mine and mine only

'Dark clouds,

taking over the pale blue sky,

she's lying,

her mind is shutting down,

their fairytale is a lie.'

Anabelle's POV

Lex slightly stumbled down the stairs at 8am. I felt my glasses slip down the brigde of my nose a little and I sent the USB data to a computer I had back home. I deleted all the data from the USB, since I went through it all, I can't take any chances of Lex finding anything. I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, with my laptop propped up on my lap and the National Geographic channel on the TV, Mega Structures was on. I heard Lex stumble into the living room and I lifted my head to look at him, I gave him a small smile and looked at the keyboard to finish replying to an email from Dr. Wilden about mine and Lionas project, thank heavens that we were way ahead of schedule. 

''Good morning,'' I put a finger on my chin, thinking of a nickname to joke about his drunk last night, but failed, so I just went with something annyoing, ''Lexy.''

He smirked, raised an eyebrow at me and ran his hand through his hair trying to make it look less messy. 

''Good morning to you too..'' He stopped like he was thinking, picking the right question, maybe?, ''there's so much to ask, did I embarrass myself last night?''

I chuckled. ''Just a little bit.'' I joked.

''Oh, I see.'' He rubbed his forehead with his palm. ''What are you up to?''

''Well, I was just replying to an email and then you came stumbling down those stairs.'' I pointed to the stairs.

He chuckled and gave me a smile. ''Oh really, I thought it was the ones from outside.''

I smiled. ''Well you never know.'' He looked like he had a headache, I mean he was decently drunk last night. ''Want me to get you some Tylenol?'' 

He shook his head. ''Who's email are you replying to?'' He asked in a rather suspicious way. I decided to joke around a little more with him. I'm suddenly in a playful mood? That's weird.

''Oh you know, this really hot guy I met at the gala the other night, you know, when I was 'poisoned'?''

He looked a me with a little anger in his eyes, he walked over to me, he did stumble once, took my laptop in his hands and looked at it, but I already locked it. He didn't know the password and I smirked at him. 

''Anabelle, tell me your password.''

I took a notepad and a pen from the table. ''Only if you tell me yours.''

He frowned. ''You know I can't do that, Anabelle.'' He closed the laptop and put it on the small table in front of the sofa. He walked over to the edge of the sofa where my legs were and he lifted them up so he could sit down. He pulled on my legs and I let out a small, playful scream. His smile only grew wider as I was now sat in his lap with one of my arms lazily wrapped around his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my waist and he placed a kiss on my neck. 

''I don't want you replying to any 'hot guys' emails. You're mine.''

I pulled away so I could look at him and shook my head in a playful way. ''Nah-ah, you can't buy me, Lexy.''

He kept a semi serious expression, but that was interrupted by a small smirk forming on his face. He pulled me closer and kissed my neck more roughly. ''I don't need money to have you,'' He bit on the skin under my ear and I let out a small, quiet moan, ''do I?''

He pulled away from my neck and one of his hands lightly took my chin and turned me to face him. We looked at each other intently, waiting for any unexpected moves. His eyes were that grayish blue shade, that I grew to love so much over the days of him with me and without him. His eyes went a slightly darker shade as his smirk seemed to slowly fade. He was now serious and looking me dead in the eye. He looked intimidating, dangerous, crazy, but all of that was Lex. 

''You didn't answer my question.'' He stated, while he squeezed my hips tighter. His hand moved down to my upper thigh and he put some pressure on it, making me squirm a little. He kept his strong gaze.

''I-I don't remember any question.'' Oh who am I kidding, of course I do, but hell I don't want this to stop. His hand dropped from my chin and creeped under my legs and he stood up, lifting me up in he process and my hands wrapped around his neck. My breath hitched in the back of my throat. He smirked.

''Well then I'm going to have to make you remember.''

He somewhat threw me on the sofa, more placed but dropped when I was close enough not to hit my head or break something and he kneeled next to the sofa, so he was looking down at me. He lifted his hand and traced my jawline with his fingers. His eyes were following his own movements as his hand traveled down to the centre of my chest and he layed his hand over my now fast beating heart. He smirked and moved his hand further down to the side of my hip, he squeezed it lightly and I squirmed under his touch.

''Such small actions and you're already trembling under my touch, my dear, sweet Anabelle.''

Why does he have to be like this? He stood up from his kneeling position and leaned over me, it's hard not to grab him and kiss him, but I had to keep my composure so I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. I felt his leg finding its place in between my legs, his other leg was on the edge of the sofa, it should be since I felt the sofa sink there. He was now hovering over me, he was in control. Damn it.

I slowly opened my hazel ones made eye contact with those dark clouded blue eyes, and everything stopped, again. It felt like it was just Lex and I. I wish it was. Everything would be so much simpler. I lifted my hand to his face and put a few strands of his hair behind his ear and smiled. Why does this make me so happy?  Why does he make me so happy? I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying not to bother myself with this and I felt Lex leaning down and closing the space between us. The kiss was sweet, slow and caring, until I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer if that was even possible. The kiss quickly turned heated and needy..and then the loud door bell interrupted us. Why, oh, why, does this have to happen now?

