Chapter 4

"All might!! You.. are here! Haha ha!" she laughed nervously scrambling to stand up. Although with the weight of his stare, she felt like the action was much harder than usual.

"Yes. I am here! Why are you here?" He said pointedly. His eyebrows were furrowed and she noticed the sharp stare that followed her every move. She moved a little back since he looked utterly terrifying from the angle she was in. 

Okay still terrifying no matter where I stand..! 

"I am here because.. um.. I.. there is s-something important we should t-talk about and y-you are always.. not available." 

During her talk they had entered a sort of slow cat and mouse where she would take a couple of steps back and he would take one step forward that somehow matched them all.

"Hmm, and?" he asked putting his hands on his waist. "You thought sneaking in was the way to do it?" He was unreadable and she had no idea what he was thinking. Which.. made her all the more nervous.

"YES!" her voice came out louder than she expected. She cleared her throat again taking a couple of steps back. Again, her steps were followed by his. "Ehem.. yes that is.. um.. what I.. uh.. th-thought. So," she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, "Can we t-talk?"

He raised an eyebrow chuckling, "You are one of the weirdest villains I met, you know that?" This time he started walking towards her squarely and she understood what was happening.

"Waitwaitwaitwait!" She ran as far away as possible, "This is a s-s-simple misunderstanding. I am not a v-v-v-v-villain!!"

"Sneaking into my towers, unauthorized use of quirk, and I never saw you in my life." He counted them on his hands before reaching out to her in which she panicked.

"I know it sounds bad but I'm really not a villain!!" She squeaked before his hand was gripping her arm. Shit shit shit! Shouldn't he even listen to me first? "Lemmegoooo!!" She struggled against his hand and when she looked up, she felt her words get stuck in her throat.

"C'mon. We can talk about it at the police station." Shit shit shit!

"IT'S ABOUT YOUR MASTER!" She screamed it as he dragged her to the roof opening making him halt in his footsteps. He froze as if she struck him. "H-her grandson." He looked back at her his smile nowhere near and that near freaked her out. "I'm not lying! I-it's Shimura Nana's grandson.." She took a deep breath as he slowly let go of her hand, "..and I need your help."

Keira felt like the sofa was going to swallow her. It was huge. Everything was huge here. The living room looked like the size of her whole apartment. The number one hero had gone to who knows where and left her sitting there twiddling her thumbs. A tea was placed in front of her before he sat in front of her.

"From villain to guest, nice."

"Well.. You did drop the bomb on me." He tried to lighten the mood but with the mention of his master, Keira knew that would be a failed attempt.

"Okay let's get to the point then.." She sipped from the tea relaxing a bit before starting. "My name is Shane Keira. I am.." How to say you're not from this world?? "..nevermind.. I recently stumbled upon Shimura Tenko. Now, due to certain reasons, I know a huge villain will be after him because I ruined his plans. I'm probably on the hitlist as well, Joy! Since he is the grandson of Shimura Nana, I thought you would definitely help." She hesitated before peeking at him, "I am right.. right?"

He looked shocked and after a few seconds he plopped back on the couch and took a moment to process. "Oh shit! Did I break him?!" she muttered but he heard her.

"I am.. processing!" she jumped at his exclamation before scrambling all the way backwards when he was suddenly right beside her holding her hands. "If what you're saying is the truth.." his eyes widened and she didn't know if she imagined it or not, but he muttered "Master.."

"Um, yes.. so will you help?" she didn't mean for her voice to sound meek but the truth was, if he didn't accept, he would probably drag her as a villain. He looked at her, "Is young Tenko with you?" She nodded frantically. "I want to see him."

"Absolutely! So you're gonna help!?" she grinned. He nodded his smile returning a bit although he still looked shocked. "Okay let's go now! The hotel is right beside Might towers!"

"The hotel?"

"Oh yeah. We live in Musutafu so It was one hell of a roadtrip haha.." she laughed standing up after taking one last sip of the tea. She started walking only to remember, "Oh silly me." She closed her eyes not noticing All might who raised his eyebrows watching curiously. His eyes widened when her white wings suddenly disappeared as if they were never there.

"Okay let's go!" she smiled at him and he nodded following her. They went out of the penthouse and to the elevators. She chuckled, "Oh man this is much better than the roof thing.." She cleared her throat laughing nervously at the hero who raised an eyebrow.

The blonde hero was abnormally silent the whole way. Apparently it was a big shock or he still didn't believe her. Anyways, Keira didn't worry. After all she wasn't lying. They went out of the building towards the hotel. It was a five minute walking distance. Thankfully, the reception was empty and she quickly went to the elevators with All might following her silently. The doors closed and she looked at herself in the mirror trying to ignore the giant man beside her. 

Her hair was hidden under a cap and her eyes shadowed a bit. It was her attempt at hiding her identity while sneaking to might towers. Speaking of which.. This is so surreal.. Can't believe I'm in an elevator with ALL MIGHTTTTT!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! On the outside, Keira was happy her fangirling was not showing at all save for a smile that was stuck on her face. Even though she dimmed it down a bit, it was stuck there. Must be his aura or something..

They reached the room and she stopped in front of the door turning to him. "Now, he's sleeping so.." he nodded. She opened the door and almost screamed when a body collided with her legs.

"You're back." She could feel her pant legs getting wet. She stood stock still for a moment processing the little boy that flung himself at her. 

"Of course I'm back Tencchan.. Why wouldn't I.. be?" she trailed off before sighing in understanding. She knelt down prying him away and putting her hands on his shoulders. 

"Hey. I'm not going anywhere 'kay?" She smiled at him ruffling his hair as he dried his tears. "And anyways, I brought.." she turned back with a grin to find empty space, "..uh.. might?" 

She blinked for a minute before shaking her head and turning back to Tenko. "Hey.. um why don't you.. uh go to bed Tencchan while I get your surprise okay?" He shook his head hugging her.

"Tencchan." He stayed buried in her shoulder. "Tenko." She faced him with her arms still around him, "I'm not leaving you okay." She smiled fondly, "You've grown on me kid.. I won't go. Now, I.. uh.. have a surprise for you behind the door. I was going to show you when you woke up but now that you're.. um.. awake. I'll just get it ready real quick okay?" He looked at her before nodding and slowly reluctantly letting go. She gave him a thumbs up before going out of the door. 

She looked left and right but nothing greeted her exce-- "Psst, I am here!" the whisper made her jump yelping frantically looking around before looking up and almost screaming.

"What are you doing on the ceiling?!" she whisper-shouted as he dropped to the ground nimbly. Wow, he's really flexible.. She shook her head, "I thought I'd give you a minute since young Tenko looked scared." She nodded.

"Logical. Okay.. How about you meet him tomorrow then? We can come to might towers.." He nodded before looking at her clearly. He still couldn't see her features from the cap. "Shane-san. Can you take off your cap?"

She raised an eyebrow, "What about my villain identity?" she laughed before clearing her throat realizing he probably still didn't trust her. "Ehem.. sorry.. yeah, sure." 

She took off her cap and her short black curls dropped to her shoulders, her bangs covering part of her face. Her grey eyes were now on full display. She smiled cheekily at him, "Do I look pretty?" Oh God, I am on a roll today.. She internally face palmed and her cheeky smile faltered when his mouth went into an 'O' shape and his eyes widened taking her in.

"Anyways.." she waited for him to say anything but he stood frozen. 

"..okay then.. uh.. see you.. tomorrow!" 

She took an awkward side step before fidgeting and then nodding at him and closing the door behind her. 
