Chapter 15 ~ The First Task

I saw Cedric later that night. We never had time to sneak out of bed to see each other. He knew that I was stressing out over this whole tournament, especially when I found out about the dragons.

But Cedric was upset as well. He told me about the article that bitch wrote about Malfoy and I. He said that he was jealous and that he thought it was true. I told him not to worry about it and that it wasn't true, of course. But according to him, Cho had a thing for him. Cedric didn't want to go out with her, but sooner or later, he couldn't just blow her off. She would surely ask him why he said no when the time came.

For the entire week, I spent most of my nights with Cedric. We talked about the tournament, the article, and Cho. There was nothing else to talk about. The first task was coming up, and I was worried about getting killed. I was sure that Harry was worried as well. Neither of us wanted to die.

It was the night before the first task and I decided to meet up with Cedric that Friday. "Cedric, do you think this task will be dangerous like Dumbledore said?"

"Probably. That's what I'm worried about," he replied.

"I know. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"What if you're not? What if you..." I trailed off. I didn't have the guts to say the word 'killed.' It was just too painful.

"Don't talk like that. We're not going to die." He grabbed my face gently. "You're strong. We both are. All of us are gonna kick those dragon's arses." I laughed at his comment. He smiled at me. "I like it when you laugh. It's adorable." I smiled back then hid my face behind my hair. He tucked my hair behind my ear and pulled me closer. "You're beautiful. Don't listen to what anyone says about you and your brother."

I nodded. "I'm just sick of everyone hating us because we got in this stupid tournament."

He gave me a hug, holding me close to him. "You and I both know that they're talking rubbish. You shouldn't let them get to you like this. It might be the death of you."

"I know. I try not to think about it, but they really hurt, Cedric. They really do."

He kissed me on the lips. I kissed back without hesitation. When I kissed him, everything else went away. He always made me forget about my problems. It wasn't like I was using him to escape my life. Even though we both knew that my life was messed up.

I was still crying when I pulled away from the kiss. Cedric gently wiped my tears. "Don't cry, love."

"I'm sorry," I sniffled.

"It's okay. I know you're stressed out over this tournament. I am, too. Everything will be okay, I promise."

I nodded in reply. "I need to go back. I can't be tired while trying to defeat a bloody dragon."

Cedric chuckled, then gave me a peck on the lips. "Well, then, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, beautiful."

I smiled up at him. "Good night, handsome." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, then headed on the other direction towards the Hufflepuff Basement. I waited until he was out of sight before I headed the other way. I started smiling like an idiot until I cut the next corner and ran into a pair of grey eyes staring at me. "Must you always stalk me, Malfoy?"

"What are you doing out of bed, Potterette?"

"I could ask you the same question," I snapped.

"You really are a bitch, you know that?"

"And you're really an arse, you know that?"

"That's why you're in love with me, right? You know, since you told Rita Skeeter that we were a couple."

I rolled my eyes at him and threw my hands up in the air out of frustration. "I didn't say that! I hate you, you hate me, right? That's how it's supposed to be!"

Malfoy didn't reply. He just stared at me in shock. "You don't know anything about me or who I hate in this school. If I hated you, then I wouldn't have helped you all those times over the summer." He turned around to walk away, but then he turned back around and looked at me. "You know, you really should control that mouth of yours." Then he walked away again. This time, he didn't turn around.

I walked back to my dorms that night, thinking about what Malfoy said. For the first time ever, I wanted to apologize to him.


When I woke up the next morning, I was shaking. My palms were sweaty, my face felt hot, and my eyes looked red. I cried myself to sleep last night. I bet Harry woke up in better shape than I did.

"Morning, Max," Hermione greeted me. That was when I broke down and she came rushing by my side on the floor. "Max! Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Get Harry," I told her.

Hermione nodded and ran out of the dorms. I didn't care if he wasn't allowed in here. I didn't care if he got in trouble for it. I just wanted him to hug me and tell me that everything was going to be all right and that nothing bad was going to happen to us. Even though Cedric told me that last night, it was different when I heard it from Harry.

I heard footsteps come in and I knew it was Harry. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body against his, holding me tight. "Shh, Max. It's okay. Don't cry, it's okay."

He knew what I was crying about. The first task was today. We were both scared, but Harry wasn't showing it like I was. I couldn't believe I was actually crying over it. I bet Harry couldn't believe I was crying over it. But he understood me. So I had the right to cry in front of him. Because I knew he would never leave me.

"I didn't think the tournament would get to me like this," I told him. "I feel so stupid."

"You're not stupid," he replied. "You're just stressed out. I get it. I'm stressed out, too."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For crying like this."

Harry chuckled a little bit. "You have the right to cry. Just relax, get dressed, and I'll meet you downstairs, okay?"

