#133- Uhh Cream!

Dream: Brother! Things don't have to be this way!

Nightmare: You're right... you could just die right now and save me a lot of stress!

Dream: That's not what I--!!!

Cross: Yo.

Nightmare: .....

Dream: ......

Nightmare: Cross, can't you see we're in the middle of--?

Cross: Shut up, Unclemare.


Nightmare: b i t c h!?

Cross: Listen Dream, I know I promised to help protect happy feelings and all, buuuuut we have a situation.

Dream: What's that?

Cross: The new neighbors' kids were bullying Sol. And the parents won't do anything to stop them, saying how weird he looks.



Cross: .... Dream?

Dream: *crushes his staff in his hand*

Cross: Holy shit.

Nightmare: Aw shit. This is gonna be good.


Dream: There we go, now no one will bully our little Sol again!

Cross, staring at the dead bodies: ..... How....?

Dream: There are very few times that Shattered chooses to cooperate with me. This happened to be one of the times, because he actually likes little Sol.

Nightmare: Who is Shattered?



Dream: shit....

Nightmare: *gasp*

Shattered, making himself visible in Dream's reflection: Ayyy what's up brother?


Sol: Mommy ate a bad apple to be able to feel like Unclemare!
