
Uclipse is the planet of chaos that resides in the Chalice system far beyond our own universe. The terrain is rough with endless dust and miles of rubble. The heat most days is unbearable but the views in the skies make one forget where they come from. But then the night comes and the brisk winds show no mercy when they creep under the weak sheets and make one freeze. The province of Sonto, full of fear and poverty, is a place where everyone is equal. Everyone is the same because everyone has nothing, except one.
Zayn Orshin is the dictator of Uclipse, the one who will wipe the terrain of all life just to have a moment of silence. Possessing the eyes of a viper, and the heart of a demon, Zayn's psychotic nature leads to darkness enveloping the hearts of his people. His only voice of reason is his daughter, Grace. This twelve year old sweetheart is the only one Zayn will bend his ways for and cherishes with each breath. Every day she feels the need to meekly persuade him to make the right choice. But he continuously insists everything he's doing is for her. The two of them live alone among Night Guards who protect their home against any bold civilians. This specific home is referenced as the Pandemonium Castle, which is surrounded by rubble and glass that once had a meaning before a war struck long ago. The castle didn't always carry this name. It just found itself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Far from the castle, deep into Sonto, live Estelle Sinclaire and Aaron Dusk. Two teenagers full of vengeance toward a mystery and seeking revenge on the murderous devil that killed their parents. Both orphaned at a young age and thrown into the streets to survive. Since the death of their parents, they've stuck together through all of life's misfortunes. Estelle has always dreamt of designing elegant gowns for women of royalty throughout the universe just like her mother. Aaron desires nothing more than to carry on his father's legacy. The two barely clutch onto these dreams focusing on survival. A few years prior, Aaron found an abandoned warehouse and they've been living there for protection. The warehouse is small with only one room, one flickering light with cold nights but they have made it home. Each day Aaron rummages through dumpsters within a few miles to find old sheets, clothing, and anything that seems handy, while Estelle stays inside and attempts to sew dresses to sell around the block to provide food.
While Estelle and Aaron are attempting to forge ahead in their lives, Zayn is locked in his castle, plotting his next move against his people. Zayn is in his dark room where everyone is forbidden to go, including his dear Grace. The room glows in a blue light, hanging from the low ceiling centering on a metallic chair. This chair once upon a time sat many kings throughout the years, but its current rust has made people lose interest. Zayn is deep in thought when he hears a knock at the door.
           "Father?" an innocent voice calls.
Zayn's blood begins to rise at the disturbance. "Grace, I thought I told you never to come in here!" he exclaims.
Grace shudders and takes a step back, "I know, but the walls are so lonely and quiet," she mumbles.
Zayn puts a half smile on his face and gets up to hug her. "Why don't you go play with Demetrius, my head Night Guard?"
Grace frowns but obeys. She leaves the dark room and Zayn continues plotting. He is
planning to exterminate his people, but cannot dream of the perfect plan. So he mulls around in his dark room day after day, searching for answers. As he ponders these thoughts, he is taken back to a time he wishes he could forget.
The year was 1991. Zayn was twelve years old, and a pretty normal child. He rode his bike to school, but nobody liked him. Most kids didn't even know he existed. His classmate, Rigel, always bullied him day after day. Rigel would throw him into the lockers and call him nasty names. He pleaded with his parents but they were constantly busy with work. One day, he saw Rigel and his friends at a soccer field. Zayn decided to take matters into his own hands. He ran toward them and pummeled Rigel to the ground.
"You shouldn't have done that," Rigel raged. With his bloodied nose, Rigel glanced at his friends and gestured toward Zayn. Zayn recognized immediately what that meant and blazed toward home as quickly as his legs could carry him. He paused in the middle of the street looking back. There they were, Rigel and three of his bloodhounds were chasing after Zayn. As he turned to haul home, he unexpectedly planted himself face first into a light post. Boom!
Zayn awakes with terror and sweat covering his body. He realizes this was only a nightmare, shakes it off and rises to his feet. He finds that he still has work to accomplish, but cannot shake the eerie feeling from his childhood, and moves to the weaponry room.
While Zayn is preparing his secret weapon, Estelle and Aaron become tired of barely surviving each day. They desire to take back what is rightfully theirs. Since the fateful day that made them orphans anger has filled them due to Zayn and his choices. They know that one day they will walk out of the shadows and fight for their lives. They know deep in their hearts they will need to overthrow Zayn. Aaron searches through old boxes to find weapon materials when his hands slide against his father's sword. His thoughts are reminded of a better time.
Aaron sat in the courtyard with his father. They had just finished brunch with their family.
"Father, Father! Take out the sword!" Aaron pleaded. His father smiled and shifted to the shed. Aaron patiently waited as he felt something amazing was about to happen. Moments later, Aaron, wide eyed, screamed out, "I want to hold it!"
"You do?" his father asked. "Okay, you can try!"
Running like the wind, Aaron reached the sword. His father gently placed it in his tiny hands. He held it up for a few seconds, but his small, lightweight body forced him to drop the sword. His father let out a big laugh.
"Okay, little buddy, how about I teach you to hold the sword?" Aaron squealed. By nightfall, he was bracing his father's sword like a champion.
Realizing he had become distracted, Aaron shakes his head. He once again sees the sword, remembering his father. Estelle walks over. Witnessing his emotion, she leans on his shoulder.
"Why don't you use that sword? I'm sure your dad would be proud." Aaron looks up at Estelle and nods. Wiping a tear off his face, he is reeled back into the present. Estelle gives him a fierce smile and points to a large box in the center of the room. They walk over and see loads of steel.
"Let's get to work," Estelle says.