I nodded and Harry left the room so I could change. I got into what I was supposed to wear and went downstairs to meet Harry. We were wearing matching outfits, which I thought was pretty cool.

"You look nice," he commented.

"Thanks. I thought it was fitting to fight a dragon."

He nodded. "Makes sense."

The walk down was nothing but us strategizing for today. When we got to the Great Hall, it got quiet. Everyone was staring at us. It was creepy and awkward all at once. There was no response to it.

"Well, this is awkward," I whispered.

"Let's just keep walking," Harry whispered back.

We started walking towards our usual spot with Ron and Hermione. We were still going to sit over there, despite Ron being mad at us. I was still upset that he called me a slut.

"Hey, guys," Hermione said.

"Hey," Harry replied back.

"You two nervous?"

"A little. I think Max is more nervous than I am." Harry looked at my shaking hands as I tried to pick up my juice. Harry grabbed my cup and put it back down on the table.

"You two need to just relax. You have nothing to worry about." Hermione gave us a weak smile.

"I sure hope she's right," I whispered to Harry.

We left early to go get ready for the first task. We walked with Cedric on the way down to the tents. Of course, Harry felt awkward and it was funny. We tried to include him in our conversation, but nothing came out of his mouth. I felt bad because he didn't have a girlfriend yet and he was alone.

Fleur and Viktor were already by the tents that were set up for us. Harry and Cedric left me so I could be alone before we started this stupid task.

"Don't get killed, Potterette!" I turned around to see Malfoy and his crew, snickering at me.

I went up to him, dodging all the people that were heading in the opposite direction of me. I finally got up to them. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

He raised his eyebrows at me, then he looked at his friends. When they went by me, they all gave me a dirty look. After they left, Malfoy sighed. "Okay, what is it?"

"I wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't mean to say all those things. I just find it weird that whenever I'm out of bed, so are you. Why is that?"

"What I do is none of your business, Potterette, and it's obvious that it's you who's following me around at night. All because you're in love with me."

"Love? Did I hear the word love?!" Shit. It was the sound of Rita Skeeter's voice from behind me. "Oh, it is love! Maxine Potter and Draco Malfoy are standing right before me!"

Malfoy's eyes just about popped out from their sockets, and I just stood there while my blood started to boil. "We're not a couple!" Malfoy shouted.

She came up to us and slammed us into each other. "Now, look like you're in love!"

Of course, we were both just standing there. But things got even more awkward when Malfoy grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. That was not the reaction I was hoping to get. I was hoping he would push me away, but he didn't. I started to get the feeling that Malfoy...never mind. It was too gross to talk about.

I saw a flash go off in the corner of my eye. "That was perfect! Now kiss her!"

"What?!" Malfoy and I said at the same time.

I pushed him away from me and started heading down to the tents. That bitch! That monster! Ugh, I hated her.

When I went into the main tent, everyone was walking around. They all looked tense, especially Harry. I saw him go over towards the end of the tent. Then, I saw Hermione pop out of nowhere and hug him. Then, I saw another flash go off.

"Young love!" Ew. She was here again. "How...stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page! Next to your sister, of course, Harry."

"You have no business here!" Viktor Krum spoke up. "This tent is for champions and friends."

Rita looked shocked for a moment. But then she grinned at him. "No matter. We've got what we wanted." Then, she strutted into a little corner.

"Good day, champions! Gather around, please." Dumbledore, Igor, Maxine, Barty, and Filch all came in. "Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore noticed Hermione was here. After she left, Barty came forward with a bag in his hand.

It was explained to us that each dragon had a number around its neck, indicating who would go first. He pointed the bag at Fleur, wanting her to put her hand in there. She did as she was told and pulled out a miniature dragon. "The Welsh Green," Barty told her. Fleur looked at the dragon in awe, then at the number two it had around its neck. Next, it was Krum's turn. He pulled out a dragon with the number three. "Ooh, the Chinese Fireball." Cedric was next. "The Swedish Short-Snout." The dragon had the number one around its neck. Now, it was us. Harry looked at me and I motioned him to do it. He did and we got the last dragon with a four around the neck. It was the one that we saw the other night. "The Hungarian Horntail."

Harry was already quivering with fear. Dumbledore looked at us, worried.

"These represent four very real dragons each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple: Collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?"

The tent was silent. Then, Dumbledore spoke again. "Very well. Good luck, champions. Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may--"


We jumped at the sound of the cannon. Looked like Filch set it off too early. All the adults left the tent while Cedric was getting ready to go out there. My eyes were beginning to water as he turned around at me. Cedric ran towards me and slammed his lips on mine. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you." After that, he left the tent.

I started to cry again. That was when Harry pulled me into his arms. I was not ready to defeat that bloody dragon.


