Falling on a suite case

Elsa's pov:

"Ahhh!!" I screamed and fell out of my bunk. I fell, on a suit case. That hurt, alot.

Merida had blown an air horn in my ear. That was very loud. And it didn't help that i always sleep on th top bunk.

Now i was on the floor, hurting, while she was laughing her face off on the floor.

"Oh, ha ha ha Merida. Very funny!" I yelled at her sarcastically.

"Hahaha, yes, that was funny!"

I couldn't help but laugh to. So we were both on the floor laughing. When tooth came in and saw us, her face was priceless.

"Wow, what's so funny? Wait, no time, go get dresses and take the other girls to breakfast. Be back by ten." she said walking back out of the tour bus.

At the moment we were doing an American tour and Boise Idaho was our last stop. At the moment we were doing some quick photo shoots in Utah.

We got up and closed the door. I grabbed my outfit and headed into the bathroom.

Then i slipped on my outfit. It was jean short shorts and a light blue ruffley top. I put on natural makeup and straightened my hair and left it down. I slipped on a beanie and dark sunglasses so I'm not noticed by paparazzi. When i come out i see the other girls are waiting.

Rapunzel is wearing a black tanktop with a pair of skinny jeans, and a very colorful necklace. Merida is wearing a a dark red top with some shorts. Anna came in wearing acut- off-the shoulder white top and blue shorts. We all had beanies and sunglasses on.

We all slip on shoes and head out.

Rapunzel and anna started skipping away singing wizard of oz.

"So are you ok?" Merida asked.

"Ya, just thinking about alot."

"What do you mean?"

"Just everything happening."

"Ooooh looks like someone has a crush!"

"Hold on! Did someone say crush??" Rapunzel said suddenly stopping. Merida and i fell into those two.

"Jesh Rap! Please do not do that again!" Mer yelled.

We dragged them both into the small cafe. We grabbed a table and ordered some food. Rap practically dragged me down next to her.

"Girls! Hurry up and sit ya asses down!" she said., no yelled at merida and Anna.

I had just noticed that Anna was quiet, she's never quiet. Something is wrong.

"Hey Anna, what's wrong?"

That's when she lost it. She started balling her eyes out crying in the booth. We all rushed to her and started hugging and comforting her. After a while of just sitting and hugging Mer broke the silence.

"Anna, we understand if you don't want to tell us now but we will eventually find out. One way or another." Merida said.

"N-n-no i-i-i want to te-ell you n-now-w"

"Ok. What's up?" Rapunzel said still hugging her. Merida and i both sat back down but we were still showing sympathizing faces.

"Ok, Hans and i broke up. I know we just started dating him but yesterday my friend Chris, posted a photo of him and sam behind the bushes kissing. He was just using me for fame."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" i said. I swear the next time i see that guy i will kick his &#$@ butt.

"Wow." Rapunzel said.

"I will kill that guy." Mer said.

"Guys let's eat we have to leave in five." Anna said.

We nodded and quickly ate our food and left for across the street. When we got to the bus we saw that there were dozens of fans waiting for us to come back or come out.

We all tried to go around back but we suddenly got surrounded by fans. Holy crap. We had alot of fans!

We eventually pushed our selves through the crowd and took a few photos and signed some stuff along the way. When we got inside we noticed that our beanies and sunglasses were still in the restaurant.
We had taken them off because of everything with Anna.

Tooth came from the lounging area and yelled for the driver to take us to a address. We all sat down and waved to fans as we drove away.

"Ok girls, after this photo shoot you will have exactly four hours to do whatever you want then we're off to Boise." She said excitedly. She had some really close friends in Boise.

Her friends were part of the secrets spy agency, that's how they met. There is Sandy, Santo, and bunny. I don't know why his nickname is bunny. He is actually quite handsome. He has toned skin, purple blonde hair and a strong Australian accent.

I always thought him and tooth should be together.

Sandy, was a short little man with a strong personality. He is deaf so he uses sign language. He has blonde, yellow hair that he always wears spiked up.

Santo, is a very joyous and jolly man. He is very big and has a white beard and he always reminds me of Santa Claus. I don't know why.

"Oh, wait you never answered my question earlier Elsa."Rapunzel said in a sneaky voice.

I'm going to die.
