' lady" "idiot" I mutter unbuckling myself from the seat "rip" he said in a sad tone. I rolled my eyes playful and take his hand as I hop out of the vehicle, Kenny closes the door "so what fun are we gonna have?" Kenny asks as we walk up the driveway to my front door. "I don't know whatever you like. I'm personally tired, but we can play games or watch a movie" I suggest. As I turn the knob I realize I needed my key but to my surprise it opens.

"I swore I locked this before we left" I think aloud. Kenny and I glance at each then shrug walking into the house. Kenny closes the door while I kick off my shoes, then suddenly the light flicks on.

I blink a couple times regaining my vision "geez Kenny" I mutter but it wasn't him that turned on the lights. Straight ahead was my mother her black hair was ironed straight and she had bags under her eyes, clothes ruffled and messy. "Good evening" she said in a miserable tone "hey mum" "Ms L/n" she raises her head at Kenny "what are you doing?" She asks.

"Kenny is staying over tonight" I stated "where did you come from?" "A party..." "hm, carry on. I'll be leaving soon" I frown. Again?

"Thanks for paying the bills by the way" I smile in response and it was the phoniest smile I've ever made in my life "no problem we'll be in my room" "mhm." My mother turned off the lights again and walks off "I can't fucking see!" I whisper to myself "come on" I said in a louder tone.

I open the door to my room "should I turn on the lights?" "No we're just going to go to bed aren't we?" "Good point." Kenny closes the door and I walk over to the window closing the curtain slightly just enough the moonlight could shine in away from the bed.

"Where are my clothes?" I turn around and look at Kenny I could see his silhouette searching around my bed. "I put them in the wash before we left" "when?" "When I went up stairs" Kenny looked ready to speak but closed his mouth and thought to himself.

"I can't sleep in fancy clothing" he said in a quiet tone. Oh shit I completely forgot about wearing a dress "just take that sweater off" I walk over to my dresser and sift through the drawers pulling out sweatpants and a crop top t-shirt. "Y/n I'm not sleeping with a shirt on at least" I was in the darkest part of the room changing "what?"

My face was getting warm Kenny was looking away from me, I was glad he did too. I folded the dress and placed it on the dresser "we can stay up until your clothes finish but they still have to go in the drier, that may take awhile" I approach the bed. "..." Kenny didn't reply then he turn towards me.

It was intimidating for him to stand so quietly but he seemed to be thinking about something long and hard and it was making my heart flutter. "Kenny?" I reached for his hand and gently held it "whatever you're thinking I won't be mad" the moonlight looked mystic on his face, like a super hero. I had this urge to move closer to him so I made a slight movement towards him "you make me really happy" he finally spoke "you make me happy too" I smile. My hair was falling over the one side of my face and Kenny gently pushed it aside, behind my ear.

His face was close I could feel his warm breath just breezing past me and as he inches closer to me my anxiety grows. I just wanted him to kiss me. I moved closer but he didn't move he was absolutely still as a statue, still thinking.

"Huh are we not on the same page?" I question awkwardly "no I am" Kenny answers his hand reaching behind his neck.

"Then? What are you thinking? You've done it before" I say pulling away "I know but..." "did I break you?" I spoke with surprise. "No it's not that... I respect you and I realize how shitty it is to fuck around with someone-" "are you messing with me?" I asked in a stern voice "no! I mean this, us about to kiss, that's why I'm hesitant I don't want to hurt you, or lose you just because I'm about to do something stupid. I love you I don't want you to leave me" I let go of his hand and reach up and touch his cheek "I love you too" I pressed my lips gently to his, that's when my heart melted by the touch. Kenny was undoubtedly shocked, but finally reciprocated.

We kissed softly my hands resting upon either side of his face and his on my waist. It was a long minute before we had to stop and take our breath and even then when we parted I could feel the phantom of Kenny's soft lips touching my own.

"Why?" He huffed a whisper "what do you mean, why?" "There's so many better people" he elaborates. "Kenny you're a good person" I reply "I wouldn't love you if you weren't" "but-" "all those other girls? Kenny I know you wouldn't ever treat me like that, why are you in such disbelief? You stopped for me right?" I question.
He's at a loss for words and losses his grip around my waist "you're right."

I smile "don't think about it to much you might hurt yourself" I say clicking my tongue running my finger tip up his chest. "Take off your clothes I'm feeling generous, I'll let you sleep on it." "Did I turn you on?" "I'll kick you..." I warn before jumping in the bed turning away from him. I heard a chuckle escape his lips, Kenny quickly took off his shirt and hops into bed with me.

Kenny reaches out gently hugging me from behind bringing me close to his chest. I ignored his gesture slightly embarrassed for saying 'take your clothes off' so bluntly. "Don't be so quiet" he whispers into my ear. I know he was teasing me and it was driving me crazy.

"I'm surprised you haven't done anything" I mutter "are you worried that I will?" It took me a moment to form a sentence "I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little concerned." "Turn towards me for a sec" Kenny lessens his grip letting me to turn towards him.

"I know you..." his blue orbs stared at me  "I know when you're serious and joking, right now I know you are not ready. I will never take advantage of you, sad, intoxicated, angry. I won't because I value you. I will protect and care for you, it's my job as a boyfriend to respect you when you say no. It's your body not mine, you make the rules" my eyes felt really watery after hearing his small speech I just wanted to hold onto him forever.

Kenny raises his hand to my cheek and gently strokes it with his thumb "it's okay..." I lean up and kiss him again. It was short but sweet and I really wanted to continue but I was too tired. Getting to enjoy this moment was the only thing I ever wanted. There's no one better that I could ask for, I'm so glad to be Kenny's girlfriend.

"Kenny I love you..." I felt weird for saying it but I think Kenny felt the same way too "I love you too Y/n."
