2 // Just Kimberly

Chapter : 2

So you must be wondering who is Blake Rivera. The answer is simple he is the guy I like. I wouldn't even deny it. But it's not necessarily a crush. I mean there is absolutely nothing about him that you can not like.

He's funny, he has the looks, he has good grades but he's a play-boy. Like you don't think that when you see him because of his innocent handsome face. But I have seen him kissing the girls just for fun, not that the girl complaints or anything.

I know you must think that how can I like I guy like this. But honestly I don't know, I just do.

Like Nike, just do it. Yeah I know I'm hilarious!

So it's just a thing I can't deny and I won't. So I just can't be anymore happy right now. But you know what the saddest part is, he might be a play-boy but he has never acknowledged my presence. Like the kind of that he turns his head in the other direction. But that is only because he only looks towards a girl of his standard and I am 'to the moon and back' sure I'm not his standard. So I just don't get my hopes high in any way.

So the classes went by and now I was in the cafeteria scrolling through my phone to land up on the memes.

It's nice to have a little laugh you know.

I laughed so hard at the Trump memes that a few kids started to look towards my direction, now com'on a little girl can't even have a little laugh now?

Well that was enough embarrassment for today, so I picked up my tray and headed towards the disposal area and suddenly I got a notification. I kept walking and checked what was it for. And the I did the last thing I wanted to do.

I bumped the whole tray of half eaten pizza, cranberry juice and a pastry, all into Blake, who I must add was wearing a white tshirt. And now every inch of his lower abdomen was visible.

I looked up to meet his eyes and he was as surprised as I was, but I could see a hint of rage in it. And I would be lying if I said I was not scared. And that I'm scared, I might be an understatement

"God! Why the fuck would you do this ?! I just..." Blake started to say but then shook his head and started to move to the exit.

"I sorry? I didn't mean to..." I was cut by the one and only, Cash.

"What is your problem, huh? Do you usually bump into people or is today our unlucky day?"

"Well I said I'm sorry, and you don't have to be so pissed, it's not you who I crashed my traced my plate into. So shut up!" I said and got some 'oh' and 'burnt ' from the group of kids I didn't even knew was there.

"Cash, come on." Suddenly a voice came. It was of Blake. And just then Cash made his way towards him.

I looked at my watch and saw there was half of the day left at this shit hole and I hve just started go dig my grave.

Walking out of the cafeteria was really was really a bad idea, because girls were giving me death glares and even some of the boys. I just don't know what to do so I just made my way towards my locker to check which class it was next.

Just great! It's gym. Ughhh..

So I made my towards the girls locker room in the gym and changed into the yoga pants and a comfy tshirt. I didn't had to change my bra because I was already wearing a sports bra. So I got of there to the court next door.

There were not many here, but I know who will be here and I just want to crawl into a small ball right now. So I waited. Mr. Palvin came in and sat on bench and waited for everyone to come. But just now my bladder had to shout that it was full. So I just ran into the washroom to do the thing.

When I came back everybody were standing in pairs. So I just stand there because I didn't knew what was going on .

"Ah, looks like 2 kids are not paired up. Umm, you both, Michael and what's your name kid?" He asked me.

"Me? It's Kimberly sir."

"Kimberly what ?"

"It's just Kimberly ,sir"

"Just Kimberly? Don't your parents have a surname or something? Well th.." mr. Palvin was cut by Blake.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt but I think she made clear what her name is." He said and half warned.

Even I was surprised by his act, let alone mr. Palvin. Although I can not tell my happiness level right now. I mean his so sweet, I literally just poured a whole can of juice on him but he's still still defending me. But to be honest I think it's probably because he loves sports. He is also the star quarterback and the captain of our school team.

"Also we are getting late." Blake added.

See I knew this!

"Okay, whatever. So Kimberly and Michael you are paired."

What? Why?

"Well because I said so." Mr. Palvin replied.

Fuck I said that out loud, didn't I?

"Oh yes you did!" Cash replied standing next to me and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"So, today we are gonna do some yoga. Everyone stand with your partner and do what I tell you to." Mr P said.

"You better follow my lead. I'm sure you are not flexible enough. " he said and smirked at me.

"Oh shut up. For all who know me, know that I'm very flexible. "

"So you wanna show me your flexible on a bed?"

"You. Are. A. Fucking. Pervert." I half shouted.

I mean just 15 minutes ago he was snapping me and now his all flirty? God why did you created this man?

"To bless you. " he said.

Okay now I'm just creeped out. How can he hear what I'm think?! So I'm just gonna ignore him and then I started to do and started the stretches.

Well it was going be a long period.


So I hope you guys like it. I know it's early but who do you ship?

Or is someone still left out?

Well comment you theories and don't forget to vote .

Qotd: "you can do anything. But not everything " I
- David Allen

Lots of love,
