AoT: JeanxMarco AU Special

Jean's Point of View:

Marco and I were cuddled on our couch watching The Grinch, when we heard our front door bell ring. I kissed the top of Marco's mop of brunette hair and slipped out from underneath him.

Who the hell could be here at this hour on Christmas Eve? I walked to the door, fixing the Christmas sweater Marco got for me as an early Christmas gift before opening the front door to meet eyes with two large emerald ones.

"Jaeger?" I tilted my head and glanced behind him to see Levi behind him. Both we dressed festively and holding two boxes in their arms. Eren smiled brightly and waved quickly with one hand before steadying the box in his hands again.

"Hello Jean! Merry Christmas!" Eren said with a cheerful voice and I raised an eyebrow at him.

Did he hate me or something? Why was he being so nice? "Um... Thanks? You too..." I rubbed the back of my neck confused and Eren thrust the box into my hands. It wasn't big but it was small enough to hold possibly a football.

I quickly caught it and looked at it then back up at him. "It's for both of you... From me and the brat here." Levi cut in for Eren, wrapping a thin arm around his waist. I blinked and nodded shocked.

"O-Oh. Okay. T-Thank you Levi.. And Eren. M-Merry Christmas!" I told them with a nervous smile and they nodded with two grins before taking off, claiming something about Hanji.

I shut the door with my foot and came back to the living room where Marco was sitting up on the couch, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Babe, why do you look all flustered? Who was at the door?" He asked and I placed the gift on the coffee table in front of us, retaking me place beside my lover. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"It was Levi and Eren... They came by to say Merry Christmas and give us this.... By the way, are they together or something?" I asked him, raising myself a little so I could lay my head on his shoulder. Marco shrugged slightly, careful not to hurt my head and placed his hand on mine that rested on his jean covered knee.

"I don't know. But that was very nice of them.... We should open it." Marco looked down at me and I tilted my head up, our faces mere inches away from each other's which made us blush slightly.

"Why? Don't you want to open it tomorrow morning?"

Marco shook his head and pressed his lips softly to my nose, making it wrinkle up a little. I wasn't used to that. And I don't think I ever will be.

But I'm fine with that as long as I had Marco. "Okay, go ahead then." I said, giving into his adorableness.

Marco's eyes lit up and he leaned forward, grabbing the box and unwrapping it like a child. The wrapping paper landed on my lap and I brushed it off so it floated to the floor.

That's when Marco froze and his cheeks flushed. At first I just thought he was really happy since when that happens it usually means he's excited or happy but then I figured it was something embarrassing.

"What? Is it like... Bad?" I took the box from him slowly and peered into it only to find a green plant in the middle tied with a red ribbon on the stem.

No it's not weed. But it was mistletoe. I lifted it out of the box and smirked, a sudden idea popping into my head.

"Marco.... What is this?" I pretended to be confused and waited for him to turn his head. Marco looked towards me and his eyes widened, realizing I was holding it above our heads. That's when I just said 'screw it' and pressed my lips to his in a tender kiss. I pulled away and stared up into Marco's chocolate eyes, smiling softly and mutter one thing before leaning in again.

'Merry Christmas Marco.'
