"Can you believe we're actually going to have an entire weekend alone? I mean when was the last time that happened?" Alice wonders aloud as she and FP finish packing their suitcase.

"Hmm... never?" He smirks at her. "I'm glad we're getting the chance to do this. It'll be good for us."

"You can say that again."

He zips up the suitcase and walks over to her, taking her face in his hands. "You know what we're going to do this weekend?" She shakes her head. "Absolutely nothing." He whispers with a grin, leaning his head down to capture her lips.

"Mmmm, that sounds great." She mumbles, deepening the kiss and pulling him down as she lays back.

He pulls away from her lips and she lets out a whine of protest. "We've got all weekend to do this," he points out, leaning closer to whisper in her ear. "And we don't have to be quiet about it either."

His words send goosebumps all over her body and she shivers. "The people in the room beside us are going to call in a noise complaint."

"Well I'll just have to find a way to keep you quiet." He nips at her earlobe and she laughs.

"Oh me, huh? You're not exactly quiet either, mister." He smiles. "But I am curious to know how you plan on keeping me quiet."

"Well the sooner we get out of here, the sooner I can show you."

"I'll have the beef tenderloin, and she'll have the carbonara." FP orders for the two of them.

She had scoured the menu for a long while, all of it looking so incredibly delicious, before eventually making a decision. Not only had FP sprung for the best hotel room, he also made reservations at a fancy restaurant for them, pulling out all the stops to make this the best weekend possible.

Of course, she would of been content just ordering room service and watching some overpriced paper-view movie in bed with him. However, she's definitely not complaining. It's been a while since she's had an excuse to dress up, and seeing FP looking so dapper in a crisp button up and some well fitting dress pants, had affected her more than she cared to admit.

"What are you thinking about, baby?" FP asks, pulling her out of her daze when his hand reaches for hers.

"Oh nothing, just in la la land." She gives his hand a squeeze and he smiles at her. "And maybe about how good you look. We should really dress up more often."

He chuckles. "I'm game. You look gorgeous, of course, that's true no matter what you're wearing."

"Even when I'm wearing pyjamas?"

"Well considering your pyjamas lately have consisted of just my t-shirt, yes." He watches as her attention is captured by a waiter bringing a tray of desserts to a nearby table. "Do you want me to ask for a dessert menu?"

"What?" She questions, bringing her attention back to him.

He smiles. "You were practically salivating looking at those desserts."

"I was not." She protests.

"Fine, fine whatever you say. But I can ask for a dessert menu when our waiter comes back."

"Or we can order room service when we get back to the hotel. Maybe some ice cream, or brownies. Oh! Or, chocolate covered strawberries, and we can slip into a nice hot bath together, just let all our worries float away."

He smirks. "I was waiting for you to ask me to have a bath with you."

"Will you?" She asks with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah of course. When we get back to the hotel, I'll start up the bath for us and you can order whatever you want from room service."

"Leaving a pregnant woman in charge of room service? That's brave."

He raises an eyebrow at her. "My appetite is insatiable, I think I'm smart leaving you in charge of dessert."

"After the bath, I just want to get in bed and sleep, I'm exhausted lately." She thinks for a moment. "Well actually, I want to do something else before we go to sleep but that can be done in the bed."

He smirks. "Well you already know I have zero complaints there. But you look so good I don't know if I'll make it until after the bath."

"Well who says the bath has to be completely PG? There's plenty of fun we can get up to." She smiles as his cheeks blush. "My hormones are a little crazy right now."

"Again," he says. "Zero complaints. I'm all yours."

"Look what I've got!" Alice sings out as she walks into the bathroom, looking so incredibly beautiful to him. She had taken off her makeup and tied her hair up when they got back from the restaurant, and slipped into her robe. So simple but yet it drives FP wild. Everything about her drives him wild.

He turns his attention away from the bathtub and sees a plate of chocolate covered strawberries in her hands. He smiles. "Those look great."

"Taste great too, I may have already snuck a couple." She picks one up as she walks over to him, and presses it to his lips, giving him a bite.

"I think we should've ordered two plates, those are delicious."

She smirks. "Already ahead of you, there's a second plate in the mini fridge, thought it would be a nice midnight snack." She sets the plate down on the stool FP had set by the tub and turns back to him, toying with the waistband of his sweatpants. "How's our bath coming along?"

"Just about ready, I just poured in some bath salts, I know you like those. I just don't know if I poured in too much or not, guess we'll find out."

"It's the thought that counts, and I'm sure you did a great job. I mean, just look at the effort you put in." It's true, he wanted to make it as relaxing as possible for her, so he threw some flower petals in the water and lined the edge of the tub with candles.

"You deserve it," he tells her. "You've been so exhausted lately, I wanted to do something special for you."

"And whisking me away on a weekend getaway wasn't special enough?" She teases.

"I'd give you the moon and stars if I could, Al. You deserve everything." She casts her gaze downwards and he frowns. "Are you alright, babe? Did I do something?"

"No, you're just really sweet, it's going to make me cry and I don't want to cry."

He laughs and pulls her into a bear hug, pressing kisses to the top of her head. "I'm sorry."

"You're amazing, you know that? I couldn't ask for a better man to share my life with."

"Now you're gonna end up making me cry." He teases, and he leans his head down to brush his lips against hers. "Let's get in the bath." He whispers, pulling on the sash of her robe, and letting it fall to the floor.

He kicks off his sweatpants and offers her his hand so she can step into the water. He slips into the bath behind her and pulls her back to rest against his front, feeling her body immediately relax against his. "This feels amazing." Alice sighs contently, the warm water soothing her sore muscles and whisking her away to complete relaxation.

"Agreed." He curls his arms around her middle and rests his hands on her bump, rubbing it slowly. "She sleeping in there?"

"At the moment, yes. Though, I'm sure she'll be up and kicking at three a.m like usual."

He laughs. Lately the baby has seemed to enjoy waking up in the middle of the night and kicking to try and gather someone's attention. Which either of them would be happy to give her, if it wasn't the middle of the night. "Well hopefully she doesn't keep you up."

"I've learned pretty quickly to sleep through her little kicking parties. I think she knows you're around and she expects attention."

"Well I do spoil her with attention on the daily." He agrees. Alice is silent for a few moments, deep in thought. "What are you thinking about, honey?"

"I think we should tell the kids soon." She tells him, her voice unsure.

"You do?"

She nods. "I mean Jellybean's already suspicious, and since Betty and Jughead still hate us we might as well just give them more reason to." He sighs and strokes her arms. The kids not speaking to them has been weighing heavily on her. "It's getting harder to hide, she growing like a weed."

FP rubs her stomach absentmindedly, taking in her words. "Why don't we do it when we get home?" He suggests. "We can tell them over dinner. I'll break the news if you want."

"You will?"

"Yeah of course."

She's quiet again. "I'm scared to tell them."

"I know you are, baby. But we've just gotta believe that everything will work out. They're not going to hate us forever."

"Sometimes it feels that way."

"I know." He frowns and presses a kiss to her temple, tightening his arms around her. "Let's not think about it right now, we can talk about it more when we get home."

"You're right." She sighs, running her fingertips up and down his arms.

"No matter how it goes, I back you one hundred percent. I'm there for you and our daughter no matter how the kids react."

"I love you so much." She tells him quietly. "I really don't deserve you."

"I love you so much more, Al. Always have, always will."