Harry and I were the last ones. It took me a while to stop crying, but I was still nervous. Harry looked tense, so I didn't try talking to him. We sat on the bed in silence. We both wanted to run. This was not what we wanted. We didn't want another death wish while we were here.

"This is it," I spoke up.

"Yeah," he replied, nodding his head.



"Me, too."

"We can do this."

"I know."

Just then, Dumbledore's voice was heard. "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task! And now, our fourth and final contestants!"

Harry looked at me. "You ready?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

He nodded back and stood up. I stood up as well, then he gave me a hug. He thought it would be our last hug. He held me tightly, not wanting to let go. I didn't want to let go either. But then, he pulled away and we headed out.

Everyone was chanting our names. After all the hate we had been through, they were cheering for us now. It got quiet after a few seconds, and neither of us knew what to do now. That was when Harry spotted the egg. He started walking towards the egg when a tail came pounding down at him.

"Harry!" I shouted.

He jumped in time, thank Merlin. But the dragon looked mad, and that was when the fire started coming. Harry ran away quickly, making me feel relieved. But the dragon spotted me. There was more fire this time, but I quickly stopped it, using a spell that shot water out. I saw Harry go behind a rock.


"Max, behind you!"

I turned around and saw its tail coming down at me. I jumped in time, but I fell to the ground. The dragon started swinging his tail everywhere, flinging Harry in the air, and the bloody thing almost crushing my arm.

"Your wand, you two! Your wand!" I heard Hermione shout.

"Oh, shit! My wand! Accio Firebolt!" I shouted the first spell that came into mind. The one that brought me my broom. Harry did the same thing, but he realized what we had just done.

"We're not allowed to use our brooms!"

I shrugged and focused back on the dragon. It was coming after us. I knew I had to hold it off longer until my broom showed up. I hid behind a rock that was beside Harry.

"I think I hear our brooms," he told me.

"You're right. I see them."

I started heading after it, but Harry pulled me back when he saw the dragon was about to breathe more fire. I quickly ran from my spot and jumped on my broom. Everyone was cheering for me. The dragon was chasing after me while Harry was on its tail. I tried to reach for the egg, but the dragon's fire got me. I screamed at the pain that came to me on my left arm. We flew out of the field and noticed that the dragon was chained.

I laughed out loud. "Stupid dragon!" I regretted saying that when the bloody creature broke free. My smile turned into an 'o' shape. "Oh, shit."

We started flying with that thing on our arses. I was following Harry, who had no idea where he was going.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

We almost ran into the castle, but we quickly flew to our left. The dragon almost took my broom off and we headed in between towers. We turned around and didn't see the dragon anymore. But once we circled a tower, there the dragon was, waiting for us. The dragon's tail caused us to get knocked off by our brooms and onto the roof, where we were sliding down fast. We started screaming for our lives.

Harry managed to catch onto a handle, but I was not so lucky. I fell farther down than Harry did. I managed to grab a handle that was not stable. However, I spotted our brooms. I was planning to use my wand again, but it was somewhere that I couldn't reach it without using both hands.


"Harry! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Do you see our brooms down there?"

"Yes, but I can't reach them."

The Horntail spotted us and was coming towards us. It was tearing the roof. I saw Harry falling past me, where our brooms were at. His feet broke off from the platform, leaving him to hang on for dear life.

"Harry!" I shouted. "Hold on, Harry! I'm coming!" That was when I did something stupid.

I let go.

As I fell, the Horntail's claws caught my cloak. My feet were right over our brooms. Harry had a hold of one of them and was trying to get it, but my cloak got torn from the dragon's claws, and we both began to fall.

As we were falling, I grabbed my broom and hopped onto it, flying by Harry's side, and into the fog. We started flying everywhere, making it less easy for him to catch us. The creature tried to bite Harry's broom, but the dragon ran into the bridge and fell into the abyss below us.

"Holy shit," I gasped. "We won."

Harry started laughing in relief. Then, I started laughing. Soon, we were both laughing. We headed back to the field, where everyone was waiting for us. Once everyone saw us, the entire field was cheering for us. Hermione looked like she was about to cry, and Ron was standing beside her, cheering as well. I went over towards the egg and grabbed it.

Once we were on our feet again, I immediately hugged Harry. I wasn't just happy that we won. I was also happy because we were still alive.

A/N: Hi everyone!

So I made this chapter longer than normal because I owe y'all a long chapter after not updating for almost a month. Sorry about that. I was just too lazy to write, lol, and sorry that there isn't much Drax in here. I think some Cedrax need to be in here also. But I hope you like this chapter!

Sooooo how do you think everyone will react to Draco and Max's picture? How do you think Cedric will react? Harry? And are you Team Cedrax or Drax?

So COMMENT, vote, and please motivate me to post the next chapter. Lol, bye for now!

