To The Vault

Looking around the library, almost everyone was drawing a blank, Nate took a look in Drake's diary and found the solution; with help from both Ella and Elena, the three moved four statues around, once all were in place, a bookshelf moved, revealing a secret passageway, as the four entered, it revealed another library-like room

"Oh, another library", Sully groaned

"What now", Elena asked

"Hang on, I saw something like this in Drake's Diary", Ella stated, walking over towards a leaver, turning it then walked over to the other and turned it as wel;, not long after, the back of the fireplace opened up, revealing a secret passage

"Well, this looks promising, here, let me see that", Nate said as Sully handed him his flashlight, Nate shined the flashlight around the secret entrance

"Okay, you two sit tight, Ella and I are gonna check things out", Nate stated

"Whoa, whoa, wait, no, you guys aren't going out there by yourselves", Elena stated

"Yeah, Roman's men are swarming all over this place", Sully added

"Yeah, and one or two people'll make a lot less noise that four, c'mon, we'll be fine", Nate stated

"You guys will be safe here, Roman's men don't even know about this room", Ella added

"Ok, take this with you, leave it on channel 13, they don't use that one, and keep us posted", Sully stated, handing Nate a walkie-talkie

"Got it, close this thing back up", Nate said

"You first, but be careful", Ella said

"C'mon, I always am", Nate said, turning his head and hitting it on the stone of the fireplace, "ow, I did not see that",

"Aha, and you said I'd jinx myself", Ella teased with a laugh as Nate crouched inside, Ella following behind him, the fireplace closing up behind them

"Okay, land of the dead, here we go", Nate said

"This place is almost total darkness", Ella stated

"Just stay by me until we find another light source", Nate responded as the two continued forward, later running into Roman's men, which they took out quickly.

"Seriously, they're here too", Ella said

"If we don't wanna draw attention, we'd best knock them out", Nate stated as the two walked up the stairs and into the church part of the monastery, Roman's men were there as well, but none saw either Nate, or Ella

"You take the left, I'll take the right", Nate whispered as Ella nodded and moved towards the left side of the stone pews, Nate and Ella were able to knock out a few before being spotted, the two then took them all out; once the men were defeated, the two took a good look at their surroundings

"Look, that's gotta be our symbol there", Ella said, pointing towards the stained-glass window, the image showing a heart but no keys, Nate took a look around seeing two bells on each side

"Wait, there's something about this", Nate said, pulling out Drake's diary, "two bells resound in perfect harmony, that's it, Ella, go over to that bell, on three, ring it",

"Hopefully this works", Ella said, running over to a bell, Nate counted down; as he hit three, the two rung the bells and another secret passage opened up

"We got all the clues right here, we can do this kid, how the hell does he think he's gonna get that statue outta here, anyway", Nate asked

"Who knows, he might pull what the Spanish did at the temple", Ella stated which earned a laugh from Nate and the two continued forward through the other section of the catacombs

"This is completely unacceptable", Roman said, Nate putting his finger towards his lips, signaling Ella to keep quiet as she nodded her head and the two looked up, seeing a grate, where two voices could be heard

"What do you expect from me, Roman, my men are getting massacred", Eddy said

"I find it hard to believe that one man and one girl could wipe out your entire crew", Roman stated with a laugh

"it's not just Drake and Davis, goddamn it, I'm telling you, this island is cursed", Eddy stated

"Enough, take your sorry mob and go", Roman stated angrily

"Wait... you can't cut me loose, you owe me a share of the gold", Eddy yelled

"Your share, Eddy, was contingent upon you doing what I required; you assured me that Drake and Davis were captured and this island secure", Roman stated

"Oh, this is bullshit, Roman, and you know it", Eddy yelled once again, holding out his handgun, but another beat him to it

"We're done here, Mr. Raja", Roman said, throwing his cigarette down the grate, both, Nate and Ella dodging it

"Tai kamu, mati aja lo, sialan", Eddy yelled walking away from Roman

"Remind me again why you employed that superstitious idiot", Roman asked

"You wanted someone cheap", Navarro responded making Roman laugh

"Well, you get what you pay for, I suppose; and what about you, Navarro, are you worth what I'm paying you", Roman asked

"The vaults here, I'm sure of it, if Sullivan can be trusted-", Navarro began

"Which he can't", Roman interrupted

"Look, he knows we'll kill him if he's lying", Navarro stated

"Don't be stupid, he knows we'll kill him once we find the treasure; he has no incentive to tell the truth", Roman explained, "really, Navarro, sometimes I think you left your brains back in that slum where I found you",

"I just need a little more time", Navarro stated

"Chasing this treasure of yours is proving to be more trouble than it's probably worth", Roman said

"I assure you; El Dorado is worth more than you can possibly imagine", Navarro stated

"I'd have better be", Roman said as the room fell silent, Nate and Ella look at each other before continuing forward, through the catacombs silently, neither dared to say a word in case Roman's men were around; not long after, the two were out of the catacombs and out in the open.

