Post 201

16th of October 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning I woke up with the word stupendious in my head.
Lets see what it means;
Stupendious; Amazing, outstanding, Astonishing, extraordinary, remarkable, wonderful, prodigious, phenomenal, breath taking( google dictionary) or
Causing astonishment, or wonder; awesome, marvelous.(
Another of the word of greats!!
That needs big shoes 👞 to fill.
How many stupendious things have we seen in our life time?
Is there a lot ot is there just a handful that really take your breath away.
I know that this word for me is not one that comes easily, but once it does arrive and leaves the big wow 😮!!Factor,
I suppose nothing else can ever beat it. But you know what?? It's not just limited to one event or thing.
It just means the next stupendious thing, holds it's own title.👌💥✨