Zayn, having no idea of Estelle and Aaron's plans, is keen on how to kill his people. To leave out the toxic mess of fire or gas, Zayn has decided that in the night, his guards will sneak into his people's houses, and quietly wipe them out one by one.
Later, as darkness falls and the cold winds begin to terrorize Sonto, Zayn sets his Night Guards into position. Estelle and Aaron are approaching the Pandemonium Castle. Aaron, sword in hand, looks at Estelle. They lean close to each other right as they hear a loud "boom"!
"What was that?" Estelle whispers, worried.
"I have no clue, but we better stick to the shadows until we get to the castle,"
Aaron replies.
The moon is falling, and Estelle and Aaron still cease to reach the castle. Zayn is about to release his guards when an innocent hand reaches for him.
"Father?" Grace asks. She invites him with her sad eyes. Zayn feels her sadness and orders his Night Guards to halt, proceeds to walk toward Grace. They stare at each other for a few moments, when Zayn decides to break the silence.
"I have to do this," he speaks softly. "Now please go on to your room. You should not be here," Grace, with tears falling, runs off. Zayn pauses until Demetrius, his loyal commander and chief, taps his shoulder. He asks if they should continue or cancel the mission. Zayn stands and gestures to the guards to begin their march.
Estelle and Aaron round the corner to the castle. They rest on the ground, exhausted from the climb. Estelle reaches for her water when she notices Zayn's Night Guards leaving the castle, marching toward Sonto. They pick up their weapons and run to the back gate. The back of the castle is abandoned, making an easy entry for Estelle and Aaron. The rusted gate is halfway open with leaves surrounding each metal bar. The inside is vacant with walls hold broken lamps still dimmed with light. The halls are narrow with dusty floors filling the air making it difficult to breath. The halls are endless until the lamps on the walls gradually become brighter. They finally reach the end of the hallway where the space opens up to a massive room. Aaron sees Zayn chanting on the balcony not far from where they currently stand. As they inch closer, their thoughts narrow in on the battle that may forever change their lives. Estelle steps forward first, leading Aaron into battle.
"Zayn!" Aaron charges toward Zayn.
"Estelle Sinclair and Aaron Dusk, the lost children. You look exactly like your parents." He walks closer to Estelle. "You have your mother's fiery blond hair. And Aaron, I would recognize that sword anywhere! Have you come to kill me?" Estelle and Aaron lift their weapons and stand strong.
Zayn emits and evil laugh. "You'll die just as your parents did if you do not stand down." He grabs a sword and takes off toward the angered teens, bashing his sword into Aaron's. Estelle finds a dagger in her boot and slices Zayn in his calf. Zayn staggers and grabs another sword aiming it at Estelle. Aaron notices his enemy's new weapon and calls for Estelle. She catches his gaze and throws him a bow. He begins shooting nonstop arrows at Zayn. Many missing Zayn's body, Aaron finally sticks an arrow into his wrist. Zayn shouts for Demetrius to fight by his side. Demetrius is occupied with the Night Guards and does not hear him. Estelle with her dagger attempts to stab Zayn again and slits the side of his neck. Zayn, still not backing down, turns and heaves himself at Estelle but her reflexes are too swift for Zayn. She reaches the opening of the abandoned hallway when Demetrius appears with his enormous sword. He pushes his sword through her chest. Estelle falls to the ground.
            Petrified, Aaron yells, "Estelle!" as he races to her side.
Estelle whispers, "Finish him." Aaron sheds tears for his beloved friend. As she takes her last breath, he picks up his father's sword rages toward Zayn.
"I am Aaron Dusk, the lost son of King Rigel and Queen Lyra. You murdered my parents. Now you must die!" he screams.
Zayn grins and starts toward Aaron. As he does, Demetrius joins him. It is Zayn and Demetrius against Aaron. Aaron is not fearful and trusts his father's sword and wisdom. Give me bravery, father, give me strength. Aaron appeals in his thoughts. Moments later, he is entrapped between Zayn and Demetrius. With his only sword, he aims for Zayn, even if this means Demetrius will kill him. As Aaron sets his sword toward Zayn's chest, Demetrius stabs Aaron in the back. He slumps to the ground. They begin towards the balcony when Grace appears from the abandoned hallway. Her eyes are fixed on Estelle and Aaron lying on the floor then peers at Demetrius and her father.
"What happened?" she demands. The two men turn to see her as Zayn's eyes widen.
"Grace!" Zayn pleads, as he runs to his daughter.
"Do not come any closer!" she screams. "Father, this has gone way too far."
"I'm doing all of this for us," Zayn says gently.
"I never wanted you to do this! I only wanted your love and time," she knows exactly what she must do as she picks up Aaron's bow and arrow.
"Grace, what are you doing? Please, you're just overwhelmed," he says, stepping back.
"I said, don't move!" Grace screams louder. "I can't have you terrorizing this world anymore." Finally, she shoots the arrow piercing through her father's skull. The force is so strong; it passes and shoots through Demetrius' head as well, they both collapse. Grace is left all alone in this world of chaos. Overwhelmed, she stays still and falls asleep on the Ballroom floor.
The next morning, sun rays burst into Sonto as usual, but something has changed. Grace awakes and treads to the balcony. She squints at the bright sun but gasps as she witnesses what has become of her Province. Within a day's walk, all Grace can see is sand. As if Sonto was the victim of a God-given consequence, all of the homes have been wiped out, the humans along with them. Grace turns to see the corpses of Estelle, Aaron, Demetrius, and her father are now gone. She falls to her knees, attempting to show mercy to this anonymous assassin. She prays. Uclipse is now in this twelve year olds sweet little hands.
She whispers two words. "What now?" Grace says, believing this may not be the end.

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