Our lips parted and I had a big frown on my face. Lex looked at me with a slight smirk. I put my hands on his bare chest and gave him a small push, signaling to go answer the door. He didn't stand up, instead he gently grabbed my chin and looked at me.

''So do you remember now?'' He said in an intimidating voice. 

I just nodded not trusting my voice at this moment. He smirked.

''You're mine, and mine only.''

''Y-yes.'' I said with a nod. 

He leaned in closer, our lips almost touching. ''Yes, what?''

''Yes, I'm y-yours.''

He smirked, kissed my forehead and quickly stood up. He pulled a shirt that was hanging on the sofa over his head, shot me an award winning smile and walked off to get the door. I slowly stood up, still in slight shock of what just happened. Maybe not shock, but just that feeling, of being helpless when it comes to him. I walked into the hallway after Lex and saw him opening the door slowly. Liona was standing there. Huh? Memories of this early morning came back and I remembered my mom wanted to take us to church. I'm really happy my mom isn't here, dodged a bullet there. But what if she was? What am I supposed to be like, oh yeah hi mom, this is Lex Luthor, I'm kinda in love with him, but no we're not in a relationship, he's also very fucked up, he sprained my wrist two weeks ago, he owns this huge company and yes I'm staying at his house. A lot. Well, that wouldn't end well.

Liona looked past Lex and looked at me. She shot me a smile and smiled at Lex. ''I was about to ask you if Ana was home, but she is.'' Liona looked at me again. ''Our moms are in the car, remember when they said they're visiting? We're going to get breakfast and go to church after, but you should get dressed, we'll wait in the car.'' She laughed a little.

Lex gave her a confused smile and closed the door after she walked to the car, I could see both moms staring at Lex from the black Range Rover. Lex turned around and walked to me. 

''Anabelle, why didn't you tell me your mother's coming to town?''

''I guess I lost track of time and all that, I totally forgot, I'm sorry.'' He doesn't want anyone to know about us now. Especially my family. ''I'm just going to get dressed and I'm not even going to mention you to her, you just offered me a place to stay when I was poisoned.''

He frowned. ''Anabelle, this is not about me not wanting her to know about us, I just, it's a surprise for me.''

I nodded and turned away from him and took a step on the stairs, he didn't stop me I just walked up the stairs to my room. Lex put a few clothing items in the big closet and I picked out a church appropriate gray dress that stopped an inch above my knees. I put it on, brushed my hair and put it in a low bun, the short strands of my hair falling to the sides of my face. I put on some beige ankle boots and walk out of the room and down the stairs. Lex wasn't downstairs so I assumed he left to the kitchen to eat. He probably doesn't want to see me. I opened the big door and shut it after myself. I turned around from the doors and saw Lex leaning on Liona's drivers seat window, smiling and laughing along with Liona and both of our moms. Huh? I walked down the 5 stairs in front of his porch and everyone shifted their eyes from Lex to me, including Lex. They were all smiling at me and Lex waved his hand to signal that I comeover to him. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was he talking to them? What did he say? I walked over to Lex who was standing next to the open car window and he put his hand around my waist.

''There she is. You look beautiful, Anabelle. I told your mother our situation, your situation, there's nothing to worry about. Would you please call me when you're free so I know you're okay?'' I was looking at Lex with a confused expression, but he just smiled. Well, I knew he's a great actor.

''Anabelle?'' I heard Lex's voice, followed by a course of laughter coming from both Lex and everyone inside the car. I remembered that he told me to call him and I probably just stared at him like an idiot. Great move, Ana, just great. 

''Yeah,'' I made a small pause, still thinking, ''yeah, I'll call you later.'' 

He chuckled and pulled me in a hug, I hugged him back and snuggled my head into the crook of his neck, why do I care so much? I took in his scent for one last time until he pulled us apart, kissed my forehead and smiled at me. 

''Have a fun time, Anabelle, I'll miss you.'' He said with a playful smirk. I felt lightheaded from the whole situation, but I just nodded.

''I'll miss you too, Lex.'' And with that he opened the car door for me and I got in. Liona started the car and we drove away. 

The ride was my mom and Liona's mom asking me questions about Lex, the usual. He actually told them, but why? I wanted to speak to my mom about this early morning and about what happened, but the only thing she told me during our walk to the chruch was 'Just be careful who you trust.'  I am careful, I've always been. She didn't talk about it, my real father, my dead brother, nothing. I didn't feel panicked or confused, it's like I'm waiting for it to happen, but it's not. After the mass we went to eat breakfast, well tehnically brunch. It was all very nice, catching up with my mom and Liona and Liona's mom, it reminded me of the first time we ever met in Austria, we went for breakfasts before camp lessons just like this. We spent the whole day with them in our apartment. Suprisingly our moms had to leave the same day and we went to the airport with them. It was around 9pm when me and Liona came back home. I sent Lex a text that I'm okay at home and that I'll see him tomorrow after work. Liona and I talked about me and Lex, her and Simon, CDC, this whole Tarkatia thing, after a few hours we were both tired, since we didn't get any proper sleep these past few days and we fell asleep on our sofa, with the TV still on in the background. 
