There is excitement in the air and the spirit of celebration is moving around! The shops are flooded with new stocks and multitudes are buying and buying. Gifts are being wrapped and sent to the recipients and greeting cards are exchanged. Christmas trees and the decors are out and the lights up with beautiful designs. But then, what is THE ESSENCE OF CHRISTMAS?

Every year, we look forward to celebrate Christmas with our family and friends. To some, it is a time to shut down all work and rest or travel. To others, it is a time to visit people and have fun with people they haven't seen in a long time. For some, it is a time to cook that wonderful meal you never had time for and may be try out new recipes. All these are great and they really make a colourful season. I do enjoy all of that and I do look forward to them every year.

But when I considered all these, I wondered if these are all what Christmas is all about. It is certainly more than these. What then is the main reason for the celebration? Jesus Christ is the complete essence of Christmas. 25th Dec is the accepted birthday celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ and it has been named Christmas. This is a celebration that is honoured mostly by Christians.

The will of God is for the creation to honour and reverence His son Jesus. God showed His love to mankind by sending His son to die for us that we might be reconciled back to God, (John 3:16). Jesus Himself agreed to come and die despising the shame just to fulfil the burning desire of God. He was God, yet He left all to be born and to live like man, (Philip 2: 5-8). Thank God, His mission was successfully accomplished! (John 1:12)

Jesus Christ is the centre of the Church life. God's definition of His son is totally faith defined. Our faith in God is never complete without a relationship with Jesus, (Heb 12:2). To be completely satisfied and full, we need to receive God's word (Jesus) into our hearts, (Col 2:10).

Jesus is the essence of Christmas for maximum celebration. So, as we celebrate, we should remember that it is a time to appreciate God for sending His son for us. Also, it's a time to examine our stand with God and our relationship with Jesus. Furthermore, it is a time to share God's goodness and the good news with others.

Therefore, as we eat, drink and make merry, let's not forget the essence of Christmas. An understanding of this reason behind the celebration will make it more fulfilling, peaceful and exciting for us. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

What else can you say about Christmas?

Source: http://stepswithgod.com/understanding-essence-christmas/