"Nate, if what Eddy said is true, that something or someone's killing people...", Ella began

"We know Eddy to usually lie about things, but after what we saw before we came here, I'd say keep your guard up and let's find the treasure as soon as possible", Nate stated as Ella nodded her head, the two continued forward, re-entering the monastery, but back at the entrance

"This can't be right", Ella muttered

"Nate, you read me", Sully asked, through the walkie-talkie

"Yeah, Sully, we're just going in circles, here", Nate stated

"Well, the girl and I been reading some of the books down here and looks like there's some kind of secret gallery at the top of the church, can you get there", Sully asked

"Think so, yeah", Ella said

"Alright, give us a call if you find anything", Sully said as then the walkie-talkie went dead

"Must've been what we saw with the window, the catacombs would've led us towards the top, near it, we must've made a wrong turn somewhere", Ella stated

"There must be another way there if we came out here, come on", Nate said as the two continued forward, once again, searching around the entrance area, trying to find a way around, back to the church, until the two spotted a vine near a broken window,

"And there's the church", Ella said

"Come on, we're almost there, I can feel it", Nate said, jumping to the vine and climbing up, not long after, the two were back in the church, looking across, the heart window was seen, but on the sides were two keys

"The heart and keys, that's definitely our symbol", Ella said in excitement

"Yeah, you take one and I'll take the other, just watch your step", Nate stated as Ella nodded her head and both began carefully traversing around the broken platforms and old chandeliers; not long after, Ella going left and Nate going right; as the two reached the giant key's, both pulled them down, a few seconds later, the heart window opened up, revealing another room, both made their way inside, revealing stained glass windows, however, one of them was off, it was the symbol

"Well, hello there", Nate said, opening the window, right across was the same symbol, unfortunately, Roman and Navarro were right outside the door, "you gotta be kidding...",

"Hey Sully", Ella said, grabbing the walkie-talkie from Nate

"I'm here", Sully responded

"Remember Roman and Navarro, and that "red herring" you sent them on, to get them out of the way", Nate asked

"Yeah", Sully said

"Well, they're sitting right on top of the treasure vault", Ella stated, both she and Nate watching the two walk inside, Roman's men now surrounding the area

"Oh, of all the goddamn luck", Sully said

"Look, we're gonna need a diversion to get them out of there", Nate stated

"You got it, kid, one diversion, coming right up", Sully stated

"And Sully, once they're gone, meet us in the mausoleum, but come through the catacombs, it's safer that way", Ella stated

"Gotcha", Sully said as the walkie-talkie went dead

"Now, time to get passed these goons without being noticed", Nate muttered

"If we're careful, we can do it", Ella said as the two climbed down, once they reached the bottom, the two saw both Roman and Navarro leaving the mausoleum

"Sullivan has escaped, spread out, find him", Navarro ordered as the men scattered, a few staying behind, Roman and Navarro leaving the area as well; both Nate and Ella were careful and snuck around, however, once they got close, they were spotted, causing the two to shoot at the goons; once all were gone and dead, the two entered the mausoleum, luckily, Sully and Elena were there.

"Hey", Nate greeted

"Ha, I knew you two could do it, so what's next", Sully asked

"Don't know, we're figuring this out as we go, but we're definitely in the right place though", Ella responded as Nate looked in the diary, later changing the symbols around, after awhile, another secret passage opened up

"Looks like we're in business", Nate said with a laugh as he climbed through, followed by Ella, then Elena

"Whaddya make of it", Sully asked

"I dunno, could be a dead end", Nate responded

"Wait, it looks like there could be a passage this way", Elena stated, stopping when she accidentally stepped on something

"Sully, get outta there, it's a trap", Nate shouted, pushing Sully out of the opening as the passage slammed shut, "Sullivan, are you okay, Sully",

"Yeah, yeah, fine, still in one piece, you knocked me on my ass though", Sully stated

"Yeah, well, you better get back to the library, we're gonna have to find another way out of here", Nate stated, putting the walkie-talkie away as the three looked around at their surroundings.
